Easy Houseplant – Bowstring Hemp

Bowstring hemp is also known by other common names such as the scary “viper’s bowstring hemp” or “snake plant”, the unflattering “mother-in-laws-tongue”, or just its genus name of sansevieria (said as “san-se-Veer-ee-ah) which I prefer.  They seldom flower indoors, being grown instead for their modernistic and upright leaves, low care, and tolerance to low light. Sansevierias prefer warm temperatures, and […]

5 Tips to Keep In Mind When Setting Up A Garden

Starting a garden is definitely one of the most exciting and rewarding experiences you can do. Whether you are starting a vegetable garden or planting fragrant floral, you can hugely benefit from getting your hands a bit dirty. Sure, Spring can be a good time to start growing and digging, but you can always start planning even before the snow […]