A seed is an embryo plant and contains virtually all the materials and energy to start off a new plant. To get the most from one’s seeds it is needful to understand a little about their needs so that just […]
How to grow Zucchini
Zucchini A very rich bed is essential for a regular supply of marrows between late July and autumn. Soil which has received a generous dressing of well-rotted farmyard manure or garden compost is ideal. Planting distances depend on the type […]
How to grow Cauliflower
Cultivation A deeply-dug well-manured soil in an open sunny position is best, but the ideal condition is when the crop follows a heavily manured one such as early potatoes. Apply a dressing of superphosphate at 55g (2oz) per sq m […]
How to grow Leeks from seed
The leek is a valuable vegetable for winter and spring use and is often grown to replace onions when the last of the stored crop has been eaten. Sow the seeds outdoors in late March or early April on a […]
How to grow brussels sprouts
This critical member of the cabbage family, known botanically as Brassica oleracea var. gemmifera (Cruciferae), originated in Belgium. The popularity of the vegetable is due not only to the fact that picking can be extended over a long period, but […]
Trollius – Perennial Plant, How to grow
From the German common name trollblume, or the Latin trulleus, a basin, referring to the flower shape (Ranunculaceae). Globe-flower. A genus of 25 species of hardy perennials with large buttercup-like blooms and usually with palmately-lobed leaves. They are natives of […]
Stachys – Perennial Plant, How to grow
From the Greek stachus, a spike, alluding to the pointed inflorescences of this plant (Labiatae). A genus of 300 species of herbaceous perennials, annuals, and sub-shrubs, with a few shrubby species widely dispersed worldwide. One tuberous-rooted species, S. affinis, is […]
Penstemon – Perennial Plant, How to grow
From the Greek pente, five, and stemon, stamen, about the five stamens (Scrophulariaceae). This genus of over 250 species of hardy and half-hardy herbaceous annuals, perennials, and sub-shrubs is almost exclusively North American. The name is sometimes erroneously spelled Pentstemon. […]
Guide to Watering Houseplants – January Gardening Tips
Watering houseplants properly, checking them for spider mites regularly, and ordering seeds early are some of the gardening activities for this month. Feel the soil of your houseplants. When it’s dry an inch or so deep, apply enough water so […]
Gardening Guide for January.
Nature reflects the color of the spirit. Beauty is not confined to a season nor to region. The gardens of Georgia or Florida are perpetually in bloom, but are they more beautiful than northern gardens in winter, where imagination sorts […]
January Gardening Tasks per Hardiness Zone
Provided is a list of tasks you need to perform in your garden during January. Please understand your gardening zone which is identified in the menu above. Look for Hardiness Zones. Zone 1 Order seed and nursery catalogs Check dahlia […]