Growing Guide for Hepatica

Hepatica Plant Care Today I went out my back door and noticed that one of my rosebushes was, unexpectedly, sporting a fresh new flower bud.  It was within a day or so of opening up–small, greenish and obviously defiant of the season.  The bud was an oddity on a rosebush that is itself an oddity.  When I bought the small […]

Using annual flowers for quick color

When you want lots of color quickly, flowers to cut by the armful and bloom all summer, you want annuals. For earliest possible bloom, sow seeds indoors, then transplant-or buy started plants in May. But you’ll still get plenty of flowers if you wait till the danger of frost is past and sow the seed of quick-growing varieties where you […]

Keeping Lawns Weed Free

A few years ago weeds were a major lawn problem. Today, however, it is no longer necessary to spend hours of back-breaking labor pulling and digging trouble-some weeds. The use of selective lawn week killers such as Ortho Weed-B-Gon or Lilly-Miler, takes the drudgery out of lawn weeding. Dandelions, common plaintain, buckhorn, thistle, wild carrot and over 80 other broadleaf […]