Helenium – Sneezeweed, Helen’s Flower, Perennials Guide to Planting Flowers

Helenium - Sneezeweed, Helen's Flower,  Perennials Guide to Planting Flowers

The Heleniums are tall growing autumnal plants which are closely related to the Sunflower. The blooming period is from June to the end of September and during this time the plants are covered with flowers of mahogany-crimson, coppery-bronze, lemon-yellow, and light and deep rich yellows. The flowers are flat. and are borne in large heads or clusters. They grow from 1 foot to 6 feet high.

Helenium autumnale, Riverton Gem, grows from 2 1/2 feet to 3 feet high and has flowers of an old gold color, which changes to a blood-red wallflower color when mature. Riverton Beauty grows from 5 feet to 6 feet tall. Its flowers are a rich lemon yellow with a purplish-black cone center. Rubrum bears large, loose heads of terra cotta or mahogany-crimson flowers which do not change as the blooms mature. Superbum has deep, golden yellow flowers while Striatum has yellow flowers striped with crimson. All the above varieties bloom from August through September.

H. Hoopesii, a clear, rich yellow sort with slightly drooping rays, blooms early in June and grows only 2 feet tall. Following the last named species in season of bloom is H. pumilum, another yellow sort, usually growing about 18 inches tall and bearing a profusion of flowers through the Summer months.

UTILIZE. Heleniums are a very useful as well as popular group of plants for the garden, for their masses of golden-hued colors blend with the autumnal colors and produce effects which are hard to achieve in any other group. Because of their tall growth, Heleniums are used to form the body and main background of large borders and are very attractive when planted among shrubbery. The flowers are very useful for cutting and the blooms remain fresh for a long time when placed in water. The bushes are always covered with large quantities of bloom which remain on the plant in good condition for some time. The cut flowers are useful for interior decoration.

GENERAL. Heleniums are vigorous growing plants which thrive in any soil and even under adverse conditiohttp://pixabay.com/en/sun-brews-flower-garden-yellow-1622682/ns. They should be transplanted frequently because they spread rapidly.

PROPAGATION. These plants are propagated by seeds sown in July, by division of the roots either in early Spring or Fall, and by cuttings taken in Spring.

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