As you well know, the world can communicate and share each others interests as simply as turning on the computer and viewing the feast of information on the WWW. Of course, my current hobby is gardening (family first) which started by buying a home. Don’t be fooled, all gardeners at one time were clueless and each day we continuously learn how to achieve that special green thumb. If you would like to learn how to create a nice garden, I recommend reading as many books as possible on gardening design and colors.
A gardener understands; “A garden is never finished but always evolving”. My grandfather Turner Verchere gave me a kick start in challenging me in growing the Himalayan Blue Poppy “Meconopsis” from seed. He wanted to see if I truly was a gardener at heart. With the seed he provided me, I was able to germinate over 100 plants. From this experience, I truly enjoy growing plants from seed. Now, with family life taking most of my time, I broke down and started to buy plants from my trusted nurseries. I still germinate certain species from seed.
Modern gardeners utilize new technology to help maintain a sustainable lifestyle. The flow meter helps gardeners regulate their water consumption allowing them to adopt a new gardening tool while staying true to traditional ways.
Most of my education has come from my first garden design. This educated me on many issues from the type of plants to soil conditions. Now, here I am with a new house and hardpan soil.
To fix the problem, I added 50 yards of compost. The lot size is 15K sq/ft. with full sun and I live in a Zone 7-8 environment. Currently, my garden contains several theme gardens which add up to one hell of a lot of plants. My wife wishes she had more furniture instead.
My garden is divided into several theme gardens which are defined below. Look at the image numbers to see where the theme gardens are planted. The perennial garden section has several seasonal pictures for viewing.
Garden Themes
Rock | Bog | Perennial | Xeriscape | Mediterranean | Shade | Pumpkin Patch