Gooseberry – Growing and Harvesting

Gooseberries The gooseberry, Ribes grossularia, is native to Britain where it has been cultivated since the thirteenth century at least. Being self-fertile and productive, it is ideal for a small garden. Gooseberries excel in the cooler areas of the Midlands and North. They are tolerant of most soils but not of waterlogging. Growth may be weak on poor gravel soils […]

Giant Pumpkin Records in the World, Country, State, & Province

In 2024, the Southern Hemisphere has broken two pumpkin records this year: one in Queensland, Australia, and another in South Africa. In the Northern Hemisphere, seed auctions have started, and some growers are germinating their seeds. We wish you luck in the 2024 pumpkin growing season. On October 9, 2023, Travis Gienger from Anoka, Minnesota, set the world record for […]

Growing Sweet Peas

Sweet PeasA most popular annual, the sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus) is not difficult to grow, though the richer the soil the better the results. Given good cultivation it will produce stems 2 ft. long bearing four, five or more florets. Elegant, graceful and fragrant, with the exception of yellow, it will provide every color of the spectrum and dozens of […]

What you should know about Daffodils

The first thing you should know about daffodils is that it’s smart to choose the ones you want while they’re still in bloom in the spring. If you miss the boat this spring, your best bet is to read carefully the descriptions in next fall’s seed and nursery catalogs. The second thing you need to know is something about the […]

Spring Garden Plants

Spring is a wonderful time of year to be in the garden. As the temperature starts to rise, new life emerges from the darkness of winter, and wildlife comes out from hibernation, our gardens once again become a hub of activity. The most attractive spring gardens are home to a variety of plants, from colourful flowers to beautiful shrubs. These […]

Growing Dahlias – How to care from Spring to Fall

Dahlias are half-hardy perennials, originally from Mexico, and now very popular in the United States. Very adaptable, they grow well in any type of soil. They are versatile, being used for garden decoration, cut flowers, floral art, and exhibition. Few flowers can match them for their wide range of brilliant colors, their wide variety of shapes and sizes, and their […]

6 Easy Steps to Prep Your Backyard for Spring

The chilly and nostalgic winter season is starting to be replaced with the warm and comforting spring. As the snow begins to melt and you put shovels aside, it’s time to welcome spring with some backyard prepping. If you don’t have a backyard, you can tend to your lawn instead. As you may have observed, the harsh cold of winter […]

5 Ways to Get Your Lawn Ready for Spring

The spring is the time when your garden starts to wake up. For all the gardeners out there, this means that you have lots of work in your hands. The winter leaves its traces behind, so spring is the right time to clean up and improve the condition of the lawn. There are 5 things that you need to do […]

Growing Tulip Bulbs

Tulips are the gardener’s pot of gold Remember your old “magic set” and the wonderfully colored brews you mixed? And the surprises, and the fun? Today you’ll find there’s greater magic in tulips and even more gorgeous and beautiful colors packed away in their sleek brown bulbs. To work this new magic, think of the happiest flower colors and the prettiest combinations you ever […]

The Top Four Reasons Why Tree Trimming Is Important

Tree trimming, also known as pruning, is an important part of overall tree care. It involves hiring a qualified tree care company for the removal of dead, diseased, and unnecessary branches from the tree. The process of tree trimming helps to improve the general health of the tree and helps to stabilize the inner structure. Trees are also a vital […]