Growers Guide for Sweet Pea – Lathyrus

A genus of hardy annual and herbaceous perennial climbers from temperate zones and tropical mountains. Perennial species grown today               Where to plant and grow Any good rich soil is suitable. Plant the perennials in the autumn or spring, choosing a sunny position where the plants can climb over a trellis, wall or other support. These plants need a lot of […]

Growing Guide for Geranium Plant

How to grow Geranium From the Greek geranos, a crane, because the seed pod resembles a crane’s head and beak (Geraniaceae). Crane’s-bill. A genus of hardy herbaceous summer-flowering perennials with lobed or cut leaves, widely distributed over the temperate regions of the world. They are easily cultivated, free flowering and some are useful rock garden plants, others good border plants. […]

SCHIZANTHUS – Butterfly flower, Annual Flower Information

The flowers of this plant are a delight to those who admire extreme grace, dainty markings, and fantastic forms. Many flowers have been compared by writers to butterflies, but it is only this one that has received the name of Butterfly flower. The Butterfly weed (Asclepias) and the Butterfly bush (Buddleia) is so-called not because they resemble butterflies, but because […]

Salvia – Sage, Perennials Guide to Planting Flowers

Saliva – Sage LIGHT BLUE SALVIAS. Salvia Azurea grandiflora. This species is one of great beauty, bearing light azure colored flowers in great profusion upon tall, slender spikes. The plants grow from 3 feet to 4 feet tall and bloom from August until frost. S. farinaceaclosely resembles the former species, except that the calyx ; enclosing the flowers is a […]

Planting Colorful Chrysanthemums for Your Garden

Beautiful hardy Fall Chrysanthemums October and November are the months which marshal in the Chrysanthemums and if these months be cold and rainy, the flowers do not develop well, but if the days are warm and the nights frosty, but not freezing, these flowers are in the height of their glory. “All through the budding Springtime, All through the Summer’s […]

Anemone – Japanese Wind Flower, Perennials Guide to Planting Flowers

There are many kinds of Anemones found growing in cultivated gardens, as well as in the wild of our woods. Some are among the first flowers to bloom along the river banks in the Spring and some bloom even after the early frosts of autumn. All thrive under cool conditions and in many cases the ground should be covered with […]

Helenium – Sneezeweed, Helen’s Flower, Perennials Guide to Planting Flowers

The Heleniums are tall growing autumnal plants which are closely related to the Sunflower. The blooming period is from June to the end of September and during this time the plants are covered with flowers of mahogany-crimson, coppery-bronze, lemon-yellow, and light and deep rich yellows. The flowers are flat. and are borne in large heads or clusters. They grow from […]