Growing Guidance for Salvia Plant

From the Latin salveo, meaning save or heal, used by Pliny with reference to the medicinal qualities of some species (Labiatae). A large genus of over 700 species of hardy, half-hardy and tender annual, biennial, perennial plants and shrubs, some with aromatic leaves, widely distributed in the temperate and warmer zones. It includes the common sage, S. officinalis, a valuable […]

Using Herbs in the kitchen

Many years ago herbs were considered invaluable; they cost dearly to buy and were very difficult to find.  Yet now, herb plants can be grown by seed offered by mail order, plants can be purchased practically everywhere and fresh-cut and dried culinary herbs at the local grocery store. So why all the fuss you ask?  Herbs are making their way […]

SALVIA – Sage, Annual Flower Information

SALVIA – Sage (The Latin name used by Pliny meaning safe, referring to the medicinal properties) It is unnecessary to describe the Scarlet Sage which is now much planted in some sections of the United States. There is no question regarding its growth or its blooming qualities, but in some cities its hot color is seen on so many streets […]

Salvia – Sage, Perennials Guide to Planting Flowers

Saliva – Sage LIGHT BLUE SALVIAS. Salvia Azurea grandiflora. This species is one of great beauty, bearing light azure colored flowers in great profusion upon tall, slender spikes. The plants grow from 3 feet to 4 feet tall and bloom from August until frost. S. farinaceaclosely resembles the former species, except that the calyx ; enclosing the flowers is a […]

Herbs, Perennials Guide to Planting Flowers

Herbs The home gardener can derive a genuine pleasure in growing herbs when they supply so many of one’s wants. This is especially true of a housewife who has her own kitchen garden. CULINARY HERBS Borage (Borago officinalis). The large leaves have a fragrant odor and add greatly when served with Lettuce in salads. The leaves are sometimes boiled like […]