The Fun in Growing a Giant Pumpkin

Giant Pumpkins

If you would like to know who grew the largest pumpkin this year, or learn how to grow a giant pumpkin that even your dad can’t pick up. This pumpkin patch will provide you with all the answers. Just look at the links below for all the great information you can find about pumpkins.

The critical points on growing a giant pumpkin:

  • Soil – make sure it is tilled with good organic matter. Plan for a 25-foot square area
  • Seed – Look for great genetic seeds
  • Pollination – Did Mother Nature pollinate your flower or did you?
  • Temperature – Did you plant your pumpkin too early?
  • Watering – Pumpkins grow due to Soil, Temperature, and Water
  • Place soil over the vine nodes
  • Limit the plant to two or three pumpkins
  • More to read…..

Now that you understand how to grow your big pumpkin, you will need to consider shading it to prevent cracking or blowing up if it grows too quickly. Yes, the pumpkin can blow up if it grows too quickly. Overwatering can cause it to grow too quickly.

If you feel you have a mammoth pumpkin or you want to know the pumpkin’s weight, there are two methods to determine the weight. One method is to measure it, and the other is to take it to a weigh-off and meet other pumpkin growers.

If you need help understanding how to grow one of these mammoths, I have listed several home pages and books to assist you. With all my secrets, you can grow that 1000-pound pumpkin this year.

Each year, my uncle and I have a competition to see who can grow the largest pumpkin. A couple of years ago, I gave my Uncle Bill some Atlantic Giant pumpkin seeds, and now he’s hooked!

Here are some of the pumpkin-growing secrets I have learned over the years.

Do you want to know how a world-record pumpkin looks?  I hope you are not bored yet, because you want to understand how these large pumpkins got started and why there are several organizations, then you better read this Outsider article.

Some people go out of their way to figure out WHAT TO DO WITH A PUMPKIN. Sometimes, you are left with a pumpkin so large that one fellow decided to use it as a boat. Can a pumpkin support an outboard motor?
Additional Pumpkin Pages

How To Grow – Records – Clipart – Seeds – Poems – Phantom Pumpkin – Carving – Pumpkin – FAQ’s – How Big is it?

Photo credit – Wallace Wopper Organic Pumpkins
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    PUGMAN Ibrahim Gado

    need to collaborate with your organization, we are Pumpkin growers association in Nigeria know as PUGMAN (pumpkin growers, marketers association of Nigeria) need to expand and walk together with you.

    Kindly furnished us with details of your association.


    Jeff Shaw

    I like pumpkin seeds


    Wow that’s got to be the biggest pumpkin I’ve ever seen! I wonder how many pumpkin pies you could make from that haha.

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