HIBISCUS (Abelmoschus) Sunset Hibiscus, Annual Flower Information

HIBISCUS (Abelmoschus) – Sunset Hibiscus (Goldenbowl H.) (Ancient name for the Marshmallow) Comparatively unknown to gardens, the Sunset Hibiscus, H. manihot, is the loveliest yellow tall annual. The plants grow 8 feet tall, the divided leaves, character of seed vessels and even the flowers remind us of the Okra. The flowers are soft yellow, 4 inches to 9 inches across, […]

REHMANNIA, Annual Flower Information

REHMANNIA (Named for Joseph Rehmann, physician of Petrograd) Rehmannias are seldom seen in neither gardens nor even in catalogs and yet they are lovely, long, bell-shaped flowers; as lovely as almost any flower of the garden. Rehmannia angulata is really a perennial but, not hardy enough to survive northern winters, it is raised as an annual. The flowers are rosy-purple, […]

Annual Gardening and Garden Design

Annual gardening plants classed as annuals are those which complete their life cycle within the space of one year and in this group, we find some of our most useful garden flowers. We also commonly place in this class a few flowers such as the snapdragons (antirrhinum) and the ageraturns which are not true annuals but which are best handled […]

Plant care for Arctotis, Annual Flower Information

ARCTOTIS Bushy Arctotis (Blue-eyed-African-daisy) (Name derived from arklos-a bear, ous-an ear; refers to shaggy fruit) The lovely daisylike flowers of Arclolis grandis are useful for cut flowers. The upper sides of the petals are white and the reverse lilac blue, with the center of the flower steel-blue. The foliage is gray-green. Cut blooms last a week, closing each night and […]

Plant care for CYNOGLOSSUM Houndstongue, Annual Flower Information

CYNOGLOSSUM Houndstongue (From Greek cuon-dog; glossa-tongue, refers to papillae on seeds, which gives the texture of a tongue) Recently a lovely blue Forget-me-not-like flower has been introduced to our gardens known as Cynoglossum amabile and cataloged as the Chinese Forget-me-not. It may be described as a columnar Forget-me-not, growing 2 feet tall, with long sprays of deep, clear blue flowers […]

Plant care for Hunnemannia – Goldencup, Annual Flower Information

HUNNEMANNIA – Goldencup (Giant Yellow-tulip poppy) (Bush-eschscholtzia) (Named for John Hunnemann, an English botanist) An aristocrat among the Poppies, the Goldencup, bears a difficult botanical name, Hunnemannia fumariaefolia. The buttercup-yellow flowers are like those of California-poppies except that they are more crinkled, and of greater substance, furthermore, the plants are upright. The leaves are glaucous and thick, but finely cut. […]

MIRABILIS Four-o’clock (Marvel-of-peru), Annual Flower Information

MIRABILIS Four-o’clock (Marvel-of-peru) (Name from mirabilis, wonderful, or some say shortened form of Admirabilis) The Four-o’clocks are well known and were favorites with our grandmothers, just as they are admired by us today. The flowers remain closed until late afternoon, hence the name Four-o’clock. They are white, crimson, violet, yellow and striped. The plants are 2 feet tall, and during […]

RESEDA Mignonette, Annual Flower Information

RESEDA – Mignonette (Latin name Reseda means “to calm or appease,” and refers to the fact that the plant was employed by the Romans in treating bruises) The sweet fragrance of Mignonette, or Little Darling, is a luxury in any garden. “Its sweetness wins all hearts.” Some of the Mignonettes produce large trusses of bloom 8 inches long and 2 […]

Plant care for Nemesia, Annual Flower Information

NEMESIA (Name found in Dioscorides, an early botanical writer) The English have admired and grown Nemesias in their cool climate and all have admired them in places where they grow well. At Ohio State University they grown them in the greenhouse but find that our Summers are too hot and dry, except when they are started in the Winter and […]