Penstemon – Perennial Plant, How to grow

From the Greek pente, five, and stemon, stamen, about the five stamens (Scrophulariaceae). This genus of over 250 species of hardy and half-hardy herbaceous annuals, perennials, and sub-shrubs is almost exclusively North American. The name is sometimes erroneously spelled Pentstemon. […]

Gardening Guide for January.

Nature reflects the color of the spirit. Beauty is not confined to a season nor to region. The gardens of Georgia or Florida are perpetually in bloom, but are they more beautiful than northern gardens in winter, where imagination sorts […]

January Gardening Tasks per Hardiness Zone

Provided is a list of tasks you need to perform in your garden during January. Please understand your gardening zone which is identified in the menu above. Look for Hardiness Zones. Zone 1 Order seed and nursery catalogs Check dahlia […]

January Perennial Flowers

A dormant perennial garden in the Seattle area.  This was one of the most enjoyable projects, planting over 300 plants. It was truly a beautiful garden.  Currently, they have divided the property and built a house on top of the […]