Reminding one of a small, symmetrical evergreen, the Summer cypress is commonly seen in gardens. The plants grow quickly and make an upright, compact growth, producing numerous branches covered with fine leaves. There is an objectionable feature that must be […]
NIGELLA – Love in a mist, Annual Flower Information
NIGELLA Love in a mist (Devil in the bush) (Lady-in-the-green) (Fennel flower) (Jack- in-the-bush) (Named from Latin for little black, alluding to the seeds) The fantastic names given to Nigella, which alone tempt anyone to grow it, have reference to […]
Sanvitalia Annual Flower Information
Sanvitalia procumbens flowers are much like tiny Zinnias, being golden yellow with very dark purple centers, some of them single and others double. The plants grow only 6 inches tall, or rather they are prostrate and spread over the soil […]
Annuals and Biennials for the Cool Greenhouse – Greenhouse flowers
Raising plants from seed is a most economical means of providing a long-lasting display for the cool greenhouse. Where a minimum night temperature of about 45°F (7°C) can be maintained the choice of flowering and of decorative foliage plants is […]
Plant care for Pot Marigold, Calendula, Annual Flower Information
When Shakespeare mentioned the Marygold he meant Calendula officinalis, which for wealth of bloom, is without a rival. As the plants self-sow, many persons have them in their gardens year after year. Flowers from such chance seedlings are often small […]
OENOTHERA Evening primrose, Sundrops, Annual Flower Information
OENOTHERA, Evening primrose, Sundrops There are many biennial and perennial Oenotheras but several are rather popular annuals. Oenothera drummondi. Drummond Evening-primrose. This annual, 1 to 9. feet tall, has bright yellow flowers. Like all Evening primroses it is four-petaled. Oenothera […]
SCABIOSA – Pineushion flower – Mourning-bride, Annual Flower Information
The long stems and tufted flowers of the annual Scabiosa (S. atropurpurea) are charming. The colors also are pleasing in all cases white, light pink, rose, fiery scarlet, pale yellow, azure blue, and deep blackish-purple. The stamens are light in […]
Growing Annuals & Biennial Plants
Seed’s are nature’s way of increasing plant life and it is also the simplest method for the gardener to raising annual, biennial and in sometimes a perennial flowering plants. Gardens of in new developments tend to get smaller and smaller, […]
Plant care for Callistephus China-aster, Annual Flower Information
As the annual Asters differ from our wild Asters and were introduced from China, they should properly be known as China-asters, Callistephus chinensis. From a violet colored Daisy-like flower with a yellow center, the China aster has been bred to […]
EMILIA – Tassel flower, Floras-paintbrush, Annual Flower Information
EMILIA (Cacalia) – Tassel flower (Floras-paintbrush) This brilliant orange and scarlet, rarely yellow, flowered annual is worthy of a place in any garden. It is not large, but the dash of orange color it provides is noticeable. It is often […]