Although bulbs, corms and tubers carry their own food supply it is only good for one year at most and if you wish to have flowers year after year it is essential that they should be well fed. This is […]
When to shop for Bulbs, Corms and Tubers in the Garden Stores
The main outdoors planting season for bulbs, corms and tubers are in the fall with bulbs on sale from mid-August to late November. Lilies have a very long growing season and, if they have had to be transported over great […]
Planting flower bulbs
Ornamental bulb plants, commonly known as flower bulbs, are charming plants that are admired by gardeners. They owe their popularity to their vivid colours and the magnificent scents they excrete. Parallel leaf venation and limited branching of the overground shoots […]
How to Buy Bulbs
Bulbs are fun! They are the last gardening you will do in the Fall and the first rewards you will reap in the Spring. Bulbs give you pleasure when you are planning, when you are ordering, when you are planting […]
Deer Proof Bulbs
Deer Proof Bulbs Why give up on planting bulbs just because you share your yard with hungry deer? There’s nothing as uplifting as looking at a dazzling display of flowers in spring. And even if you live in a place […]
Garden Designs for Bulbs
Bulb Color Choosing color schemes for bulbs is not different from choosing color schemes for your house or your clothing. The same rules apply. In fact, the garden can be seen as an extension of your interior. There are cool […]
How to Select Bulbs, Corms and Tubers in a Garden Store
Is the shop temperature suitable ? If it freezes at night half-hardy bulbs may be damaged and go soft on the outside. If it is too hot, the bulbs will wither or start to grow shoots prematurely without root growth, […]
Bulbs in general
Bulbs are easy to grow, provided that you stick to some essentials. Probably no other plant group gives as much variety and pleasure to the gardener with so little effort. And if you don’t have a garden, bulbs do very […]
Flower garden bulbs, Corms or Tubers for your garden
Listing of Bulbs, Corms & Tubers proven to do well in your garden. Achimenes (Gesneria family) These greenhouse plants require a growing temperature of at least 6o°F ( 6°C). Their fragile stems can be supported by twigs or allowed to […]
Plant Fritillaries this Fall
These are less common spring-flowering bulbs that you plant in the fall as you would the more common daffodils and tulips. Their flowers come in a range of colors, and are generally bell-shaped, either in clusters or single. Plants range […]