Trees and shrubs are farther down the list.

The "ˆ" stands for slow and irregular germination.

Variety        Type     Germ Days          G Temp  Media        Sow Depth 	Comments

Abarema        GP        7-56               70-75  Peaty           1/4" 	Scarify seed by rubbing 														between 2 pieces of emery 														paper.

Abelmoschus    HHA       15-30              75-80  Well drained    1/16" 	Soak 1 hour in lukewarm 														water before sowing.

Abutilon       HHSh      21-30          ˆ   70-80  Peaty           JC

Acacia         HHSh      21                 70-80  Well drained    1/16"	See No. 13. Soak in warm 														water for 4 hours.

Acaena         HP        30-100         ˆ   50-60  Well drained    1/4"

Acanthus       HP        21-25              50-55  Peaty           1/4".

Achillea       HP        30-100   L     ˆ   60-65  Well drained    S		Reduce soil temperature at 														night.

Achimenes      GP        21-30              65-75  Well drained    S		See No. 5. Seed is very 														small.

Acnistus       HHSh      21-42              55-65  Well drained    1/16"

Aconitum       HP        5-270    L     ˆ   55-60  Well drained    1/16"	See Nos. 6 & 14. Place 														in a fridge for 6 weeks.

Actaea         HP        30-365         ˆ   55-60  Well drained    JC		See No. 14. (Pre-chill 														for 6-8 weeks).

Actinidia      HP        60-90          ˆ   50     Well drained    1/8"		Male & Female 															flowers are borne on 															separate plants.

Adansonia      GSh       21-365         ˆ   70-80  Peaty           1/16"	Soak in hand hot water. See 														No. 13.

Adenanthera    GSh       30-90              70-75  Well drained    JC		See No. 13. Soak in 															hot water.

Adenium        GSh       7-14     L         65-70  Very well draineJC

Adenophora     HP        30-90          ˆ   50-55  Well drained    S

Adonis         HA, HP    30-120         ˆ   60-65  Well drained    JC

Aechmia        GP        7-90     L     ˆ   60-70  Peaty           S		See No. 5.         

Aethionema     HP        30-90          ˆ   60-65  Well drained    JC

Agapanthus     HHP       30-90              60-65  Well drained    JC

Agastache      HP        30-90              55     Well drained    1/16 "

Agave          GP        30-90    L     ˆ   55     Well drained    S

Ageratum       HHA       10-14    L         70-75  Well drained    S

Agrostemma     HA        14-21              55-65  Well drained    1/8"		Can be sown in situ

Alchemilla     HP        21-30              60-70  Well drained    1/8"

Allium         HBb       30-365   L         50     Well drained    JC		See No. 14. Place in fridge 														for 4 weeks.

Aloe           GP        30-180   L         70     Well drained    S

Alonsoa        HHA       14-21              60     Well drained    1/16"	Cover seed with silver sand.

Alpina         GP        30-90              70-75  Peaty           1/8"

Alstroemeria   HP        30-365         ˆ   65-70  Peaty           1/16"	See No. 13. Soak in warm 														water. Sow singly in pcrts.

Alyssum        HA        7-14     L         55-75  Peaty           S		Annuals can be sown in situ.

Amaranthus     HHA       10-15              70-75  Peaty           1/16"

Amaryllis      HHBb      21-70          ˆ   65-75  Peaty           1/16"  	Do not dry off in the first 														year after sowing.

Ammi           HHA       7-21               55-65  Well drained    1/16"

Ammobium       HHA       10-15              60     Well drained    1/16"

Anacampseros   GP        30-90    L     ˆ   65-70  Well drained    S

Anacyclus      HP        30-60    L     ˆ   55-60  Well drained    JC		See No. 14. (Pre-chill 														for 3 weeks.)

Anagallis      HHA       30-42              50-65  Well drained    1/8"

Anaphalis      HP        30-60              55-65  Well drained    JC

Anchusa        HA, HP    7-30               70     Well drained    1/16"	Can be sown in situ                 

Androsace      HP        30-365         ˆ   50-55  Well drained    S		See No. 16.        

Anemone        HP        28-180         ˆ   65-70  Well drained    JC		See No. 6.

Anemonopsis    HP        30-18O   L     ˆ   55-60  Well drained    S		Sow in lime free compost.

Anigozanthus   GP        30-90    L         60-65  Peaty           S		See No. 5.  

Anoda          HHA       14-21              55-65  Well drained    1/4"		Can be sown in situ

Antennaria     HP        30-69              55-60  Well drained    JC		Just cover with silver 														sand.

Anthemis       HP        0-14               70     Well drained    S

Anthericum     HP        30-90              50     Well drained    1/8"

Anthriscus     HP, HB    14-21              55-65  Well drained    1/4"		Usually sown in situ

Anthyllis      HP        30-60              50     Well drained    1/8"		See No. 13. Soak in 															warm water overnight.

Antigonon      GP        21-30              65-70  Well drained    JC

Antirrhinum    HHA       10-21    L         65-75  Peaty           S

Aphyllanthes   HP        21-56          ˆ   55-60  Peaty           JC

Aquilegia      HP        30-90    L     ˆ   65-75  Well drained    S		See No. 6 or 14. (Pre-chill 														for 3 weeks). Keep 															temperature below 70°F

Arabis         HP        20-25    L         70     Well drained    S		Can be sown in situ.

Arachis        GA        7-21               70-75  Peaty           1/4"		Sow, then place inside 														a polythene bag until 															germination.

Araujia        HHSh      90-180         ˆ   75-80  Well drained    JC

Arctotis       HHA       21-35              60-70  Well drained    JC

Ardisia        GSh       90-180             75     Well drained    1/4"

Arenaria       HP        15-30              55-65  Well drained    S

Argemone       HA        14                 65-70  Well drained    1/8"		Can be sown in situ

Arisaema       HP        30-180   L     ˆ   55-60  Well drained    JC

Aristea        GP        30-90          ˆ   55-60  Well drained    JC

Aristolochia   GSh       30-90          ˆ   75-85  Peaty           S		See No. 13. (Soak 48 hours 														in hand hot water).

Armeria        HP        14-21              60-70  Well drained    JC		See No. 13. (6-8 hours in hand hot water).

Arnica         HP        25-30              55     Well drained    JC		Likes an acid sandy soil.

Artemisia      HP        30-60    L         60-65  Well drained    S

Arum           HP        30-l80         ˆ   55-65  Peaty           1/8"

Aruncus        HP        30-90              55-65  Peaty           S

Asarina        HHP       14-21    L         65-70  Well drained    S

Asarum         HP        7-30               60-65  Well drained    1/16"	Sow as soon as possible.

Asclepias      GP, HP    30-90          ˆ   50-75  Peaty           1/16"	See No. 14. (Pre-chil for 3-														4 weeks).

Asparagus      GP        21-30              60-70  Peaty           1/4"		Soak then chip. See Nos. 12 and 13.

Asperula       HA        30-42    L         50     Well drained    1/16"	Can be sown in situ or No. 														14. (Pre-chill 2 weeks).

Asphodeline    HP        30             ˆ   70-75  Well drained    JC

Aster          HHA       10-14              65-70  Well drained    1/16"	Pre-chill perennial asters, 														see No. 14. (Pre-chill 2 														weeks).

Astilbe        HP        40-80              65     Peaty           S		See No. 5.         

Astrantia      HP        30-180   L     ˆ   55-65  Well drained    S		See   No. 14. (Pre-chill for 													4 weeks).

Atriplex       HA        9-21               50-55  Well drained    1/16"	Can be sown in situ

Atropa         HP        21-30              50     Well drained    1/16"

Aubrieta       HP        14-21    L         65-75  Well drained    S		See No. 5.         

Baileya        HHP       7-30               60-65  Well drained    JC

Balsamorrhiza  HP        14-42              60-65  Well drained    1/16"

Banana (Musa)  GP        7-180          ˆ   70-80  Peaty           1/2²		See No. 2.         

Banksia        HHSh      30-90          ˆ   65-70  Peaty           S		See No. 5.                 

Baptisia       HP        7-10               70-75  Well drained    1/4"		Soak then chip. See Nos. 13 														and 12.

Basil          HHA       7-10               60-70  Well drained    1/16"	Can be sown situ   

Bauhinia       GSh       21-42              75-85  Peaty           1/4"		See No. 13. (Soak 48 hours 														in hand hot water).

Beaufortia     HHSh      14-60    L         55-65  Peaty           S		See No. 5.         

Beaumontia     GSh       7-30               70-75  Peaty           1/16"

Begonia        HHP       15-60    L     ˆ   70-80  Peaty           S		See No. 5. Fibrous 70-75°F, 														tuberous 65-70°F.

Belamcanda     HP        14-60          ˆ   60-86  Well drained			See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 7 													days).

Bellis         HB        10-15    L         70     Peaty           1/16"	Reduce soil temperature at 														night.

Beloperone     GP        30-180   L     ˆ   70-75  Peaty           S		See No. 5.         

Bergenia       HP        30-180         ˆ   60-70  Peaty           S		See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 2 													weeks).

Berlandiera    HHP       30-90    L         60-70  Well drained    S

Beta           HB        14-21              55-65  Well drained    1/4"		Usually sown in situ.

Bignonia       GP        30-90          ˆ   60-70  Peaty           S

Billadiera     HHP       30-60              55     Sandy peat      JC

Billbergia     HHP       7-90     L         60-70  Peaty           S		See No. 5.         

Biscutella     HHA       14-21              55-65  Well drained    JC		Can be sown in situ.

Bixa           GT        30-180         ˆ   75-80  Peaty

Blandfordia    HHP       30-90+         ˆ   60-70  Sandy peat      JC

Bletilla       HHP       30-365   L     ˆ   65-70  Peaty           S		See No. 5.         

Boea           GP        20-60    L     ˆ   70-75  Peaty           S		See No. 5.         

Boronia        GSh       30-60    L         65-75  Peaty           S		See No. 5.         

Brachycombe    HHA       10-18              70     Well drained    JC

Brimeura       HBb       30-60          ˆ   60-65  Sandy peat      JC

Bromeliads     GP        7-90     L     ˆ   60-70  Peaty           S		See No. 5.         

Browellia      GP        14-21    L         75     Peaty           S		See No. 5.         

Brunfelsia     GP        30-90          ˆ   70-80  Well drained    JC

Bulbinella     H/HHBb    30-90          ˆ   55     Well drained    JC

Bupthalmum     HP        14-30    L         70-75  Well drained    S

Cacti          GP        5-180    L     ˆ   75-80  Peaty           S		See No. 9.         

Caesalonia     HhSh      14-120         ˆ   75-80  Well drained    1/4"		See No. 13. (Soak 48 hours 														in hand hot water).

Calandrinia    HHA       5-14               55-60  Well drained    1/8"		Can be sown in situ

Calceolaria    GB        14-21    L     ˆ   65-75  Peaty           S		Outdoor varieties keep 														temperature below 60°F.

Calendula      HA        10-14    D         70     Any             1/4"		Can be sown in situ, or 														autumn for winter greenhouse 													flowers.

Calibanus      GP        30-120   L     ˆ   70-80  Peaty           S

Calliopsis     HA        14                 60-65  Well drained    1/8"		Can be sown in situ

Callirhoe      HP        30-180+  L     ˆ   50     Well drained    S		Can be sown in situ or a 														cold frame.

Callistemon    HHSh      14-60    L         55-65  Peaty           S		See No. 5.         

Caltha         HP        30-90          ˆ   55-60  Peaty           1/16"	Keep compost slighty moist.

Camassia       HBb       30-180         ˆ   55-60  Well drained    1/16"

Campanula      HP, HB    14-28    L         60-70  Peaty           S		See No. 5.         

Campsis        HHSh      30-90          ˆ   70-75  Well drained    S		See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 2 													months).

Canarina       GP        30-180         ˆ   65-75  Well drained    JC

Candytuft      HA, HP    10-15              68-85  Well drained    1/4"		Can be sown in stiu. 															Perennials (60-65°F) can be 														slow and irregular.

Canna          HHP       21-60          ˆ   70-75  Peaty           1/4"		See Nos 12 & 13, chip and soak for 48 hours.

Capsicum       GA        21-30    L         70-75  Peaty           S                 

Cardiocrinum   HBb       90-730         ˆ   50     Peaty           1/16"	See No. 6.         

Cardiospermum  HHA       21-30              65-70  Well drained    1/2"

Carica         GSh       30-120         ˆ   75     Peaty           1/8"		See No. 13. (Soak for 40 hours).

Carlina        HP        30-60    L         55-60  Well drained    S

Carthamus      HA        12-18              55-65  Well drained    1/4"		Can be sown in stiu

Cassia         GSh       7-90               70-75  Well drained    1/8"		See No. 12.        

Casuarina      GT        30-90              65     Well drained    JC

Catananche     HP        21-25              65-75  Well drained    1/16"

Catharanthus   GA/HHA    15-20    D         70-75  Peaty           1/8"

Celosia        GA        10-15    L         70-75  Well drained    JC     	Do not sow too early - likes 													warm bouyant conditions.

Centaurea      HP, HA    7-14     D         60-70  Well drained    1/16"

Centranthus    HP        21-30              60-70  Well drained    JC		Can be sown in situ.

Cephalaria     HP        21-60              55-65  Well drained    1/4"		Can be sown in situ.

Cephalilitrum  HHA       14-21              65-75  Well drained    JC

Cerastium      HP        5-10               60     Well  drained   1/16"

Ceratotheca    HHA       8-14               70-75  Well drained    1/8"

Cerinthe       HHA       7-14               60-65  Well  drained   1/16"	Can be sown in situ

Cheiranthus    HB        14-21              65-75  Well  drained   1/8"		Sow in a reserve bed, prick 														out 6" apart. Plant out in 														Oct.

Chelidonium    HP        30-365         ˆ   55-65  Well drained    1/8"		See No. 16.        

Chelone        HP        14-42              55-65  Well drained    1/16"	Needs good drainage.

Chiastophyllum HP        30-60              55     Well drained    S		Seeds very small.  

Chionodoxa     HBb       30-90          ˆ   55     Well drained    1/4"

Chlorogalum    HBb       30-90          ˆ   55-80  Well drained    1/8"		See No. 6.         

Chrysanthemum  HA, HP    10-18              60-70  Peaty           1/8"		Annuals can be sown in situ. 													HP's reduce temperature at 														night.

Cimicifuga     HP        30-365         ˆ   55-60  Well drained    1/16"

Cineraria      GP        14-21    L     ˆ   70     Well drained    JC

Cirrhopetalum  GP        30-180   L     ˆ   65-70  Well drained    S

Cirsium        HP        15-18              70-75  Well drained    1/8"

Cissus         GSh       30-180         ˆ   70-75  Well drained    JC

Cladanthus     HA        30-35              70-75  Well drained    JC

Clarkia        HA        21                   -    Well drained    1/4"		Best sown in situ, as 															sturdier plants are 															produced.

Claytonia      HA        14-21              65-70  Well drained    1/8"

Clematis       HP        30-270+        ˆ   70-75  Well drained    1/8"		See Nos. 6 & 16.   

Cleome         HHA       10+14    L         70-75  Well drained    S		See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 2 													weeks).

Clerodendrum   GSh       21-60          ˆ   70-75  Well drained    1/8"

Clianthus      GSh       14-42              65-70  Well drained    1/16"	See No. 13.        

Clintonia      HP        30-90              55-60  Sandy peat      JC		Keep compost always just moist.

Clitoria       GP        15-20              70-75  Well drained    1/16"	See Nos. 12 and 13. (Chip and soak for 24 hours).

Clivia         GP        7-21               80-85  Peaty           1/4"		Sow immediately. See No. 3.

Cobaea         HHA       21-30              70-75  Well drained    1/16"	Stick the seed vertically into the compost.

Coccoloba      GSh       10-21              65-70  Well drained    1/4"		See No. 13. (Soak for 24 hours).

Codonopsis     HP        7-42     L         60-70  Slighty acid    S

Coffea         GSh       42-56    L         75     Peaty           S		See No. 2. (Soak for 48 hours).                 

Colchicum      HBb       30-365         ˆ   55-65  Peaty           1/8"		See No. 16.        

Coleus         HHP       10-20    L         65-75  Peaty           S		Indoors, likes to be warm with plenty of bright light.

Collinsia      HHA       14-21                -    Well drained    1/4"		Best sown in situ, thin out to 6'.

Collomia       HA        21                   -    Well drained    1/8"		Best sown in situ, thin out to 6".

Columnea       GP        30-120   L     ˆ   72-75  Peaty           S

Commelina      HHP       30-37              70     Well drained    1/8"

Conophytum     GP        10-40    L     ˆ   75-80  Well drained    S

Convallaria    HP        60-365+  L     ˆ   50-60  Well drained    JC		See No. 16.        

Convolvulus    HA        5-14               70-80  Well drained    1/8"		Chip (12) or soak (13) the seeds.

Cordyline      GP        30-90              75-80  Peaty           1/16"	See No. 13. (Soak for 10 minutes in hand hot water).

Coreopsis      HP        20-25    L         55-70  Well drained    S		Annuals can be sown In situ

Correa         HHSh      30-90          ˆ   65-72  Well drained    JC

Cortaderia     HP        14-21    L         60-75  Peaty           S		See No. 5.         

Corydalis      HP        30-60    L         50-60  Well drained    S

Cosmos         HHA       5-10               68-86  Well drained    1/8"		Can be sown in situ

Cotula         HHA       14-42              50     Well drained    1/16"

Crambe         HP        21-42                -    Well drained    1/2"		Best sown In situ. 

Craspedia      HHA       14-30              70-75  Peaty           1/8"		Can be sown in situ.

Crepis         HA        5-14               70-80  Wed drained     JC

Crocosmia      HP        30-90              55-60  Well drained    1/16"

Crocus         HBb       30-180         ˆ   55-65  Well drained    1/8"

Crossandra     GP        25-30    L     ˆ   75-80  Peaty           S		See No. 5.         

Crotalaria     GSh       21-30              65-75  Well drained    1/16"	See No. 13. (Soak for 2 hours)

Cryptostegia   GCI       30-90          ˆ   65-75  Well drained    1/16"	See No. 13. (Soak for 2 hours)

Cunonia        GSh       30-60              70-75  Peaty           1/16"

Cuphea         HHP       8-10     L         70     Peaty           S

Cyananthus     HP        14-60    L         60-65  Peaty           S		See No. 5.         

Cycad          GP        30-90          ˆ   70-75  Well drained			Half bury the seed lengthwise.

Cyclamen       GP        30-60    D     ˆ   55-60  Peaty           1/4"		Keep moist and in total darkness.

Cyclamen       HP        30-18O   D     ˆ   55-60  Peaty           1/4"		See No. 6.         

Cynara         HP        14-30              50-55  Well drained    1/8"		Can be sown In situ.

Cynoglossum    HA        5-10     D         65-75  Peaty           1/4"

Cyperus        HHP       25-30              70-75  Peaty           JC		Keep the compost slighty moist.

Cyphomandra    GP        20-25              70-75  Peaty           1/16"

Cyphostemma    GP        30-60          ˆ   70     Well drained    1/4"		See No. 13. (Soak for 2 hours).

Cypripedium    HP        30-365   L     ˆ   65-70  Peaty           S		See No. 5. Very difficuft outside the laboratory.

Cyrtanthus     GP        30-90          ˆ   55-65  Peaty           S		Keep the compost silghty moisty

Dahlia         HHA       5-20               65-70  Peaty           1/16"  	Do not let the compost dry out.

Darlingtonia   HP        30-90          ˆ   75-80  Peaty           S      	Do not let the compost dry out. See also No. 5.

Datura         HHSH      21-42              55-65  Well drained    1/8"

Delonix        GT        30-90          ˆ   75-85  Peaty           1/16"	See No. 13. (Soak for 24 hours).

Delosperma     HHP       10-40    L         75     Well drained    S

Delphinium     HP        14-28    D     ˆ   50-55  Peaty           1/16"	High temps. cause dormancy. See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 2 weeks).                 

Desmodium      GA        30-90              75-80  well drained    1/16"

Dianella       H/HHP     30-90              65-70  Well drained    1/16"

Dianthus       HHA, HP   14-21              60-70  Well drained    JC

Diascia        HHA       14-30              60     Well drained    JC

Dicentra       HP        30-180   L     ˆ   55-60  Well drained    JC		See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 6 weeks).

Dichorisandra  GP        7-60               70-75  Peaty           JC

Dictamnus      HP        30-180         ˆ   55-60  Well drained			See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 4-8 weeks).

Didymocarpus   Gp        14-56    L     ˆ   65-70  Well drained    S

Dierama        HP        30-180   L     ˆ   60-65  Well drained    S		See No. 5.         

Dietes         HHP       30-90          ˆ   50-60  Well drained    JC

Digitalis      HP, HB    15-20    L         60-65  Peaty           S		Can be sown in situ.

Dimorphotheca  HHA       10-15    L         60-70  Peaty           JC

Dionaea        GP        30-90    L     ˆ   75-80  Peaty           S		See No. 5.         

Dioon          GP        30-90          ˆ   70-75  1/2 peat, 1/2 sand 1/4"	See No. 2.         

Dioscorea      HP        21-36              70-75  Peaty           1/8"

Diplarrhena    HP        30-90              55-65  Well drained    JC

Diplolaena     GSh       30-150   L     ˆ   7-8O   Peaty           JC

Dipsacus       HB        4-30                 -    Well drained    1/4"		Best sown in situ  

Disporum       HP        30-180+  L     ˆ   55-65  Well drained    JC		See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 6 weeks).

Dizygotheca    HHSh      20-30    L         70     Peaty           S

Dodecatheon    HP        90-365             60-70  Well drained    1/16"	See No. 6.         

Dolichos       HHA       14-30              70     Well drained    1/16"	See No. 13.        

Doronicum      HP        15-20    L         70     Well drained    S		Reduce soil tempeature at night

Doryanthes     HHP       30-60              65     Peaty           JC		See No. 13. (Soak for 3 hours).

Draba          HP        30-90          ˆ   55     Well drained    JC		See Nos. 6 and 14. 

Dracaena       GSh       30-180   L     ˆ   75-85  Well drained    S		Keep the compost slightly moist

Dracunculus    HP        30-180         ˆ   55-65  Peaty           JC		Keep the compost slightly moist

Drosera        GP        30-90    L         55-65  Peaty           S		See No. 5.         

Dryas          HP        50-180         ˆ   60-70  Well drained    JC		See No. 6.         

Duchesnia      HP        30-90    L     ˆ   55-65  Well drained    JC

Duranta        GSh       30-60              70-75  Peaty           JC

Eccremocarpus  HP        30-60          ˆ   55-60  Well drained    JC		Cover the seed slightly with silver sand

Echeveria      HHP       21-90    L     ˆ   55-65  Well drained    JC

Echinacea      HP        10-21    L         70-75  Peaty           1/8"		Reduce soil temperature at night.

Echinops       HP        15-60              65-75  Peaty           1/16"

Echium         HA        7-14               70     Well drained    1/4"		Can be sown in situ.

Edraianthus    HP        30-60    L         55-65  Well drained    1/16"

Egg Plant      GA        10-21          ˆ   70     Peaty           1/8"		Keep the compost slightly moist

Emilia         HHA       8-15               70     Well drained    1/16"

Epilobium      HP        14-30              50-60  Well drained    1/8"

Episcia        GP        25-40    L         70-80  Peaty           S		Seeds dust like. See also No. 5.

Eranthis       HBb       30-365         ˆ   60-68  Well drained    1/16"	See No. 6 and 14.

Eremurus       HP        30-365   L     ˆ   55-65  Well drained    JC		See No. 16         

Erica          GP        30-120   L     ˆ   60-70  Acid Peat       S		See No. 5.         

Erigeron       HP        15-20              55     Well drained    S

Erinus         HP        20-25              65-75  Well drained    S

Eriobotrya     HHSh      30-180         ˆ   50     Well drained    JC		See No. 13. (Soak for 24 hours).                   

Eriophyllum    HP        14-42               -     Well drained    1/8"		Best sown outdoors and transplanted.

Eryngium       HP        5-90     L     ˆ   65-75  Well drained    S		See No. 6.         

Erysium        HP        14-30                -    Well drained    1/4"		Sow in situ.       

Erythrina      HHSh      10-15              70-75  Peaty           1/8"		See No. 13. (Soak for 24 hours).

Erythronium    HBb       30-365         ˆ   50-60  Well drained    1/8"		See No. 6.         

Eschscholtzia  HA        14-21              60-65  Well drained    1/4"		Resents transplanting, best sown in situ.

Eucalyptus     HHSh, HT  14-90          ˆ   70-75  Peaty           S		Sow seed and chaff together. See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 4 weeks).

Eucnide        HHA       21-30              60-70  Well drained    1/8"

Eucomis        GBb       20-25              70-75  Peaty           1/16"

Eupatorium     HP        30-90          ˆ   55     Well drained    JC

Euphorbia      HHA,HP,GSh10-15          ˆ   70-80  Well drained    1/4"		Pre chill HPs for 7 days and then soak for 2 hours.Sow in lime free compost(Ericaceous).      

Eustoma        HHP       10-21    L         68-77  Well drained    S

Exacum         GA        15-20    L         70-75  Peaty           S		Seed dust like. See No. 5.

Fascicularia   HHP       30-120   L     ˆ   60-70  Peaty           S		See No. 5.         

Fatsia         HHSH      15-20              70-75  Peaty           1/4"		Keep the compost slightly moist.

Faucaria       GP        14-30          ˆ   60     Well drained    JC		Just cover with sharp sand.

Feijoa         HHSH      21-42              55-60  Peaty           1/16"	Rinse seeds 3 times before sowing.

Felicia Amelloides HHP   30                 55-60  Well drained    JC		See No. 14. (Place in fridge for 3 weeks).

Felicia BergerianaHHA    30                 70     Well drained    JC

Ferns          HP, GP    30-180   L         65     Peaty           S		See No. 4.         

Ficus          GSh       15-90    L     ˆ   70-80  Peaty           S		See No. 5.         

Filipendula    HP        30-90              55-60  Well drained    JC

Flower Lawn    HP        30-180   L     ˆ   55-65  Well drained    S		See Nos. 6 or 16. 

F.Cabbage & Kale HB      14-21              70-75  Peaty           1/8"		Can be sown in situ

Foeniculum     HP        10-14    D         65     Well drained    1/8"		Dislikes transplanting, sow in situ.

Francoa        HHP       14-30    L     ˆ   50-55  Peaty           S		See No. 6.         

Freesia        HHBB      25-30          ˆ   65-75  Peaty           1/4"		See No. 7.         

Fritillaria    HBb       330-540        ˆ   55-M   Peaty           1/16"	See No. 6.         

Fuchsia        GP        21-90    L     ˆ   70-75  Peaty           S		See No. 5. Soak in rain water for 3-4 days. Keep compost moist.

Gaillardia     HP, HHA   15-20    L     ˆ   70-75  Peaty           S		Reduce soil temperature at night.

Galega         HP        14-60              -      Well drained    1/4"		Best sown outdoors and transplanted.

Galtonia       HBb       15-20          ˆ   70     Peaty           1/16"

Gardenia       GSh       25-30              70-75  Peaty           1/8"		Use a lime free compost (Ericaceous).

Gaura          HHA       14-30              65-75  Well drained    1/16"

Gazania        HHA       8-21     D         60-65  Well drained    1/8"

Gentiana       HP        14-180   D     ˆ   70-75  Lime free       JC		See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 2 months).

Gentianopsis   HA        21-30    L          -     Well drained    S		Sow outdoors and thin. Sensitive to root disturbance.

Geranium       HHP       3-21           ˆ   70-75  Well drained    JC

Geranium       HP        30-90          ˆ   50     Well drained    JC		See No. 6.         

Gerbera        GP        15-25    L         70-75  Peaty           JC		Sow sharp end down, don't cover completly.

Gesneria       GP        14-21    L         70-75  Peaty           S		See No. 5.         

Geum           HP        21-28+         ˆ   65-70  Peaty           1/16"	Reduce soil temperature at night.

Gilia          HA        17                  -     Well drained    1/8"		Sow outdoors and thin out.

Glaucidium     HP        30-90          ˆ   50-55  Peaty           JC

Glaucium       HA        14-21    D         60-65  Well drained    JC		Transplant carefully, best sown In situ.

Globularia     HP        10-30    L         55     Well drained    S		See No. 14. (Pre-chil for 3 weeks).

Gloriosa       HHBb      30                 70-75  Peaty           1/16"

Gloxinia       GP        15-30    L     ˆ   65-75  Peaty           S		See No. 5.         

Gnaphalium     HP        14-21    L         60-70  Well drained    S

Godetia        HA        7-14               60-65  Well drained    1/4"		Can be sown in situ

Gomphrena      HHA       6-8      L         70-75  Well drained    JC

Gourds         HHA       15-29              80     Peaty           1/4"		Can also treat as No. 5.

Grass Tree     HHP       30-180   L     ˆ   65     Peaty           S		See No. 4.         

Grasses        HP, HHA   10-90    L     ˆ   60-75  Peaty           S

Grevillea      HHSh      20-25    L         75-80  Well drained    S		See No. 13. (Soak for 24 hours).

Gunnera        HP        14-60          ˆ   70-80  Peaty           1/16"

Guzmania       GP        7-90     L     ˆ   60-70  Peaty           S		See No. 5.         

Gypsophila     hA, HP    10-15          ˆ   70     Peaty           JC

Hacquetia      HP        30-180         ˆ   55     Well drained    JC		See No. 16.        

Haemanthus     GBb       7-42               60-65  Peaty           JC

Haplopappus    HP        21-30              60-70  Well drained    1/8"

Hardenbergia   HHP       30-90          ˆ   55-65  Well drained    1/8"		See No. 13. (Soak for 24 hours).

Harpephyllum   GP        10-30              70-75  Peaty           1/4"		See No. 13.  (Soak for 24 hours).

Haworthia      HHP       21-60    L         60-65  Well drained    JC

Hedychium      HHP       20-25              70-75  Peaty           1/16"	See No. 13.  (Soak for 2 hours).

Hedysarum      HP        14-42              55-65  Well drained    1/16"

Helenium       HP        7-10               70     Peaty           1/16"	Can be sown in situ. Reduce soil temperature at night.

Helianthemum   HP        15-20              70-75  Well drained    S		See No. 5.         

Helianthus     HA        10-14              70-85  Peaty           1/4"		Can be sown in situ.

Helichrysum    HHA       7-10     L         65-75  Well drained    S

Heliophila     HHA       14-21              60-65  Well drained    1/16"

Heliopsis      HP        10-15              70     Well drained    1/16"

Heliotropium   HHP       14-42          ˆ   65-75  Well drained    1/16"

Helipterum     HA        14-20              65-75  Peaty           1/16"	Can be sown in situ

Helleborous    HP        30-545         ˆ   60-65  Well drained			See No. 6. May need to go through two winters outdoors.

Hemerocallis   HP        21-49              60-70  Well drained    1/8"		See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 6 weeks).

Hemiphora      GP        30-120         ˆ   70-75  Peaty           JC

Hepatica       HP        30-360   L         50-55  Well drained    JC		See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 3 weeks).

Heracleum      HP        30-90               -     Well drained    1/4"		Sow in situ. See No. 6.

Herniaria      HP        10-12              70     Well drained    JC

Hesperis       HB        20-25    L         70-85  Peaty           S		Can be sown in situ. Reduce soil temperature at night.

Heuchera       HP        10-60    L     ˆ   65-70  Well drained    S

Hibiscus       HHP, GA   15-30          ˆ   75-80  Peaty           1/16"	Chip and soak. See Nos. 12 & 13.

Hieracium      HP        21-30              50-60  Well drained    JC

Hippeastrum    HHBB      30-42              75     Pemy            1/8"

Hollyhock      HA, HP    10-12    L         60-70  Peaty           S		Can be sown in situ.

Holmskioldia   GSh       30-90          ˆ   60-65  Well drained    JC

Hosta          HP        30-90          ˆ   50     Peaty           1/16"	Keep compost slighty moist.                  

Humulus        HP        25-30              70-75  Well drained    1/4"		Can be sown in situ.

Hunnemannia    HHA       15-20              70-75  Well drained    1/16"	Can be sown in situ.  Makes a nice pot plant.

Hutchutinsia   HP        14-30               -     Well drained    1/4"		Sow in situ.       

Hyoscymus      HB, HA    14-42               -     Well drained    1/8"		Sow in situ.       

Hypericum      HSh       30-90          ˆ   50-55  Well drained    JC

Hypoestes      GP        10-21              70-75  Well drained    JC

Hyssopus       HP        14-42              60-70  Peaty           1/16"

Iliamna        HP        30-360   L     ˆ   55-65  Well drained    1/16"	See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 3 weeks).

Impatiens      HHA       21-30    L     ˆ   70-75  Peaty           S		See No. 5. Maintain a very high humidity until germination.

Incarvillea    HP        25-30              55-65  Well drained    S		See No. 5.         

Indigofera     HHSh      30-90          ˆ   50     Well drained    1/8		See No. 13. (Soak for 24 hours).

Inula          HP        14-42              55-65  Well drained    1/16"	Can be sown in situ

Ionopsidium    HA        14-21              55-60  Well drained    1/16"	Sow in situ.       

Ipomaea        HHA       5-21           ˆ   70-85  Peaty           1/4"		Chip and soak. See Nos. 12 and 13.

Iris           HP        30-545         ˆ   60-70  Peaty           1/4"		See No. 6. May take two winters outdoors.

Isatis         HB        14-42              50     Well drained    1/16"	Sow in situ.       

Ixiolirion     HBb       30-90          ˆ   50     Well drained    1/16"

Ixora          GSh       30-120         ˆ   70-75  Well drained    1/16"	See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 3 weeks).

Jacaranda      GSh       10-15              70-85  Peaty           JC

Jacobaea       HA        8-21               60-65  Well drained    1/8"

Jacobinia      GP        30-180         ˆ   75-80  Peaty           1/8"		See No. 13. soak for 24 hours).

Jasione        HP        10-21              70     Well drained    JC

Jatropha       GP        30-120         ˆ   65-75  Well drained    1/16"

Jovellana      H/HHSh    30-90          ˆ   60-50  Well drained    S

Kalanchoe      GP        7-30     L     ˆ   65-75  Weil drained    S		Likes good air circulation.

Kallstroemia   HHA       14-21          ˆ   60-65  Well drained    JC

Kaulfussia     HA        21-30              -      Well drained    1/4"		Best sown in situ.  Thin to 6².

Kentranthus    HP        21-40              65-70  Well drained    JC

Kirengeshoma   HP        30-300             55-65  Peaty           JC		Keep compost uniformly moist.

Knautia        HP        10-21                -    Well drained    1/4"		Best sown in situ  Thin to 6'.

Kniphofia      HP        10-30              70-75  Peaty           1/4"		Reduce soil temperature at night

Kochia         HHA       10-15    L         70-75  Well drained    S

Lagerstroemia  HHSh      15-20    L         70     Well drained    S		See No. 5.         

Lagunaria      GT        30-180         ˆ   68-70  Peaty           1/8"		See No. 13.      (Soak for 2 hours).

Lamium         HP        30-60              65-70  Well drained    JC

Lampranthus    HHP       15-30    D         65-75  Well drained    JC

Lantana        HHP       42-60          ˆ   70-75  Peaty           1/8"		See No. 13.      (Soak 1 day in hand hot water).

Lapageria      HHP       30-90          ˆ   70-75  Peaty           1/8"		See No. 13.      Soak for 3 days changing water 3/5 times per day

Lapeirousia    HBb       30-90          ˆ   55-60  Well drained    1/8"

Larkspur       HA        14-21    D         50-55  Peaty           1/16"	See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 2 weeks). High temperatures cause dormancy.

Lasthenia      HA        17-21                -    Well drained    1/8"		Best sown in situ  Thin to 4".

Lathyrus       HP        20-30          ˆ   55-65  Peaty           1/4"		Soak or chip the seeds. See Nos. 12 or 13.

Lavatera       HA, HB, HP15-20              70     Peaty           1/16"                 

Lavender       HSh       21-90          ˆ   55-65  Well drained    JC		See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 4-6 weeks).

Lawrencellida  HHA       21-30    L         65-75  Well drained    S

Layia          HA        8-30               70-75  Well drained    1/8"

Leea           GP        30-90          ˆ   75-80  Well drained    1/8"		See No. 13.        

Leontopodium   HP        10-42    L     ˆ   50     Well drained    S		See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 3 weeks).

Leptosiphon    HA        17-21              55-65  Well drained    1/16"	Best sown in situ. 

Leptospermum   HHSh      30-180         ˆ   60     Peaty           1/16"

Leptosyne      HA        6-12     L         60-65  Peaty           1/8"

Leschenaultia  GSh       30-120         ˆ   60-70  Well drained    JC

Lewisia        HP        365+     L     ˆ   50     Well drained    S		See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 5 weeks).

Liatris         HP        20-25              55-75  Well drained    JC		Reduce soil temperature at night.

Libertia       HP        30-180         ˆ   50     Well drained    1/8"		See No. 6.         

Ligularia      HP        14-42          ˆ   55-65  Peaty           S		Keep compost slighty moist.

Lilies         HBb       30-365         ˆ   65-75  Peaty           JC		See No. 10 for more details.

Limnanthes     HA        14-21              60     Well drained    1/16"	Can be sown in situ

Limonium       HP, HHA   10-20    D         65-70  Well drained    JC		Suworowii needs total darkness to germinate.

Linanthus      HA        17-21              -      Well drained    1/8"		Sow outdoors and thin out.

Linaria        HP        10-15              55-60  Well drained    JC		See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 3 weeks).

Linum          HP        20-25              65     Well drained    1/8"		Best sown in situ. 

Lisianthus     HHP       10-21    L         68-77  Well drained    S

Lithops        GP        10-40    L     ˆ   75-80  Well drained    S

Lobelia        HHA,HHP   15-20    L     ˆ   65-75  Well drained    S		Place seed of perennial types in fridge for 3 months (See No. 14).

Lomatia        HHSh      30-180         ˆ   60-65  Well drained    1/8"

Lonas          HA        5-7      D         70     Well drained    JC		Can be sown in situ

Lotus          HHP       14-30          ˆ   55-65  Well drained    JC		Transplant into 3" pots.

Luculia        HHSH      30-60          ˆ   55-60  Well drained    JC

Lunaria        HB        10-14              70     Well drained    1/8"		Can be sown in situ

Lupin          HP        15-60    D     ˆ   55-65  Well drained    1/8"		Soak or chip the seeds. See Nos. 12 or 13.

Lychnis        HP        21-30    L         70     Well drained    S		See No. 12. (pre-chill for 2 weeks).

Lysichitum     HP        30-60          ˆ   55-65  Peaty           1/4"		Keep compost saturated by standing in water.

Lysimachia     HP        30-90          ˆ   55-65  Peaty           S		Keep compost moist.

Lythrum        HP        15-30              65-70  Peaty           JC

Macropidia     GP        30-90    L         60-65  Peaty           S		See No. 5.         

Malope         HA        14-30              65-75  Peaty           JC		See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 3 weeks).

Malva          HP        5-21               70     Peaty           1/16"

Mandeville     HHSh      14-30              65-75  Well drained    JC		Sow in 1/2 sand and 1/2 peat.

Mandragora     HP        50-60              55-60  Peaty           1/8"		

Marigold       HHA       5-14               70-75  Peaty           JC

Matricaria     HP        5-21     L         65-75  Well drained    S		Reduce soil temperature at night.

Maurandia      HHP       14-21              65-70  Well drained    1/16"

Meconopsis     HP        14-28          ˆ   55-65  Peaty           S		Keep slightly moist. See also No. 5.                 

Melia          GT        30-180         ˆ   55     Well drained    1/8"

Melianthus     HHSh      30-180         ˆ   70-75  Peaty           1/16"

Mentzelia      HA        5-21               55-60  Well drained    JC

Mertensia      HP        30-60          ˆ   55-60  Well drained    1/16"	See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 3 weeks).

MesembryanthemumHHA      15-20    D         65-75  Well drained    S

Metrosideros   HHSh      30-90          ˆ   60-60  Peaty           1/16"

Mimosa         GP        21-30    L     ˆ   70-75  Well drained    S		See No. 13. (Soak for 20 minutes in almost boiling water).

Mimulus        HHP, HP   7-21     L         70-75  Peaty           S		See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 3 weeks). Then No. 5.

Mina           HHP       20-25              70     Well drained    1/4"		Chip and soak. See Nos. 12 and 13.

Mirabilis      HHA       7-21     L         70     Well drained    S	

MIXTURES: the different types in these groups will all germinate at different times. Prick out each as it emerges and do not discard

Conifer Trees    HT      30-365         ˆ   55-65  Peaty           JC		See Nos. 6 and 16  

Deciduous Trees  HT      30-365         ˆ   55-65  Peaty           JC		See Nos. 6 and 16

Wild Flowers  HA,HP      30-180         ˆ   55-65  Well drained    1/16²	See No. 6

Everlasting Fls. HHA     14-21              65-75  Well drained    1/16²	Can be sown in situ

Everlasting Fls. HP      30-180         ˆ   65-75  Well drained    JC		See No. 6

Exotics          GP      30-180         ˆ   65-75  Peaty           JC		Fls. to attract B/flies

                 HA      14-21                -    Well drained    1/8²		Can be sown in situ

Australian Bush  GP      30-180   L     ˆ   75-80  Peaty           S

Shore/Coastal    HB,HP   30-180         ˆ   55-65  Well drained    JC

Silver/Grey Fol. HP,HHA  30-180         ˆ   55-65  Well drained    JC

Succulents       HHP     30-90    L     ˆ   65-75  Well drained    S


Moluccelia               21-35    L     ˆ   60     Well drained    JC		Pre-chill for 5 days then 40°F temp. night gives best results.

Momordica      HHA       14-21              65-75  Peaty           1/8"		Sow seeds singly in 3' pots.

Monarda        HP        10-40              60-70  Peaty           JC		Reduce soil temperature at night.

Moraea         HHBb      30-90          ˆ   55-60  Well drained    1/8"

Morina         HP        14-42              50     Peaty           1/16"

Mucuna         GP        21-90              65-75  Peaty           1/4"

Muscari        HBb       42-60              60-65  Well drained    1/16"

Mutisia        H/HHSh    30-90          ˆ   70     Well drained    1/16"

Myosotidium    H/HHP     30-180         ˆ   65-70  Peaty           1/16"

Myosotis       HB        14-30    D         65-70  Peaty           S		See No. 5 but keep in total darkness.

Myrrhis        HP        14-42              55-65  Well drained    1/8"		Can be sown in situ

Naranjilla     GP        10-30          ˆ   70-80  Peaty           1/16"

Nasturtium     HA        7-12               65     Well drained    1/4"		Best sown in situ  

Nemesia        HHA       7-21               55-70  Peaty           S		See No. 5.         

Nemophila      HA        7-21               55     Well drained    1/16"	Can be sown in situ.

Neperrthes     GP        30-90          ˆ   75-85  Peaty           S		Dont let compost dry out. See also No.5.

Nepeta         HP        7-21               60-70  Well drained    JC		Can be sown in situ.                   

Nerine         HHBb      14-21              65-70  Well drained    S		Sow immediately, keep moist and place in a polythene bag.

Nerium         GSh       30-90    L     ˆ   65-75  Peaty           S

Nertera        GP        30-90    D     ˆ   65-70  Well drained    SC		See No. 8.         

Nicandra       HA        15-20              70-75  Well drained    JC

Nicotiana      HHA       10-20    L         70-75  Well drained    S

Nierembergia   HHP       15-30          ˆ   70-75  Well drained    JC

Nigella        HA        10-15              65-70  Well drained    1/16"	Best sown in situ. Resents transplanting.

Nolana         HHA       14-30              60-70  Well drained    1/16"	Can be sown in situ.

Nomocharis     HBb       30-180   L     ˆ   45-50  Well drained    JC		See No. 16         

Notholirion    H/HHBb    30-180   L     ˆ   45-50  Well drained    JC		See No .16         

Ocimum         HA        14-42    L         55-60  Well drained    S

Oenothera      HP        15-30    L         65-70  Well drained    JC		Reduce soil temperature at night.

Omphalodes     HP        14-42              65-75  Well drained    1/8"

Onopordon      HP,HB     30-60              55-60  Well drained    1/4"		Can be sown in situ.

Onosma         HP        30-60              50     Well drained    1/16"

Orchid         GP        90-365   L     ˆ   65-75  Well drained    S

Orchis         HBb       90-365   L     ˆ   65-75  Well drained    S

Ornithogalum   GBb       30-180         ˆ   55-60  Peaty           1/16"	See No. 6          

Orphium        GSh       21-42    L         65-70  Well drained    S

Osteospermum   HHA,HP    10-15    L         60-65  Well drained    JC

Oxalis         HBb       14-60              55-68  Well drained    JC

Pachypodium    GP        30-180   L     ˆ   65-75  Well drained    S

Paeonia        HP        365+     L     ˆ   50-60  Well drained    JC		See No. 16. Keep shaded and moist.

Palms          GP        60-180         ˆ   75-80  Peaty           1/4"		See No. 2          

Pansy          HP        14-21    D     ˆ   65-75  Well drained    1/16"	See No. 14. (Pre-Chill for 2 Weeks.)

Papaver        HP        10-30    D         55     Well drained    S		Best sown in situ.  P. Orientale Needs light for germination.

Paradisea      HP        30-180         ˆ   50     Well drained    1/16"	See No. 6          

Parnassia      HP        30-180         ˆ   55-65  Peaty           S		Stand seed pan in a saucer of water to keep soil always moist.

Parochetus     HP        30-90          ˆ   50     Well drained    1/16"	See No. 13.

Passiflora     HHP       30-365         ˆ   70-85  Peaty           1/4"		See No. 13. Give the seed container an occasional soaking.

Pavonia        GSh       30-60          ˆ   75     Peaty           1/16"

Peanuts        GA        7-21               70-75  Peaty           1/4"		Sow and place inside a polythene bag until germination.

Peltiphyllum   HP        30-90    L     ˆ   55-60  Peaty           S		Stand seed pan in a saucer of water to keep soil always moist.

Penstemon      HP        18-21    L         55-60  Well drained    JC		See No.14          

Pentas         GP        25-40              70-75  Peaty           S		See No.5           

Peperomia      GP        15-30              70-75  Peaty           S		See No.5           

Perilla        HHA       15-30    L         65-75  Peaty           S

Petrea         GSh       30-60    L         65-75  Peaty           S

Petunia        HHA       10-21    L         70-75  Peaty           S      	F1 hybrids and doubles may need 80°F to germinate.

Phacelia       HA        12-30    D         55-65  Well drained    1/4"		Best sown in situ.  Total dark required.

Phaeomeria     GP        30-90          ˆ   80     Well drained    1/8"

Phaseolus      GP        30-60              65-70  Well drained    1/16"	Chip and soak. See Nos. 12 an 13.

Philodendron   GP        30-120         ˆ   75-80  Peaty           1/16"

Phlomis        HP        14-42              60     Well drained    JC

Phlox-Annual   HHA       10-21    D         55-65  Peaty           1/16"	Sow direct into pots as it resents transplanting.

Phlox-PerennialHP        25-30    D     ˆ   70     Peaty           1/16"	See No.14. (Pre-chill for 4 weeks).

Phormium       HP        30-180         ˆ   60-65  Peaty           JC                  

Phuopsis       HP        30-40    L         50-60  Well drained    S

Phygelius      HP        10-14              70-75  Well drained    JC

Physalis       HP        21-30    L         70     Well drained    S

Physostegia    HP        21-30              55-75  Peaty           JC		Reduce soil temperature at night.

Phyteuma       HP        30-90          ˆ   55-65  Well drained    JC		See No.6           

Phytolacca     HP        30-60          ˆ   65-70  Well drained    1/8"

Pilea          GP        14-60    L     ˆ   65-75  Peaty           S		See No. 5.         

Pinguicula     HHP       30-120   L     ˆ   55     Peaty           S		See No. 5. Use a compost 1/2 peat and 1/2 sand.

Pittosporum    HHSh      30-60              55     Well drained    1/16"	Place seeds in a bag and dip in boiling water for few seconds.

Platycodon     HP        15-30    L         70     Well drained    S

Platystemon    HA        14-30              55-65  Well drained    1/16		Sow in situ        

Plumbago       GP        25-30              70     Well drained    JC

Plumeria       GP        30-180         ˆ   65-75  Peaty           1/16"	See No. 13.        

Podolepis      HHA       21-30    L         65-70  Well drained    S

Podophyllum    HP        30-180   L     ˆ   55-60  Peaty           JC		Pre-chill for 3 weeks. Keep compost always moist.

Polemonium     HP        20-25              70     Peaty           1/16"	Reduce soil temperature at night.

Polygala       HSh       30-60    L         60-65  Well drained    JC

Polygonatum    HP        30-545         ˆ   50     Well drained    1/16"	See No. 6.         

Polygonum      HP,HHA    21-60          ˆ   70-75  Peaty           1/16"  	Do not overwater      

Portulaca      HHA       14-21    L         70-85  Well drained    S

Potentilla     HP        14-30              65-70  Well drained    JC

Poterium       HP        30-60          ˆ   50     Well drained    JC		See No. 6.         

Primula-IndoorsGA, GP    20-25    L     ˆ   55-60  Peaty           S		P.Sinensis needs darkness for germination.

Primula-OutdoorHP        21-40    L     ˆ   60-65  Peaty           S		See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 3 weeks).

Proboscidia    GA/HHA    15-42          ˆ   70-75  Peaty           1/4"

Protea         HHT       30-90          ˆ   65-75  Peaty           1/4"		Sow immediately.   

Prunella       HP        30-60              55-65  Well drained    1/16"

Psidium                  30-60          ˆ   70-75  Peaty           JC		See No. 13.        

Pulmonaria     HP        30-42              60-65  Peaty           JC

Pulsatilla     HP        30-180         ˆ   60-70  Well drained    JC		See No. 6. Trim 'tails' off seeds before sowing

Pyrethum       HHA, HP   30-60          ˆ   55     Well drained    JC		Doubleness of flowers increases in 2nd year.

Pyrola         HSh       30-90    L     ˆ   55     Peaty           S

Ramonda        HP        30-60    L     ˆ   55-60  Well drained    S

Ranunculus     HP        30-90          ˆ   50     Well drained    1/16"	See No. 6.         

Raoulia        HP        30-90    L     ˆ   55-60  Well drained    S

Ratibida       HA/HB/HP  21-42              68-75  Well drained    1/8"		Reduce soil temperature at night.

Rechsteineria  GBb       30-60              70     Well drained    JC

Rehmannia      H/HHP     21-42    L         60-65  Well drained    JC

Reseda         HB,HA     5-21     L         70     Well drained    S		Extra care required when transplanting.

Rheum          HP        21-42              60-65  Peaty           1/8"

Rhodanthe      HHA       14-30              75-80  Well drained    JC		Can be sown in situ

Rhodochiton    HHP       12-42          ˆ   60-65  Peaty           JC

Rhodohypoxis   HP        30-90          ˆ   50     Well drained    JC		Lime free compost required.

Rhoeo          GP        14-60              65-70  Peaty           JC		See No. 13. (Soak for 1/2 hour).

Ricinus        HHA       15-21              70-75  Peaty           1/4"		These seeds are poisonous.

Rochea         HHP       14-42    L         60-70  PBM             S		See No. 5.         

Rodgersia      HP        12-60    L         55-60  Peaty           S                 

Roscoea        HP        30-365   L     ˆ   50-55  Well drained    S		See No. 16.        

Rothmannia     HHSh      30-90          ˆ   70-75  Peaty           1/8"		See No. 13. (Soak for 5 hours).

Rudbeckia      HHA, HP   5-21     L         70     Peaty           S		Fulgida see No. 14. (Pre-chill for 2 weeks).

Ruella         HP        30-60          ˆ   65-75  Peaty           JC

Ruta           HP        30-42              60-65  Well drained    JC

Sagina         HP        10-21              55     Well drained    JC

Saintpaulia    GP        30-60    L     ˆ   70-75  Peaty           S		See No. 5.         

Salpiglossis   HHA       15-30    D     ˆ   70-75  Peaty           S

Salvia         HHA, HA   10-14    L     ˆ   68-80  Well drained    S		For Patens & Superba see No. 14. (Pre-chill for 3 weeks).

Sandersonia    HHBb      30-90          ˆ   75     Well drained    1/8"		See No. 13.        

Sanguinaria    HP        30-90          ˆ   50-55  Well drained    1/16"

Sanguisorba    HP        30-60              50-55  Well drained    S

Sanvitalia     HA        10-21    L         70     Well drained    S		Take care when transplanting.

Saponaria      HA,HP     10-21    L         70     Well drained    S		See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 3 weeks).

Sarracenia     HP        30-90    L     ˆ   75-80  Peaty           S		See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 7 days) then No. 5.

Saxifraga      HP        15-60          ˆ   65-75  Well drained    JC		See No. 6.         

Scabiosa       HA        10-15          ˆ   70-75  Well drained    1/16"

Schefflera     GSh       20-30              75     Peaty           1/16"

Schizanthus    GA        7-14     D         60-75  Peaty           S

Schizopetalon  HHA       6-21               60-65  Well drained    1/16"

Schizostylis   HBb       30-90          ˆ   55-60  Well drained    1/16"

Scilla         HP        30-180         ˆ   50     Peaty           1/16"	See No. 6.         

Scutellaria    HP        14-180         ˆ   50     Well drained    JC

Sedum          HP        15-30          ˆ   50     Well drained    S		See No. 6.         

Sempervivum    HP        15-30          ˆ   70     Well drained    S

Senecio        HHA       10-21    L         65-75  Well drained    1/16"

Setcreasia     HHP       30-40              70     Peaty           JC

Shortia        HP        30-60          ˆ   60-65  Peaty           S		See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 3 weeks).

Sidalcea       HP        14-42              50     Well drained    1/8"

Silene         HP        15-20              70     Well drained    JC		Can be sown in situ.

Silybum        HA        14-21              55-60  Well drained    1/8"		Can be sown in situ.

Simmondsia     HHT       14-21              65-70  Well drained    JC		See No. 13. (Soak for 12 hours).

Sinningia      GP        10-21    L         70     Peaty           S

Sisyrinchium   HP        30-180         ˆ   50     Well drained    1/8"		See No. 6.         

Smilacena      HP        30-180   L     ˆ   60-65  Peaty           JC		See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 3 weeks).

Smithiantha    GP        15-40    L         75-77  Peaty           S		Very small seeds   

Solanum        GP        15-21    L         70-80  Well drained    S		The plants should be placed outdoors through the summer for pollination.

Soldanella     HP        30-180   L     ˆ   55-60  Well drained    JC		See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 4 weeks).

Solidago       HP        14-42              50     Well drained    JC

Sparaxis       HBb       30-90          ˆ   50-55  Well drained    1/16"

Sparmannia     GSh       21-30              65-75  Peaty           JC

Specularia     HA        12-30                -    Well drained    1/16"	Sow outdoors and thin out.

Spigelia       H/HHP     30-60    L         65-70  Well drained    JC		See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 3 weeks).

Stachys        HP        15-30    L         70     Well drained    JC		Reduce soil temperature at night. Grow on the dry side.

Stapelia       GP        7-30     L     ˆ   65-70  Peaty           S		Use 1/2 peat 1/2 sand.

Stenocarpus    HHT       30-90          ˆ   65-75  Well drained    JC                  

Stephanotis    GP        15-90          ˆ   75-80  Peaty           1/16"	Keep the compost slightly moist.

Stereospermum  GSh       30-18O         ˆ   65-75  Well drained    JC

Stocks         HHA       10-14    L         55-60  Well drained    S		Can be sown in situ.

Stokesia       HP        25-30              70     Peaty           1/16"

Strelitzia     GP        30-180         ˆ   70-75  Sand            S		See No. 1. Soak for up to 3 days changing the water daily.

Streptocarpus  GP        15-30    L         55-65  Peaty           S		Very small seeds. See No. 5.

Streptosolon   HHSh      30-90          ˆ   55-65  Well drained    1/16"

Stylomecon     HA        14-21              -      Well drained    1/16"	Sow outdoors and thin out to 6".

Succisa        HP        10-21          ˆ   65-70  Well drained    JC

Sutherlandia   H/HHSh    21-30              60-65  Well drained    1/16"	See No. 13. (Soak for 3 hours).

Sweet Pea      HA        10-20    D         55-65  Peaty           1/4²		File or soak seeds. See Nos. 12 and 13. Grow cool.

Symphyandra    HP        21-30    L         60-65  Well drained    JC

Tacca          GP        30-270         ˆ   80-85  Peaty           1/8"		Soak for 72 hours. See No. 13.

Tacitus        HHP       30-90    L     ˆ   50-60  Well drained    S

Tecophilaea    HBb       30-365         ˆ   50-55  Peaty           1/16"	Keep compost slightly moist.

Tellima        HP        30-90          ˆ   55-60  Well drained    S		See No. 6.         

Tephrosia      HP        21-42              65-70  Well drained    JC		Chip and soak. See Nos. 12 and 13.

Tetranema      GP        14-30              65-75  Peaty           JC

Teucrium       HP        25-30              70     Well drained    S

Thalictrum     HP        15-21          ˆ   50-60  Well drained    1/8"

Thermopsis     HP        15-30              70     Well drained    1/16"	File or soak the seeds. See Nos. 12 and 13.

Thunbergia     HHA       14-21          ˆ   70-75  Peaty           JC		Keep the compost slightly moist.

Thymus         HP        15-30    L         55     Peaty           S		See No. 5.         

Tiarella       HP        14-90          ˆ   50     Well drained    S		See No. 6.         

Tibouchina     GSh       30-90    L     ˆ   60-70  Peaty           S		See No. 5.         

Tigridia       H/HHBb    30-90              55-60  Well drained    1/16"

Tillandsia     GP        30-90    L     ˆ   60-70  Peaty           S		See No. 5.         

Tithonia       HHA       5-14     L     ˆ   70-    Well drained    S

Torenia        GA        15-30    L         70-75  Peaty           S		See No. 5.         

Townsendia     HP        30-90          ˆ   60     Well drained    1/16"	See No. 6.         

Trachelium     HHP       15-21    L         55-60  Well drained    S

Trachymene     HHA       15-30    D         70     Well drained    1/16"	Transplant carefully.

Tradescantia   HP        30-40              70     Peaty           JC		Reduce soil temperature at night.

Tree Fems      HHP       30-120   L     ˆ   65-70  Peaty           S		See No. 4.         

Trichosanthes  HHA       14-30              65-75  Peaty           1"		Sow singly in 2' pots.

Tricyrtis      HP        30-90          ˆ   65-70  Well drained    1/8"		Keep compost slighty moist.

Trillium       HP        545+           ˆ   60-70  Well drained    S		See No. 15. Requires two periods of at least 3 months in the frig.

Tripteris      HA        5-14               60-65  Well drained    1/8"		Can be sown in situ.

Trollius       HP        30-365         ˆ   50     Well drained    S		See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 2 weeks).

Trop. SpeciosumHP        360-720        ˆ   55-60  Well drained    JC

Tropaeolum     HA        10-15              55-65  Peaty           1/4"		Can be sown in situ

Tulipa         HBb       60-90          ˆ   50     Well drained    1/8"		See No. 6.         

Tunica         HP        14-60          ˆ   50     Well drained    1/16		See No. 6          

Tweedia        GP        30-90          ˆ   75     Well drained    JC

Urospermum     HP/HB     16-30    L         60-65  Well drained    JC                 

Ursinia        HHA       14-30              55-60  Well drained    JC

Uvularia       HP        30-180         ˆ   55-60  Peaty           JC

Vallota        HHBb      30-60              65-70  Peaty           1/16"

Veltheimia     HHBb      30-90          ˆ   55-65  Peaty           1/16"	Keep compost slightly moist

Venidium       HHA       6-14               60-65  Peaty           1/8"

Veratrum       HP        90-365         ˆ   55-60  Well drained    1/4²		See No. 6 and No. 16.

Verbascum      HB,HP     14-30              55-60  Well drained    1/16"	Can be grown in situ

Verbena        HHA,HP    14-90    D     ˆ   65     Well drained    1/16"	Bonariensis & Venosa. See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 2 weeks).

Verbesina      HHA       14-30              60-65  Well drained    1/8"

Veronica       HP        15-30    L         70     Peaty           JC		Reduce soil temperature at night.

Veronicastrum  HP        21-40    L         55-60  Well drained    JC

Vicia          HP        21-40              65-70  Well drained    JC

Vinca          GA        15-30    D     ˆ   70-75  Peaty           1/16"

Viola          HP        14-21    D     ˆ   65-75  Well drained    1/16"	See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 2 weeks).

Viscaria       HA        10-21              60-65  Well drained    JC

Vriesia        GP        7-90     L     ˆ   60.7   Peaty           S		See No. 5.         

Wahlenbergia   HHA       14-28    L         60-70  Well drained    S

Wallflower     HB        10-14              65-70  Well drained    1/4"		Sow in reserve bed, prick out 6² apart, plant out in October.

Waterlily      GP        14-30							File seed and submerge in water at 75-85'F, change water twice daily.

Watsonia       HBb       30-180         ˆ   55-65  Well drained    1/8"		Keep the compost slimy moist.

Xeranthemum    HA        10-15              70     Well drained    JC		Transplant carefully.

Xerophyllum    HP        30-60          ˆ   55-60  Peaty           JC

Yucca          HA        30-365         ˆ   65-75  Well drained    JC		Filamentosa germinates at 55°F.

Zantedeschia   HHP       30-90    L     ˆ   70-80  Peaty           S		See No. 13. Keep compost quite moist.

Zauschneria    H/HHP     30-60    L         60-65  Well drained    JC

Zea            HHA       5-14               70     Peaty           1/4"		Sow seeds individually in peat pots.

Zinnia         HHA       10-24              75-80  Peaty           1/16"	Sow seeds individually in peat pots.



Abies          HT        21-30    L     ˆ   68-75  Peaty           S		Soak overnight then pre-chill for 21 days. (No. 14).

Acer           HT        30-365+  L     ˆ   65-70  Peaty           S		Soak for 2 days then No. 15. (2 months warm moist, 2 months frig)

Ailanthus      HT        30-90    L     ˆ   50-60  Well drained    S		Chip, soak then No. 14 for 2 weeks.

Akebia         HSh       30-180   L     ˆ   50-60  Peaty           S		See No. 14. (4 weeks).

Albiza         HSh/HT    30-90          ˆ   65-75  Well drained    1/8"		Soak for 12 hours in tepid water before sowing.

Amorpha        HSh       30-120         ˆ   50-60  Well drained    1/16"	Soak for 12 hours in tepid water before sowing.

Andromeda      HSh       30-60    L     ˆ   50-60  Peaty           S		Stand seed pan in a saucer of water to keep soil always moist.

Araucaria      HT        30-60    D         55-60  Peaty           1/4"		Sow immediately    

Arbutus        HT        60-90    L     ˆ   65-70  Peaty           S		See No. 14. (6-8 weeks).                

Arundinaria    HSh       30-90    L     ˆ   70     Peaty           JC		Stand seed in a saucer of water to keep the soil always moist.

Asterolasia    HSh       30-180         ˆ   55-65  Well drained    1/16"

Aucuba         HSh       30-90          ˆ   65-70  Well drained    1/8"

Azalea         HSh       50-90    L     ˆ   55-60  Peaty           S		See No. 5 or No. 6. Keep shaded from direct sun.

Berberis       HSh       60-180   L     ˆ   50-65  Well drained    S		See No. 14. (8 weeks).

Betula         HT        30-90    L     ˆ   65-75  Peaty           S		See No. 14. (10 weeks).

Buddleia       HSh       20-30    L         70-75  Peaty           S		See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 4 weeks).

Bupleurum      HSh       14-60              55-60  Well drained    JC

Calluna        HSh       30-60    L     ˆ   65-70  Peaty           S		See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 4 weeks).

Calocedrus     HT        30-90    L         50-60  Peaty           JC		See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 4 weeks).

Camellia       HSh       30-90          ˆ   70-75  Peaty           1/4²		See No. 13 . May also benefit from No. 14.

Caragana       HSh       14-21    L         65-70  Well drained    S		See No. 13.        

Carpinus       HT        30-365   L     ˆ   65-70  Well drained    S		See No. 15. (1 month at 70°F then 4 months in frig.) or No. 16.

Caryopteris    HSh       30-90          ˆ   65-70  Well drained    JC

Catalpa        HT        14-30    L     ˆ   60-70  Peaty           S		Give seedlings good ventilation to prevent damping off.

Ceanothus      HSh       30-60    L         65-70  Well drained    S		Soak overnight then treat as No. 14 for 2 weeks.

Cedrus         HT        14-60    L     ˆ   60-65  Well drained    S		Soak for 2-3 hours then treat as No. 14 for 3 weeks.

Cephalotaxus   HSh       14-60          ˆ   60-65  Peaty           JC

Cercis         HSh       30-90    L     ˆ   70-75  Well drained    JC		See No.13. Soak in hand hot water then No. 14 for 2-3 months.

Chaenomeles    HSh       70-90    L     ˆ   55-65  Well drained    S		See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 7-10 weeks).

Chamaecyparis  HT,HHT    30-60    L         50-60  Peaty           JC		See No 14. (Pre-chilll for 3 weeks).

Chimonanthus   HSh       63-90    L     ˆ   50-60  Well drained    S		See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 5-8 weeks).

Chionanthus    HSh       30-180   L     ˆ   60-70  Well drained    S		See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 1 month)

Cistus         HSh       7-30     L         65-70  Peaty           S		See No. 5.

Clerodendron   HSh       60-90    L     ˆ   65-70  Well drained    S		See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 4-6 weeks).

Colutea        HSh       7-21               65-70  Well drained    1/16²	Chip and soak. See Nos. 12 and 13.

Cordyline      HHSh      30-60          ˆ   65-70  Peaty           1/16²

Cornus         HSh       90-730   L     ˆ   50-60  Well drained    S		See No.15. (2 months at 70°F then 3 months in frig) or No. 16.

Coronilla      HHSh      30-60              65-75  Well drained    JC

Cotoneaster    HSh       180-365  L     ˆ   70     Acid Peaty      S		See No.15. (3-5 months at 70°F then 3 months in frig) or No. 16.

Crataegus      HSh       180-730  L     ˆ   50-60  Well drained    S		See No.15. (3-5 months at 70'F then 3 months in frig) or No. 16.

Crinodendron   H/HHSh    30-120         ˆ   55-65  Well drained    JC		See No.13. (Soak for 3 hours).

Cryptomeria    HT        30-60          ˆ   55-65  Peaty           1/16²

Cupressus      HT        30-90    L     ˆ   65-75  Peaty           S		See No.14. (Pre-chill for 3 weeks).

Cytisus        HSh       25-30    L         70-75  Well drained    S		See No.13. Transplant to final quarters whilst still small.

Daboecia       HSh       30-120   L     ˆ   55-65  Acid peat       S		Never allow compost to dry out.

Daphne         HSh       150- 365 L     ˆ   50-60  Well drained    S		See No. 15.(2 months at 70°F then 3 months in the frig)

Davidia        HT        300-365        ˆ   50-65  Peaty           1/4		See No. 15.(3-4 months warm moist, 3-4 months frig.).

Decaisnea      HSh       30-180         ˆ   55-60  Well drained    1/4		

Elaeagnus      HT/HSh    140-180        ˆ   50-65  Well drained    1/16		See No. 15.(4 weeks warm moist, 8-12 weeks frig.).

Enkianthus     HSh       25-60    L     ˆ   60-70  Peaty           S		See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 6 weeks).

Erica          HSh       30-60    L     ˆ   65-70  Peaty           S		See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 4 weeks).

Euonymus       HSh       220-365        ˆ   50-65  Well drained    1/16		See No. 15.(8-12 weeks warm moist, 8-16 weeks frig.).

Fagus           HT       30-365   L     ˆ   50-60  Well drained    JC		Soak overnight then see No. 14 (pre-chill for 6 weeks) or No. 16.

Forsythia      HSh       30-90              55-65  Well drained    JC

FremontodendronHHSh/HSh  30-60              65-70  Well drained    JC

Fuchsia        HSh       21-90    L     ˆ   70-75  Peaty           S		See No. 5. Soak in rain water for 3-4 days. Keep compost moist.

Gaultheria     HSh       30-60    L         65-70  Peaty           S		See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 4-10 weeks). Acid soils only.

Genista        HSh       14-30              55-65  Well drained    JC		See No. 13.        

Gingko         HT        30-60    L     ˆ   70-75  Peaty           1/8		See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 8-10 weeks).

Gleditschia    HT        14-30              65-70  Well drained    JC		Chip and soak for 24 hours. See Nos. 12 and 13.

Gymnocladus    HT        30-90          ˆ   65-70  Well drained    1/4		Chip and soak in warm water for 24 hours. See Nos. 12 and 13.

Hamamelis      HSh       270-365  L     ˆ   50-60  Peaty           1/16		See No.15. (3 months at 70°F then place in frig. for 3 months).

Hebe           HHSh      15-30              70     Peaty           JC

Hibiscus       HSh       30-60          ˆ   70-75  Well drained    1/16		See No.13.    

Hippophae      HSh       30-180   L     ˆ   55-65  Well drained    JC		See No.14. (Pre-chill for 14 weeks).

Holodiscus     HSh       30-180         ˆ   60-65  Well drained    S

Indigofera     HSh       30-60              65-70  Well drained    1/16		Pour nearly boiling water over seed and leave to soak overnight.

Jasminum       HSh       20-30              70-75  Well drained    JC

Juglans        HT        30-180   L     ˆ   50-60  Peaty           JC		See No. 14. (2-3 weeks). Place so that dividing line is at the top.

Juniperus      HT        30-180   L     ˆ   45-50  Peaty           S		Soak for 24 hours. High temperatures prevent germination.

Kalmia         HSh       30-60    L     ˆ   70     Sandy peat      S		See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 3 months).

Kalmiopsis     HSh       30-60    L         65-70  Acid, sandy peatS

Koelreuteria   HT        30-60    L     ˆ   55-65  Peaty           JC		See No. 13. (Use boiling water) then No. 14 (place in frig. for 3 weeks).

Kolwitzia      HT        40-70    L     ˆ   65-70  Well drained    JC		Soak for  24 hours then No. 14. (Pre-chill for 4 weeks).

Labumum        HT        30-60              65-70  Well drained    1/16		Chip and  soak. See Nos. 12 and 13.

Larix          HT        30-90    L     ˆ   65-75  Peaty           S		See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 1 month).

Laurus         HT        40-90    L     ˆ   50-60  Peaty           JC		Soak for 24 hours then No. 14. (Pre-chill 1 month)

Ledum          HSh       30-60    L     ˆ   55-65  Acid peat       S

Leycesteria    HSh       30-60              60-65  Sandy peat      JC

Liquidambar    HT        14-365   L     ˆ   65-75  Peaty           S		See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 3 months). Don't let the seeds dry out.

Liriodendron   HT        60-365   L     ˆ   65-75  Peaty           S		See No. 16.

Loiseleuria    HSh       30-60              65-75  Well drained    JC

Lonicera       HSh       180+     L     ˆ   60-70  Well drained    JC		See No. 14. Place in frig. for 3 months. Keep temp. below 75°F.

Magnolia       HT        120+     L     ˆ   50     Well drained    JC		See No. 14. Place in frig. for 4 months.

Mahonia        HSh       90-120   L     ˆ   50     Peaty           JC		See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 3 weeks).                   

Malus          HT        120-365  L     ˆ   50     Peaty           JC		Soak for 24 hours then No. 14. (Pre-chill for 14 weeks).

Menziesia      HSh       30-60              55     Sandy peat      S		Keep compost uniformly moist.

Morus          HT        14-30    L         65-75  Peaty           S		See No. 5. or see No. 14. (Pre-chill for 1-3 months).

Myrtus         HHSH      30-90          ˆ   55-65  Peaty           JC		See No. 13.        

Nyssa          HT        90-365   L     ˆ   50     Peaty           S		See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 3 months).

Olea           HHT/HT    30-120         ˆ   65-70  Well drained    1/8"

Olearia        H/HHSh    30-60    L         65-70  Well drained    S

Ostrya         HT        365+     L     ˆ   50-60  Well drained    JC		See No. 16.

Paeonia        HSh       270+     L     ˆ   70     Well drained    JC		See No. 15.        

Parthenocissus HSh       60-180   L     ˆ   60-70  Well drained    JC		See No. 13 then 14. (Pre-chill for 6 week).

Paulownia      HT        30-60    L         55-70  Peaty           S		See No. 5 

Philadelphus   HSh       30-60              65-70  Well drained    JC

Phlomis        HSh       30-90          ˆ   65-75  Well drained    JC

Phyllodoce     HSh       30-60    L         55-65  Peaty           S

Picea          HT        30-60    L     ˆ   55     Well drained    S		See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 21 days).

Pieris         HSh       30-70    L     ˆ   65-70  Acid Peat       S		See No. 5.         

Pinus          HT        30-60    L     ˆ   55-65  Well drained    S		Soak seed, then No 14. (Pre-chill for 6 weeks).

Pittosporum    HHSh      30-60          ˆ   55     Well drained    1/16"	Place seeds in a bag and dip in boiling water for a few seconds.

Prunus         HT        120-365  L     ˆ   65-75  Well drained    1/16"	Soak overnight then see No. 14. (Pre-chill for 4 months).

Pseudotsuga    HT        30-180   L     ˆ   75     Peaty           S		See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 8 weeks).

Ptelia         HSh/HT    80-120             55-60  Well drained    1/8"		See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 3 weeks).

Punica         HHSH      30-40    L         70-75  Well drained    S		See No. 13         

Pyracantha     HSh       40-180   L     ˆ   50     Peaty           JC		See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 6 weeks).

Quercus        HT        120-365  L     ˆ   50     Peaty           JC		Soak for 24 hours, then No. 14. (Pre-chill for 3 months).

Rhododendron   HSh       50-90    L     ˆ   55-60  Acid Peat       S		See No.  6. Keep shaded from direct sun.

Rhodotypos     HSh       365+     L     ˆ   55-65  Peaty           JC		See No. 15. (3 months at 70°F, 3 months chill, 3 months at 70°F).

Rhus           HSh       30-90          ˆ   65-70  Well drained    JC		Chip or soak. See Nos. 12 and 13.

Robinia        HT        7-30    L         65-75  Well drained     S		See  No. 13. Soak in hand hot water.

Rosa           HSh       30-365+  L     ˆ   55     Well drained    JC		See  No. 16 or No. 14. (Pre-chill for 3 months).

Santolina      HSh       15-30              65-70  Well drained    JC

Sarcococca     HSh       30-120             55-65  Peaty           JC

Sequoia        HT        7-60     L     ˆ   65-70  Peaty           S

Skimmia        HSh       30-180   L     ˆ   50-60  Acid Peat       S		Soak overnight then No. 14. (Pre-chill for 4 weeks).

Sophora        HT        10-21              70-85  Well drained    JC		Chip and soak seeds. See Nos. 12 and 13.

Sorbus         HT        120-180  L     ˆ   65-70  Well drained    S		See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 4 months).

Spartium       HSh       7-30               70     Well drained    JC		Chip and soak. See Nos. 12 and 13.

Spiraea        HSh       30-40              55-65  Well drained    JC

Styrax         HSh       30-90          ˆ   55-65  Well drained    JC

Syringa        HSh       14-60    L         70     Peaty           S		See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 3 weeks).

Tamarix        HSh       30-50    L         65-70  Peaty           S		See No. 5.         

Taxodium       HT        14-60    L         70     Peaty           S		See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 30 days).                   

Taxus          HT        365+     L     ˆ   70     Peaty           JC		See No. 15. (3 months at 70°F, 3 months chill, 3 months at 70°F).

Thuja          HSh       14-60    L     ˆ   55     Peaty           S		See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 4 weeks).

Trachycarpus   HT        40-90    L     ˆ   55-65  Peaty           S		See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 4 weeks).

Tsuga          HT        7-60     L     ˆ   60     Peaty           S		See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 3 months).

Ulex           HSh       14-21              65-75  Well drained    JC		See No. 13. 

Vaccinium      HSh       365+     L     ˆ   65-75  Acid Peat       S		See No. 16. 

Viburnum       HSh       240-540  L     ˆ   70     Well drained    JC		See No. 15. (3 months 70°F, 3 months chill, 3 months 70°F).

Wistaria       HSh       30-60              55-65  Well drained    1/8"		Chip and  soak in hand hot water. See Nos. 12 and 13.

Zelkova        HT        14-60    L     ˆ   50-70  Peaty           S		See No. 5 or No. 14. (Pre-chill for 2 weeks).