How to Germinate any Seed – Growing Seed Requirements

How to Germinate any Seed - Growing Seed Requirements

A seed is an embryo plant and contains virtually all the materials and energy to start off a new plant. To get the most from one’s seeds it is needful to understand a little about their needs so that just the right conditions can be given for successful growth.

One of the most usual causes of failures with seed is sowing too deeply; a seed has only enough food within itself for a limited period of growth and a tiny seed sown too deeply soon expends that energy and dies before it can reach the surface. Our seed guide, therefore, states the optimum depth at which each type of seed should be sown. Another common cause is watering. Seeds need a supply of moisture and air in the soil around them. Keeping the soil too wet drives out the air and the seed quickly rots, whereas insufficient water causes the tender seedling to dry out and die. We can thoroughly recommend the Polythene bag method (No. 11) which helps to overcome this problem. Watering of containers of very small seeds should always be done from below, allowing the water to creep up until the surface glistens.

Most seeds will of course only germinate between certain temperatures. Too low and the seed takes up water but cannot germinate and therefore rots, too high and growth within the seed is prevented. Fortunately, most seeds are tolerant of a wide range of temperatures but it is wise to try to maintain a steady, not fluctuating temperature, at around the figure we have recommended in our guide. Once several of the seeds start to germinate the temperatures can be reduced by about 5 degrees F and ventilation and light should be given.

Some perennials and tree and shrub seeds can be very slow and erratic in germination. This may sometimes be due to seed dormancy, a condition that prevents the seed from germinating even when it is perfectly healthy and all conditions for germination are at optimum. The natural method is to sow the seeds out of doors somewhere where they will be sheltered from extremes of climate, predators, etc. and leave them until they emerge, which maybe two or three seasons later. Dormancy, however, can be broken artificially and our section Nos. 12-16 deals with this.

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1. Strelitzia and similar

Do not chip or mark the seed coat at all but merely remove the orange tuft and soak for up to 2 hours, or even overnight. Sow the seeds in moist sand, pressing them into the sand until only a small part of the black seed is visible and grow in a temperature of 75 degrees F in the dark and ensure that the sand always remains moist. From 7 days onwards inspect the container once a week and as soon as any bulges, roots or shoots are seen remove the germinated seed and pot up in a compost of half peat and half sand. We find that Strelitzias often produce a root without a shoot and we have also found that the young shoots and roots are susceptible to fungal attack. Therefore as soon as possible pot up and provide light and fresh air. Germination can start within 7 days and carry on for 6 months or more.

2. Palms; Banana; Coffee; Mini-Orange; Tea; Cycads and similar

All these items can take several months to germinate and are very erratic in germination. Soak for at least 2 hours in warm water before sowing. (After soaking the parchment shell on the Coffee seeds should be removed with the fingernail). Sow in Levington or Arthur Bowers (compost and place in the dark in a temperature of 75 degrees F, keeping the compost moist at all times, but not wet. Inspect regularly and occasionally dig around in the compost with a penknife. We normally sow our seeds just below the surface of the soil and we have found that sometimes they make a very vigorous root without producing a shoot at all. If you find a seed with root then it should be excavated and potted up into a 3-4” pot immediately when it will produce a shoot. Cycads prefer to be potted up into a compost of half sand and half peat. The Tea requires the above treatment but at a lower temperature of 60-65 degrees F.

3. Clivia and similar

Sow these seeds immediately on receipt in Levington or a peat-based compost, covering with a 1/2 ” compost. Water and place in the dark in a temperature of 65-70’F. Germination should occur within 3 weeks.

4. Ferns (Garden and Indoor)

The fern spore needs a fine film of moisture over which to swim in order to complete the process of reproduction, therefore a good peat compost, such as Levington, ought to be used pressed down very firmly and which is a lot more moist than one would normally have it in order to provide the moisture film. The spore (seed) should be sprinkled close together on the surface of the soil and not covered and the container should be covered with a piece of glass and placed in diffused light, but not darkness. It is essential to ensure that the compost remains moist at all times. Germination which commences with the appearance of a film of green jelly over the soil can take anything from 1 -5 months.

You may wish to try germinating the fern spore on blotting paper which is placed in a saucer and kept moist at all times. A transparent cover is inverted over the saucer and the whole lot placed in a well lit but not sunny position. You can actually see the fern spores developing and when you can see small plantlets appearing along the jelly the blotting paper should be lifted and placed on the surface of a container of Levington compost and watered well. It should then be covered with a transparent cover which can remain there until the plants are quite large.

5. Bromeliads; Cineraria; Calceolaria; Insect Eaters (Drosera, Nepenthes, Sarracenias); Living Stones; Meconopsis; Rubber Plants; Saintpaulia; Streptocarpus; Tibouchina; Xmas Cactus; Begonia and similar

These seeds should be sown on the surface of the compost and not covered. The compost should be quite moist and we would recommend that you cover the seed container with a piece of glass or clear plastic and leave in a temperature of approximately 65 degrees F in a position which receives diffused light. Once some of the seeds have germinated air should be admitted gradually otherwise the seedlings may damp off.

Alternatively, the seeds can be sown on to moist blotting paper or kitchen towel placed in a saucer. Cover with a transparent cover and place on a windowsill which receives plenty of light, but not direct sunlight. Keep the blotting paper wet at all times and when the tiny seedlings are large enough to handle prick out into small pots. If the INSECT EATERS are sown using the first method described the compost requires to be both moist yet free draining. Use only pure peat with no fertilizers added to which sphagnum moss should be added if available.

6. Alstroemeria; Bonsai; Clematis; Hardy Cyclamen; Eucalyptus; Flower Lawn; Helleborus; Hosta; Primula; Iris and similar.

Sowing OCTOBER-FEBRUARY. Sow the seeds in John Innes seed compost, covering them with a thin layer of compost. After watering place the seed container outside against a North wall or in a cold frame, making sure they are protected against mice, and leave them there until the spring. The compost should be kept moist but not wet at all times, and if the seed containers are out in the open then some shelter has to be given against excessive rain. In the spring bring the seed containers into the greenhouse, or indoors on to a well lit but not sunny windowsill and keep the compost moist. This should trigger off germination. If the seeds do not germinate in the spring keep them in cool moist conditions throughout the summer. As each seed germinates we would recommend that you transplant it almost immediately into its own pot.

Sowing MARCH-SEPTEMBER. Sow in John Innes seed compost, or something similar, and place each container in a polythene bag and put into the refrigerator (not the freezer compartment) for 2-3 weeks. After this time place the containers outside in a cold frame or plunge them up to the rims in a shady part of the garden border and cover with glass or clear plastic. Some of the seeds may germinate during the spring and summer and these should be transplanted when large enough to handle. The remainder of the seeds may lay dormant until next spring.

Germination of some items, particularly Alstroemeria, Clematis, Hardy Cyclamen and Christmas Rose (Helleborus) may take 18 months or more.

An alternative method for growing PRIMULAS is to sow in a peat based compost which has already been moistened and do not cover the seed. Cover the container with a piece of glass or plastic and grow in the dark in a steady temperature of 60F. This is quite adequate and over 65’F germination will be inhibited. When the seeds start to germinate sprinkle a thin layer of fine compost over them and when the seed leaves come through this, move the box to a well-lit place with a temperature of 55’F. At no time should the seed box be in full sun.

Hardy Cyclamen have been found to germinate best in total darkness at around 55-60’F. We have had good results with the following method. Place the seeds between two pieces of damp filter paper, Kleenex tissue, etc., then put into a polythene bag and place this into an opaque container in order to exclude all light. Inspect the seeds after a month and remove and prick out as the seedlings appear, returning the ungerminated seeds to total darkness.

7. Freesia

Soak the seeds for 24 hours and sow in Levington compost, or something similar, and place in a temperature of 50-60’F. Germination can sometimes be slow.

8. Nertera Granadensis (Bead Plant)

We recently found that this subject requires a well-drained compost which is completely free from fertilizer (e.g. moss peat and sand in equal parts). Sow by barely covering the seed and place a sheet of glass over the container, and leave in a temperature of 65-75’F. Turn the glass daily as excessive condensation can kill the young seedlings. On germination, the seedlings look very thin and spindly and the glass should be removed almost immediately and the seed container moved to a well lit but not sunny position. Prick out as soon as possible into a compost of 50% pure peat and 50% sand. Keep moist and shaded until established.

9. Cactus and similar

Make very shallow furrows in compost with a plant label and sow in these. No seed should be completely buried. Water from beneath and cover with glass and brown paper or black Polythene. Place in a dark position in a temperature of 70-75F and keep moist. On germinating move to a light but not sunny windowsill, give plenty of ventilation and water from beneath. Pot up when they begin to overcrowd. During the first winter only keep warm and do not allow to get too dry. If it is not possible to grow warm then keep them drier. Subsequent years keep relatively dry through the winter. Can be planted outside, plunged to the rim, all summer if required.

10. Lilies

Successful germination of seeds of some lilies requires a period of warmth followed by one of cold.

Method 1. Put seeds in a screw-top jar in moist (not wet) peat and keep at 70-75F for 3-4 months. Inspect regularly, any normal seedlings (that is having root and seedling leaves) should be pricked out as they germinate. Any seeds which produce roots but not seedling leaves, sow in a pan and keep at 32-40’F for 3 months. Seed leaves and normal growth will follow.

Method 2. Sow in a pan in summer (warm spell); put in a frame (or outside covered by a piece of glass) for the winter. Seeds will germinate in spring. Soil Humus rich (peat or leafmould) lime free and very free drainage (use 1/3 grit). Never overwater, keep bulbs almost dry from November to March.

11. For more delicate seeds

A method which has proved useful for not only small delicate seeds but for a wide range of types is the Polythene bag method.

The seeds should be sown on the surface of the moist compost, covered to their recommended depth if necessary and the container is then placed inside a Polythene bag after which the end is sealed with an elastic band. The bag should ‘fog-up’ with condensation within 24 hours and if this does not occur place the container almost up to its rim in moisture until the soil surface glistens, then replace in the bag and reseal. The bag is not removed and normally no more watering is required until the seeds germinate. However, it is wise, if left for a long period to check the compost occasionally.

The seed container, bag etc. should be placed in a well-lit place with a steady temperature. As soon as a fair number of the seedlings emerge to remove the polythene bag, lower the temperature a few degrees and provide plenty of light, but not bright sunshine, to ensure that sturdy seedlings develop. It is also helpful to spray the seedlings occasionally for the first 14 days.


12. Hard Seeds-Chipping

Some seeds, e.g. Sweet peas, lpomaea etc., have hard seed coats which prevent moisture being absorbed by the seed. All that is needed is for the outer surface to be scratched or abraided to allow water to pass through. This can be achieved by chipping the seed with a sharp knife at a part furthest away from the ‘eye’, by rubbing lightly with sandpaper or with very small seed pricking carefully once with a needle etc.

Some of our geranium seeds have already been treated in this way when you receive them.

13. Hard Seeds-Soaking

Soaking is beneficial in two ways; it can soften a hard seed coat and also leach out any chemical inhibitors in the seed which may prevent germination. 24 hours in water which starts off hand hot is usually sufficient. If soaking for longer the water should be changed daily. Seeds of some species (e.g. Cytisus, Caragana, Clianthus) swell up when they are soaked. If some seeds of a batch do swell within 24 hours they should be planted immediately and the remainder pricked gently with a pin and returned to soak. As each seed swells it should be removed and sown before it has time to dry out.

14. Stratification (cold treatment)

Some seeds need a period of moisture and cold after harvest before they will germinate-usually this is necessary to either allow the embryo to mature or to break dormancy. This period can be artificially stimulated by placing the moistened seed in a refrigerator for a certain period of time (usually 3- 5 weeks at around 41 F). With tiny seeds, it is best to sow them on moistened compost, seal the container in a Polythene bag and leave everything in the refrigerator for the recommended period. However, larger seeds can be mixed with 2-3 times their volume of damp peat, placed directly into a Polythene bag which is sealed and placed in the refrigerator. Look at seeds from time to time. The seeds must be moist whilst being pre-chilled, but it doesn’t usually benefit them to be actually in water or at temperatures below freezing.

Light also seems to be beneficial after prechilling and so pre-chilled seeds should have only the lightest covering of compost over them if any is required, and the seed trays etc. should be in the light and not covered with brown paper etc.

Information on Seed Stratification

15. Double Dormancy

Some seeds have a combination of dormancy’s and each one has to be broken in turn and in the right sequence before germination can take place; for example, some Lilies, Tree paeonies, Taxus need a three month warm period (68-86’F) during which the root develops and then a three month chilling to break dormancy of the shoots, before the seedling actually emerges. Trillium needs a three-month chill followed by three months of warmth and then a further three-month chill before it will germinate.

16. Outdoor treatment

The above-mentioned methods (12-15) accelerate the germination process and help to prevent seeds being lost due to external hazards (mice, disease, etc.) but outdoor sowing is just as effective albeit longer. The seeds are best sown in containers of free draining compost and placed in a cold frame or plunged up to their rim outdoors in a shaded part of the garden, preferably on the north side of the house avoiding cold drying winds and strong sun.

Recent tests show that much of the beneficial effects of pre-chilling are lost if the seed is not exposed to light immediately afterward. We, therefore, recommend sowing the seeds very close to the surface of the soil and covering the container with a sheet of glass. An alternative method especially with larger seeds is to sow the seed in a well-prepared ground, cover with a jam jar and press this down well into the soil so that the seeds are enclosed and safe from predators, drying out etc.

We would also recommend you consult No. 6 which contains further practical suggestions regarding the special treatment of seeds.

Germination days.

The usual time period in which a particular variety will germinate given optimum conditions.


Seeds needing light should have no newspaper, brown paper etc. placed over the trays. Seeds needing dark for germination should be placed in total darkness.

Slow and irregular germination

This is the column with the “X”. Not all seeds will show at once
-prick out each seedling as it becomes large enough to handle and don’t discard the container until well over the time suggested.


A steady temperature between these limits is recommended-fluctuating temperatures can damage a seedling in its critical early stages.


Most reputable seed composts will be quite adequate and we have indicated where a loam-based type such as John Innes or a peat-based type such as Levington would be slightly more suitable. On no account should potting composts, which have additional fertilizers, be used.

Sowing Depth

If in doubt sow shallowly, but always ensure that the compost surface is damp.
J.C. =Just cover the seed with compost or sharp sand. S=Sow on the surface and do not cover at all with compost.

Sowing in situ

Where recommended under the heading of comments, these seeds can be sown out of doors. Moist soil worked down to a fine tilth is essential. For hardy annuals and perennials, sowing can be carried out from late winter onwards as soon as the ground is workable and has warmed up and half-hardy annuals after all danger of frost is passed.


Many seeds, particularly in the house plant range, can be sown indoors at almost any season of the year. Others, for example, bedding plants, have a much-limited sowing season because the plants need to be at just the right stage when planted out. We, therefore, offer the following general guidelines to sowing times. Your actual time of sowing will depend a great deal upon the steady temperature you can maintain in your greenhouse/propagator, soil, local conditions etc.

Plant Type Acronyms

GBbGreenhouse Bulb
GPGreenhouse PerennialAnytime of year.
GShGreenhouse Shrub
GTGreenhouse Tree
HAHardy AnnualLate winter/early spring.
HBHardy BiennalLate spring/early summer.
HBbHardy BulbLate winter/late spring and late summer/autumn
HHAHalf Hardy AnnualEarly/ late spring. Normally 4-8 weeks before planting outside.
HHBHalf Hardy BiennalSummer/autumn.
HHBBHalf Hardy BulbLate winter/spring.
HHPHalf Hardy PerennialLate winter/spring.
HHShHalf Hardy ShrubAny time of year.
HHTHalf Hardy TreeAny time of year.
HPHardy PerennialLate winter/late spring and late summer/autumn.
HShHardy ShrubWinter/late spring and late summer/autumn.
HTHardy TreeWinter/late spring and late summer/autumn.

Any plant which is to be planted outside (HA, HHA, HHP, HHSh.) should be well hardened off beforehand. This is best achieved by placing the plants outside in a cold frame for around a week before planting out. The frame can be left uncovered during mild weather but always replaced at night. Alternatively, if no frame is available to move the boxes outside to a sheltered spot during the day and bring indoors at night.

The below file can be downloaded on this link:  Seed Germination List

VarietyTypeGerm DaysG TempMediaSow DepthComments
AbaremaGP7-5670-75Peaty1/4″Scarify seed by rubbing between 2 pieces of emery paper.
AbelmoschusHHA15-3075-80Well drained1/16″Soak 1 hour in lukewarm water before sowing.
AcaciaHHSh2170-80Well drained1/16″See No. 13. Soak in warm water for 4 hours.
AcaenaHP30-100ˆ50-60Well drained1/4″
AchilleaHP30-100Lˆ60-65Well drainedSReduce soil temperature at night.
AchimenesGP21-3065-75Well drainedSSee No. 5. Seed is very small.
AcnistusHHSh21-4255-65Well drained1/16″
AconitumHP5-270Lˆ55-60Well drained1/16″See Nos. 6 & 14. Place in a fridge for 6 weeks.
ActaeaHP30-365ˆ55-60Well drainedJCSee No. 14. (Pre-chill for 6-8 weeks).
ActinidiaHP60-90ˆ50Well drained1/8″Male & Female flowers are borne on separate plants.
AdansoniaGSh21-365ˆ70-80Peaty1/16″Soak in hand hot water. See No. 13.
AdenantheraGSh30-9070-75Well drainedJCSee No. 13. Soak in hot water.
AdeniumGSh7-14L65-70Very well draineJC
AdenophoraHP30-90ˆ50-55Well drainedS
AdonisHA, HP30-120ˆ60-65Well drainedJC
AechmiaGP7-90Lˆ60-70PeatySSee No. 5.
AethionemaHP30-90ˆ60-65Well drainedJC
AgapanthusHHP30-9060-65Well drainedJC
AgastacheHP30-9055Well drained1/16 “
AgaveGP30-90Lˆ55Well drainedS
AgeratumHHA10-14L70-75Well drainedS
AgrostemmaHA14-2155-65Well drained1/8″Can be sown in situ
AlchemillaHP21-3060-70Well drained1/8″
AlliumHBb30-365L50Well drainedJCSee No. 14. Place in fridge for 4 weeks.
AloeGP30-180L70Well drainedS
AlonsoaHHA14-2160Well drained1/16″Cover seed with silver sand.
AlstroemeriaHP30-365ˆ65-70Peaty1/16″See No. 13. Soak in warm water. Sow singly in pcrts.
AlyssumHA7-14L55-75PeatySAnnuals can be sown in situ.
AmaryllisHHBb21-70ˆ65-75Peaty1/16″Do not dry off in the first year after sowing.
AmmiHHA7-2155-65Well drained1/16″
AmmobiumHHA10-1560Well drained1/16″
AnacampserosGP30-90Lˆ65-70Well drainedS
AnacyclusHP30-60Lˆ55-60Well drainedJCSee No. 14. (Pre-chill for 3 weeks.)
AnagallisHHA30-4250-65Well drained1/8″
AnaphalisHP30-6055-65Well drainedJC
AnchusaHA, HP7-3070Well drained1/16″Can be sown in situ
AndrosaceHP30-365ˆ50-55Well drainedSSee No. 16.
AnemoneHP28-180ˆ65-70Well drainedJCSee No. 6.
AnemonopsisHP30-18OLˆ55-60Well drainedSSow in lime free compost.
AnigozanthusGP30-90L60-65PeatySSee No. 5.
AnodaHHA14-2155-65Well drained1/4″Can be sown in situ
AntennariaHP30-6955-60Well drainedJCJust cover with silver sand.
AnthemisHP0-1470Well drainedS
AnthericumHP30-9050Well drained1/8″
AnthriscusHP, HB14-2155-65Well drained1/4″Usually sown in situ
AnthyllisHP30-6050Well drained1/8″See No. 13. Soak in warm water overnight.
AntigononGP21-3065-70Well drainedJC
AquilegiaHP30-90Lˆ65-75Well drainedSSee No. 6 or 14. (Pre-chill for 3 weeks). Keep temperature below 70°F
ArabisHP20-25L70Well drainedSCan be sown in situ.
ArachisGA7-2170-75Peaty1/4″Sow, then place inside a polythene bag until germination.
AraujiaHHSh90-180ˆ75-80Well drainedJC
ArctotisHHA21-3560-70Well drainedJC
ArdisiaGSh90-18075Well drained1/4″
ArenariaHP15-3055-65Well drainedS
ArgemoneHA1465-70Well drained1/8″Can be sown in situ
ArisaemaHP30-180Lˆ55-60Well drainedJC
AristeaGP30-90ˆ55-60Well drainedJC
AristolochiaGSh30-90ˆ75-85PeatySSee No. 13. (Soak 48 hours in hand hot water).
ArmeriaHP14-2160-70Well drainedJCSee No. 13. (6-8 hours in hand hot water).
ArnicaHP25-3055Well drainedJCLikes an acid sandy soil.
ArtemisiaHP30-60L60-65Well drainedS
AsarinaHHP14-21L65-70Well drainedS
AsarumHP7-3060-65Well drained1/16″Sow as soon as possible.
AsclepiasGP, HP30-90ˆ50-75Peaty1/16″See No. 14. (Pre-chil for 3-4 weeks).
AsparagusGP21-3060-70Peaty1/4″Soak then chip. See Nos. 12 and 13.
AsperulaHA30-42L50Well drained1/16″Can be sown in situ or No. 14. (Pre-chill 2 weeks).
AsphodelineHP30ˆ70-75Well drainedJC
AsterHHA10-1465-70Well drained1/16″Pre-chill perennial asters, see No. 14. (Pre-chill 2 weeks).
AstilbeHP40-8065PeatySSee No. 5.
AstrantiaHP30-180Lˆ55-65Well drainedSSee No. 14. (Pre-chill for 4 weeks).
AtriplexHA9-2150-55Well drained1/16″Can be sown in situ
AtropaHP21-3050Well drained1/16″
AubrietaHP14-21L65-75Well drainedSSee No. 5.
BaileyaHHP7-3060-65Well drainedJC
BalsamorrhizaHP14-4260-65Well drained1/16″
Banana (Musa)GP7-180ˆ70-80Peaty1/2²See No. 2.
BanksiaHHSh30-90ˆ65-70PeatySSee No. 5.
BaptisiaHP7-1070-75Well drained1/4″Soak then chip. See Nos. 13 and 12.
BasilHHA7-1060-70Well drained1/16″Can be sown situ
BauhiniaGSh21-4275-85Peaty1/4″See No. 13. (Soak 48 hours in hand hot water).
BeaufortiaHHSh14-60L55-65PeatySSee No. 5.
BegoniaHHP15-60Lˆ70-80PeatySSee No. 5. Fibrous 70-75°F, tuberous 65-70°F.
BelamcandaHP14-60ˆ60-86Well drainedSee No. 14. (Pre-chill for 7 days).
BellisHB10-15L70Peaty1/16″Reduce soil temperature at night.
BeloperoneGP30-180Lˆ70-75PeatySSee No. 5.
BergeniaHP30-180ˆ60-70PeatySSee No. 14. (Pre-chill for 2 weeks).
BerlandieraHHP30-90L60-70Well drainedS
BetaHB14-2155-65Well drained1/4″Usually sown in situ.
BilladieraHHP30-6055Sandy peatJC
BillbergiaHHP7-90L60-70PeatySSee No. 5.
BiscutellaHHA14-2155-65Well drainedJCCan be sown in situ.
BlandfordiaHHP30-90+ˆ60-70Sandy peatJC
BletillaHHP30-365Lˆ65-70PeatySSee No. 5.
BoeaGP20-60Lˆ70-75PeatySSee No. 5.
BoroniaGSh30-60L65-75PeatySSee No. 5.
BrachycombeHHA10-1870Well drainedJC
BrimeuraHBb30-60ˆ60-65Sandy peatJC
BromeliadsGP7-90Lˆ60-70PeatySSee No. 5.
BrowelliaGP14-21L75PeatySSee No. 5.
BrunfelsiaGP30-90ˆ70-80Well drainedJC
BulbinellaH/HHBb30-90ˆ55Well drainedJC
BupthalmumHP14-30L70-75Well drainedS
CactiGP5-180Lˆ75-80PeatySSee No. 9.
CaesaloniaHhSh14-120ˆ75-80Well drained1/4″See No. 13. (Soak 48 hours in hand hot water).
CalandriniaHHA5-1455-60Well drained1/8″Can be sown in situ
CalceolariaGB14-21Lˆ65-75PeatySOutdoor varieties keep temperature below 60°F.
CalendulaHA10-14D70Any1/4″Can be sown in situ, or autumn for winter greenhouse flowers.
CalliopsisHA1460-65Well drained1/8″Can be sown in situ
CallirhoeHP30-180+Lˆ50Well drainedSCan be sown in situ or a cold frame.
CallistemonHHSh14-60L55-65PeatySSee No. 5.
CalthaHP30-90ˆ55-60Peaty1/16″Keep compost slighty moist.
CamassiaHBb30-180ˆ55-60Well drained1/16″
CampanulaHP, HB14-28L60-70PeatySSee No. 5.
CampsisHHSh30-90ˆ70-75Well drainedSSee No. 14. (Pre-chill for 2 months).
CanarinaGP30-180ˆ65-75Well drainedJC
CandytuftHA, HP10-1568-85Well drained1/4″Can be sown in stiu. Perennials (60-65°F) can be slow and irregular.
CannaHHP21-60ˆ70-75Peaty1/4″See Nos 12 & 13, chip and soak for 48 hours.
CardiocrinumHBb90-730ˆ50Peaty1/16″See No. 6.
CardiospermumHHA21-3065-70Well drained1/2″
CaricaGSh30-120ˆ75Peaty1/8″See No. 13. (Soak for 40 hours).
CarlinaHP30-60L55-60Well drainedS
CarthamusHA12-1855-65Well drained1/4″Can be sown in stiu
CassiaGSh7-9070-75Well drained1/8″See No. 12.
CasuarinaGT30-9065Well drainedJC
CatanancheHP21-2565-75Well drained1/16″
CelosiaGA10-15L70-75Well drainedJCDo not sow too early – likes warm bouyant conditions.
CentaureaHP, HA7-14D60-70Well drained1/16″
CentranthusHP21-3060-70Well drainedJCCan be sown in situ.
CephalariaHP21-6055-65Well drained1/4″Can be sown in situ.
CephalilitrumHHA14-2165-75Well drainedJC
CeratothecaHHA8-1470-75Well drained1/8″
CerintheHHA7-1460-65Welldrained1/16″ Can be sown in situ
CheiranthusHB14-2165-75Welldrained1/8″ Sow in a reserve bed, prick out 6″ apart. Plant out in Oct.
ChelidoniumHP30-365ˆ55-65Well drained1/8″See No. 16.
CheloneHP14-4255-65Well drained1/16″Needs good drainage.
ChiastophyllumHP30-6055Well drainedSSeeds very small.
ChionodoxaHBb30-90ˆ55Well drained1/4″
ChlorogalumHBb30-90ˆ55-80Well drained1/8″See No. 6.
ChrysanthemumHA, HP10-1860-70Peaty1/8″Annuals can be sown in situ. HP’s reduce temperature at night.
CimicifugaHP30-365ˆ55-60Well drained1/16″
CinerariaGP14-21Lˆ70Well drainedJC
CirrhopetalumGP30-180Lˆ65-70Well drainedS
CirsiumHP15-1870-75Well drained1/8″
CissusGSh30-180ˆ70-75Well drainedJC
CladanthusHA30-3570-75Well drainedJC
ClarkiaHA210Well drained1/4″Best sown in situ, as sturdier plants are produced.
ClaytoniaHA14-2165-70Well drained1/8″
ClematisHP30-270+ˆ70-75Well drained1/8″See Nos. 6 & 16.
CleomeHHA10+14L70-75Well drainedSSee No. 14. (Pre-chill for 2 weeks).
ClerodendrumGSh21-60ˆ70-75Well drained1/8″
ClianthusGSh14-4265-70Well drained1/16″See No. 13.
ClintoniaHP30-9055-60Sandy peatJCKeep compost always just moist.
ClitoriaGP15-2070-75Well drained1/16″See Nos. 12 and 13. (Chip and soak for 24 hours).
CliviaGP7-2180-85Peaty1/4″Sow immediately. See No. 3.
CobaeaHHA21-3070-75Well drained1/16″Stick the seed vertically into the compost.
CoccolobaGSh10-2165-70Well drained1/4″See No. 13. (Soak for 24 hours).
CodonopsisHP7-42L60-70Slighty acidS
CoffeaGSh42-56L75PeatySSee No. 2. (Soak for 48 hours).
ColchicumHBb30-365ˆ55-65Peaty1/8″See No. 16.
ColeusHHP10-20L65-75PeatySIndoors, likes to be warm with plenty of bright light.
CollinsiaHHA14-210Well drained1/4″Best sown in situ, thin out to 6′.
CollomiaHA210Well drained1/8″Best sown in situ, thin out to 6″.
CommelinaHHP30-3770Well drained1/8″
ConophytumGP10-40Lˆ75-80Well drainedS
ConvallariaHP60-365+Lˆ50-60Well drainedJCSee No. 16.
ConvolvulusHA5-1470-80Well drained1/8″Chip (12) or soak (13) the seeds.
CordylineGP30-9075-80Peaty1/16″See No. 13. (Soak for 10 minutes in hand hot water).
CoreopsisHP20-25L55-70Well drainedSAnnuals can be sown In situ
CorreaHHSh30-90ˆ65-72Well drainedJC
CortaderiaHP14-21L60-75PeatySSee No. 5.
CorydalisHP30-60L50-60Well drainedS
CosmosHHA5-1068-86Well drained1/8″Can be sown in situ
CotulaHHA14-4250Well drained1/16″
CrambeHP21-420Well drained1/2″Best sown In situ.
CraspediaHHA14-3070-75Peaty1/8″Can be sown in situ.
CrepisHA5-1470-80Wed drainedJC
CrocosmiaHP30-9055-60Well drained1/16″
CrocusHBb30-180ˆ55-65Well drained1/8″
CrossandraGP25-30Lˆ75-80PeatySSee No. 5.
CrotalariaGSh21-3065-75Well drained1/16″See No. 13. (Soak for 2 hours)
CryptostegiaGCI30-90ˆ65-75Well drained1/16″See No. 13. (Soak for 2 hours)
CyananthusHP14-60L60-65PeatySSee No. 5.
CycadGP30-90ˆ70-75Well drainedHalf bury the seed lengthwise.
CyclamenGP30-60Dˆ55-60Peaty1/4″Keep moist and in total darkness.
CyclamenHP30-18ODˆ55-60Peaty1/4″See No. 6.
CynaraHP14-3050-55Well drained1/8″Can be sown In situ.
CyperusHHP25-3070-75PeatyJCKeep the compost slighty moist.
CyphostemmaGP30-60ˆ70Well drained1/4″See No. 13. (Soak for 2 hours).
CypripediumHP30-365Lˆ65-70PeatySSee No. 5. Very difficuft outside the laboratory.
CyrtanthusGP30-90ˆ55-65PeatySKeep the compost silghty moisty
DahliaHHA5-2065-70Peaty1/16″Do not let the compost dry out.
DarlingtoniaHP30-90ˆ75-80PeatySDo not let the compost dry out. See also No. 5.
DaturaHHSH21-4255-65Well drained1/8″
DelonixGT30-90ˆ75-85Peaty1/16″See No. 13. (Soak for 24 hours).
DelospermaHHP10-40L75Well drainedS
DelphiniumHP14-28Dˆ50-55Peaty1/16″High temps. cause dormancy. See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 2 weeks).
DesmodiumGA30-9075-80well drained1/16″
DianellaH/HHP30-9065-70Well drained1/16″
DianthusHHA, HP14-2160-70Well drainedJC
DiasciaHHA14-3060Well drainedJC
DicentraHP30-180Lˆ55-60Well drainedJCSee No. 14. (Pre-chill for 6 weeks).
DictamnusHP30-180ˆ55-60Well drainedSee No. 14. (Pre-chill for 4-8 weeks).
DidymocarpusGp14-56Lˆ65-70Well drainedS
DieramaHP30-180Lˆ60-65Well drainedSSee No. 5.
DietesHHP30-90ˆ50-60Well drainedJC
DigitalisHP, HB15-20L60-65PeatySCan be sown in situ.
DionaeaGP30-90Lˆ75-80PeatySSee No. 5.
DioonGP30-90ˆ70-751/2 peat, 1/2 sand 1/4″See No. 2.
DiplarrhenaHP30-9055-65Well drainedJC
DipsacusHB4-300Well drained1/4″Best sown in situ
DisporumHP30-180+Lˆ55-65Well drainedJCSee No. 14. (Pre-chill for 6 weeks).
DodecatheonHP90-36560-70Well drained1/16″See No. 6.
DolichosHHA14-3070Well drained1/16″See No. 13.
DoronicumHP15-20L70Well drainedSReduce soil tempeature at night
DoryanthesHHP30-6065PeatyJCSee No. 13. (Soak for 3 hours).
DrabaHP30-90ˆ55Well drainedJCSee Nos. 6 and 14.
DracaenaGSh30-180Lˆ75-85Well drainedSKeep the compost slightly moist
DracunculusHP30-180ˆ55-65PeatyJCKeep the compost slightly moist
DroseraGP30-90L55-65PeatySSee No. 5.
DryasHP50-180ˆ60-70Well drainedJCSee No. 6.
DuchesniaHP30-90Lˆ55-65Well drainedJC
EccremocarpusHP30-60ˆ55-60Well drainedJCCover the seed slightly with silver sand
EcheveriaHHP21-90Lˆ55-65Well drainedJC
EchinaceaHP10-21L70-75Peaty1/8″Reduce soil temperature at night.
EchiumHA7-1470Well drained1/4″Can be sown in situ.
EdraianthusHP30-60L55-65Well drained1/16″
Egg PlantGA10-21ˆ70Peaty1/8″Keep the compost slightly moist
EmiliaHHA8-1570Well drained1/16″
EpilobiumHP14-3050-60Well drained1/8″
EpisciaGP25-40L70-80PeatySSeeds dust like. See also No. 5.
EranthisHBb30-365ˆ60-68Well drained1/16″See No. 6 and 14.
EremurusHP30-365Lˆ55-65Well drainedJCSee No. 16
EricaGP30-120Lˆ60-70Acid PeatSSee No. 5.
ErigeronHP15-2055Well drainedS
ErinusHP20-2565-75Well drainedS
EriobotryaHHSh30-180ˆ50Well drainedJCSee No. 13. (Soak for 24 hours).
EriophyllumHP14-420Well drained1/8″Best sown outdoors and transplanted.
EryngiumHP5-90Lˆ65-75Well drainedSSee No. 6.
ErysiumHP14-300Well drained1/4″Sow in situ.
ErythrinaHHSh10-1570-75Peaty1/8″See No. 13. (Soak for 24 hours).
ErythroniumHBb30-365ˆ50-60Well drained1/8″See No. 6.
EschscholtziaHA14-2160-65Well drained1/4″Resents transplanting, best sown in situ.
EucalyptusHHSh, HT14-90ˆ70-75PeatySSow seed and chaff together. See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 4 weeks).
EucnideHHA21-3060-70Well drained1/8″
EupatoriumHP30-90ˆ55Well drainedJC
EuphorbiaHHA,HP,GSh10-15ˆ70-80Well drained1/4″Pre chill HPs for 7 days and then soak for 2 hours.Sow in lime free compost(Ericaceous).
EustomaHHP10-21L68-77Well drainedS
ExacumGA15-20L70-75PeatySSeed dust like. See No. 5.
FasciculariaHHP30-120Lˆ60-70PeatySSee No. 5.
FatsiaHHSH15-2070-75Peaty1/4″Keep the compost slightly moist.
FaucariaGP14-30ˆ60Well drainedJCJust cover with sharp sand.
FeijoaHHSH21-4255-60Peaty1/16″Rinse seeds 3 times before sowing.
Felicia Amelloides HHP3055-60Well drainedJCSee No. 14. (Place in fridge for 3 weeks).
Felicia BergerianaHHA3070Well drainedJC
FernsHP, GP30-180L65PeatySSee No. 4.
FicusGSh15-90Lˆ70-80PeatySSee No. 5.
FilipendulaHP30-9055-60Well drainedJC
Flower LawnHP30-180Lˆ55-65Well drainedSSee Nos. 6 or 16.
F.Cabbage & Kale HB14-2170-75Peaty1/8″Can be sown in situ
FoeniculumHP10-14D65Well drained1/8″Dislikes transplanting, sow in situ.
FrancoaHHP14-30Lˆ50-55PeatySSee No. 6.
FreesiaHHBB25-30ˆ65-75Peaty1/4″See No. 7.
FritillariaHBb330-540ˆ55-MPeaty1/16″See No. 6.
FuchsiaGP21-90Lˆ70-75PeatySSee No. 5. Soak in rain water for 3-4 days. Keep compost moist.
GaillardiaHP, HHA15-20Lˆ70-75PeatySReduce soil temperature at night.
GalegaHP14-600Well drained1/4″Best sown outdoors and transplanted.
GardeniaGSh25-3070-75Peaty1/8″Use a lime free compost (Ericaceous).
GauraHHA14-3065-75Well drained1/16″
GazaniaHHA8-21D60-65Well drained1/8″
GentianaHP14-180Dˆ70-75Lime freeJCSee No. 14. (Pre-chill for 2 months).
GentianopsisHA21-30L0Well drainedSSow outdoors and thin. Sensitive to root disturbance.
GeraniumHHP3-21ˆ70-75Well drainedJC
GeraniumHP30-90ˆ50Well drainedJCSee No. 6.
GerberaGP15-25L70-75PeatyJCSow sharp end down, don’t cover completly.
GesneriaGP14-21L70-75PeatySSee No. 5.
GeumHP21-28+ˆ65-70Peaty1/16″Reduce soil temperature at night.
GiliaHA170Well drained1/8″Sow outdoors and thin out.
GlauciumHA14-21D60-65Well drainedJCTransplant carefully, best sown In situ.
GlobulariaHP10-30L55Well drainedSSee No. 14. (Pre-chil for 3 weeks).
GloxiniaGP15-30Lˆ65-75PeatySSee No. 5.
GnaphaliumHP14-21L60-70Well drainedS
GodetiaHA7-1460-65Well drained1/4″Can be sown in situ
GomphrenaHHA6-8L70-75Well drainedJC
GourdsHHA15-2980Peaty1/4″Can also treat as No. 5.
Grass TreeHHP30-180Lˆ65PeatySSee No. 4.
GrassesHP, HHA10-90Lˆ60-75PeatyS
GrevilleaHHSh20-25L75-80Well drainedSSee No. 13. (Soak for 24 hours).
GuzmaniaGP7-90Lˆ60-70PeatySSee No. 5.
GypsophilahA, HP10-15ˆ70PeatyJC
HacquetiaHP30-180ˆ55Well drainedJCSee No. 16.
HaplopappusHP21-3060-70Well drained1/8″
HardenbergiaHHP30-90ˆ55-65Well drained1/8″See No. 13. (Soak for 24 hours).
HarpephyllumGP10-3070-75Peaty1/4″See No. 13. (Soak for 24 hours).
HaworthiaHHP21-60L60-65Well drainedJC
HedychiumHHP20-2570-75Peaty1/16″See No. 13. (Soak for 2 hours).
HedysarumHP14-4255-65Well drained1/16″
HeleniumHP7-1070Peaty1/16″Can be sown in situ. Reduce soil temperature at night.
HelianthemumHP15-2070-75Well drainedSSee No. 5.
HelianthusHA10-1470-85Peaty1/4″Can be sown in situ.
HelichrysumHHA7-10L65-75Well drainedS
HeliophilaHHA14-2160-65Well drained1/16″
HeliopsisHP10-1570Well drained1/16″
HeliotropiumHHP14-42ˆ65-75Well drained1/16″
HelipterumHA14-2065-75Peaty1/16″Can be sown in situ
HelleborousHP30-545ˆ60-65Well drainedSee No. 6. May need to go through two winters outdoors.
HemerocallisHP21-4960-70Well drained1/8″See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 6 weeks).
HepaticaHP30-360L50-55Well drainedJCSee No. 14. (Pre-chill for 3 weeks).
HeracleumHP30-900Well drained1/4″Sow in situ. See No. 6.
HerniariaHP10-1270Well drainedJC
HesperisHB20-25L70-85PeatySCan be sown in situ. Reduce soil temperature at night.
HeucheraHP10-60Lˆ65-70Well drainedS
HibiscusHHP, GA15-30ˆ75-80Peaty1/16″Chip and soak. See Nos. 12 & 13.
HieraciumHP21-3050-60Well drainedJC
HollyhockHA, HP10-12L60-70PeatySCan be sown in situ.
HolmskioldiaGSh30-90ˆ60-65Well drainedJC
HostaHP30-90ˆ50Peaty1/16″Keep compost slighty moist.
HumulusHP25-3070-75Well drained1/4″Can be sown in situ.
HunnemanniaHHA15-2070-75Well drained1/16″Can be sown in situ. Makes a nice pot plant.
HutchutinsiaHP14-300Well drained1/4″Sow in situ.
HyoscymusHB, HA14-420Well drained1/8″Sow in situ.
HypericumHSh30-90ˆ50-55Well drainedJC
HypoestesGP10-2170-75Well drainedJC
IliamnaHP30-360Lˆ55-65Well drained1/16″See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 3 weeks).
ImpatiensHHA21-30Lˆ70-75PeatySSee No. 5. Maintain a very high humidity until germination.
IncarvilleaHP25-3055-65Well drainedSSee No. 5.
IndigoferaHHSh30-90ˆ50Well drained1/8See No. 13. (Soak for 24 hours).
InulaHP14-4255-65Well drained1/16″Can be sown in situ
IonopsidiumHA14-2155-60Well drained1/16″Sow in situ.
IpomaeaHHA5-21ˆ70-85Peaty1/4″Chip and soak. See Nos. 12 and 13.
IrisHP30-545ˆ60-70Peaty1/4″See No. 6. May take two winters outdoors.
IsatisHB14-4250Well drained1/16″Sow in situ.
IxiolirionHBb30-90ˆ50Well drained1/16″
IxoraGSh30-120ˆ70-75Well drained1/16″See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 3 weeks).
JacobaeaHA8-2160-65Well drained1/8″
JacobiniaGP30-180ˆ75-80Peaty1/8″See No. 13. soak for 24 hours).
JasioneHP10-2170Well drainedJC
JatrophaGP30-120ˆ65-75Well drained1/16″
JovellanaH/HHSh30-90ˆ60-50Well drainedS
KalanchoeGP7-30Lˆ65-75Weil drainedSLikes good air circulation.
KallstroemiaHHA14-21ˆ60-65Well drainedJC
KaulfussiaHA21-300Well drained1/4″Best sown in situ. Thin to 6².
KentranthusHP21-4065-70Well drainedJC
KirengeshomaHP30-30055-65PeatyJCKeep compost uniformly moist.
KnautiaHP10-210Well drained1/4″Best sown in situ Thin to 6′.
KniphofiaHP10-3070-75Peaty1/4″Reduce soil temperature at night
KochiaHHA10-15L70-75Well drainedS
LagerstroemiaHHSh15-20L70Well drainedSSee No. 5.
LagunariaGT30-180ˆ68-70Peaty1/8″See No. 13. (Soak for 2 hours).
LamiumHP30-6065-70Well drainedJC
LampranthusHHP15-30D65-75Well drainedJC
LantanaHHP42-60ˆ70-75Peaty1/8″See No. 13. (Soak 1 day in hand hot water).
LapageriaHHP30-90ˆ70-75Peaty1/8″See No. 13. Soak for 3 days changing water 3/5 times per day
LapeirousiaHBb30-90ˆ55-60Well drained1/8″
LarkspurHA14-21D50-55Peaty1/16″See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 2 weeks). High temperatures cause dormancy.
LastheniaHA17-210Well drained1/8″Best sown in situ Thin to 4″.
LathyrusHP20-30ˆ55-65Peaty1/4″Soak or chip the seeds. See Nos. 12 or 13.
LavateraHA, HB, HP15-2070Peaty1/16″
LavenderHSh21-90ˆ55-65Well drainedJCSee No. 14. (Pre-chill for 4-6 weeks).
LawrencellidaHHA21-30L65-75Well drainedS
LayiaHA8-3070-75Well drained1/8″
LeeaGP30-90ˆ75-80Well drained1/8″See No. 13.
LeontopodiumHP10-42Lˆ50Well drainedSSee No. 14. (Pre-chill for 3 weeks).
LeptosiphonHA17-2155-65Well drained1/16″Best sown in situ.
LeschenaultiaGSh30-120ˆ60-70Well drainedJC
LewisiaHP365+Lˆ50Well drainedSSee No. 14. (Pre-chill for 5 weeks).
LiatrisHP20-2555-75Well drainedJCReduce soil temperature at night.
LibertiaHP30-180ˆ50Well drained1/8″See No. 6.
LigulariaHP14-42ˆ55-65PeatySKeep compost slighty moist.
LiliesHBb30-365ˆ65-75PeatyJCSee No. 10 for more details.
LimnanthesHA14-2160Well drained1/16″Can be sown in situ
LimoniumHP, HHA10-20D65-70Well drainedJCSuworowii needs total darkness to germinate.
LinanthusHA17-210Well drained1/8″Sow outdoors and thin out.
LinariaHP10-1555-60Well drainedJCSee No. 14. (Pre-chill for 3 weeks).
LinumHP20-2565Well drained1/8″Best sown in situ.
LisianthusHHP10-21L68-77Well drainedS
LithopsGP10-40Lˆ75-80Well drainedS
LobeliaHHA,HHP15-20Lˆ65-75Well drainedSPlace seed of perennial types in fridge for 3 months (See No. 14).
LomatiaHHSh30-180ˆ60-65Well drained1/8″
LonasHA5-7D70Well drainedJCCan be sown in situ
LotusHHP14-30ˆ55-65Well drainedJCTransplant into 3″ pots.
LuculiaHHSH30-60ˆ55-60Well drainedJC
LunariaHB10-1470Well drained1/8″Can be sown in situ
LupinHP15-60Dˆ55-65Well drained1/8″Soak or chip the seeds. See Nos. 12 or 13.
LychnisHP21-30L70Well drainedSSee No. 12. (pre-chill for 2 weeks).
LysichitumHP30-60ˆ55-65Peaty1/4″Keep compost saturated by standing in water.
LysimachiaHP30-90ˆ55-65PeatySKeep compost moist.
MacropidiaGP30-90L60-65PeatySSee No. 5.
MalopeHA14-3065-75PeatyJCSee No. 14. (Pre-chill for 3 weeks).
MandevilleHHSh14-3065-75Well drainedJCSow in 1/2 sand and 1/2 peat.
MatricariaHP5-21L65-75Well drainedSReduce soil temperature at night.
MaurandiaHHP14-2165-70Well drained1/16″
MeconopsisHP14-28ˆ55-65PeatySKeep slightly moist. See also No. 5.
MeliaGT30-180ˆ55Well drained1/8″
MentzeliaHA5-2155-60Well drainedJC
MertensiaHP30-60ˆ55-60Well drained1/16″See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 3 weeks).
MesembryanthemumHHA15-20D65-75Well drainedS
MimosaGP21-30Lˆ70-75Well drainedSSee No. 13. (Soak for 20 minutes in almost boiling water).
MimulusHHP, HP7-21L70-75PeatySSee No. 14. (Pre-chill for 3 weeks). Then No. 5.
MinaHHP20-2570Well drained1/4″Chip and soak. See Nos. 12 and 13.
MirabilisHHA7-21L70Well drainedS
Conifer TreesHT30-365ˆ55-65PeatyJCSee Nos. 6 and 16
Deciduous TreesHT30-365ˆ55-65PeatyJCSee Nos. 6 and 16
Wild FlowersHA,HP30-180ˆ55-65Well drained1/16See No. 6
Everlasting Fls.HHA14-2165-75Well drained1/16Can be sown in situ
Everlasting Fls. HP30-180ˆ65-75Well drainedJCSee No. 6
ExoticsGP30-180ˆ65-75PeatyJCFls. to attract B/flies
Australian BushGP30-180Lˆ75-80PeatyS
Shore/CoastalHB,HP30-180ˆ55-65Well drainedJC
Silver/Grey Fol. HP,HHA30-180ˆ55-65Well drainedJC
SucculentsHHP30-90Lˆ65-75Well drainedS
Moluccelia21-35Lˆ60Well drainedJCPre-chill for 5 days then 40°F temp. night gives best results.
MomordicaHHA14-2165-75Peaty1/8″Sow seeds singly in 3′ pots.
MonardaHP10-4060-70PeatyJCReduce soil temperature at night.
MoraeaHHBb30-90ˆ55-60Well drained1/8″
MuscariHBb42-6060-65Well drained1/16″
MutisiaH/HHSh30-90ˆ70Well drained1/16″
MyosotisHB14-30D65-70PeatySSee No. 5 but keep in total darkness.
MyrrhisHP14-4255-65Well drained1/8″Can be sown in situ
NasturtiumHA7-1265Well drained1/4″Best sown in situ
NemesiaHHA7-2155-70PeatySSee No. 5.
NemophilaHA7-2155Well drained1/16″Can be sown in situ.
NeperrthesGP30-90ˆ75-85PeatySDont let compost dry out. See also No.5.
NepetaHP7-2160-70Well drainedJCCan be sown in situ.
NerineHHBb14-2165-70Well drainedSSow immediately, keep moist and place in a polythene bag.
NerteraGP30-90Dˆ65-70Well drainedSCSee No. 8.
NicandraHA15-2070-75Well drainedJC
NicotianaHHA10-20L70-75Well drainedS
NierembergiaHHP15-30ˆ70-75Well drainedJC
NigellaHA10-1565-70Well drained1/16″Best sown in situ. Resents transplanting.
NolanaHHA14-3060-70Well drained1/16″Can be sown in situ.
NomocharisHBb30-180Lˆ45-50Well drainedJCSee No. 16
NotholirionH/HHBb30-180Lˆ45-50Well drainedJCSee No .16
OcimumHA14-42L55-60Well drainedS
OenotheraHP15-30L65-70Well drainedJCReduce soil temperature at night.
OmphalodesHP14-4265-75Well drained1/8″
OnopordonHP,HB30-6055-60Well drained1/4″Can be sown in situ.
OnosmaHP30-6050Well drained1/16″
OrchidGP90-365Lˆ65-75Well drainedS
OrchisHBb90-365Lˆ65-75Well drainedS
OrnithogalumGBb30-180ˆ55-60Peaty1/16″See No. 6
OrphiumGSh21-42L65-70Well drainedS
OsteospermumHHA,HP10-15L60-65Well drainedJC
OxalisHBb14-6055-68Well drainedJC
PachypodiumGP30-180Lˆ65-75Well drainedS
PaeoniaHP365+Lˆ50-60Well drainedJCSee No. 16. Keep shaded and moist.
PalmsGP60-180ˆ75-80Peaty1/4″See No. 2
PansyHP14-21Dˆ65-75Well drained1/16″See No. 14. (Pre-Chill for 2 Weeks.)
PapaverHP10-30D55Well drainedSBest sown in situ. P. Orientale Needs light for germination.
ParadiseaHP30-180ˆ50Well drained1/16″See No. 6
ParnassiaHP30-180ˆ55-65PeatySStand seed pan in a saucer of water to keep soil always moist.
ParochetusHP30-90ˆ50Well drained1/16″See No. 13.
PassifloraHHP30-365ˆ70-85Peaty1/4″See No. 13. Give the seed container an occasional soaking.
PeanutsGA7-2170-75Peaty1/4″Sow and place inside a polythene bag until germination.
PeltiphyllumHP30-90Lˆ55-60PeatySStand seed pan in a saucer of water to keep soil always moist.
PenstemonHP18-21L55-60Well drainedJCSee No.14
PentasGP25-4070-75PeatySSee No.5
PeperomiaGP15-3070-75PeatySSee No.5
PetuniaHHA10-21L70-75PeatySF1 hybrids and doubles may need 80°F to germinate.
PhaceliaHA12-30D55-65Well drained1/4″Best sown in situ. Total dark required.
PhaeomeriaGP30-90ˆ80Well drained1/8″
PhaseolusGP30-6065-70Well drained1/16″Chip and soak. See Nos. 12 an 13.
PhlomisHP14-4260Well drainedJC
Phlox-AnnualHHA10-21D55-65Peaty1/16″Sow direct into pots as it resents transplanting.
Phlox-PerennialHP25-30Dˆ70Peaty1/16″See No.14. (Pre-chill for 4 weeks).
PhuopsisHP30-40L50-60Well drainedS
PhygeliusHP10-1470-75Well drainedJC
PhysalisHP21-30L70Well drainedS
PhysostegiaHP21-3055-75PeatyJCReduce soil temperature at night.
PhyteumaHP30-90ˆ55-65Well drainedJCSee No.6
PhytolaccaHP30-60ˆ65-70Well drained1/8″
PileaGP14-60Lˆ65-75PeatySSee No. 5.
PinguiculaHHP30-120Lˆ55PeatySSee No. 5. Use a compost 1/2 peat and 1/2 sand.
PittosporumHHSh30-6055Well drained1/16″Place seeds in a bag and dip in boiling water for few seconds.
PlatycodonHP15-30L70Well drainedS
PlatystemonHA14-3055-65Well drained1/16Sow in situ
PlumbagoGP25-3070Well drainedJC
PlumeriaGP30-180ˆ65-75Peaty1/16″See No. 13.
PodolepisHHA21-30L65-70Well drainedS
PodophyllumHP30-180Lˆ55-60PeatyJCPre-chill for 3 weeks. Keep compost always moist.
PolemoniumHP20-2570Peaty1/16″Reduce soil temperature at night.
PolygalaHSh30-60L60-65Well drainedJC
PolygonatumHP30-545ˆ50Well drained1/16″See No. 6.
PolygonumHP,HHA21-60ˆ70-75Peaty1/16″Do not overwater
PortulacaHHA14-21L70-85Well drainedS
PotentillaHP14-3065-70Well drainedJC
PoteriumHP30-60ˆ50Well drainedJCSee No. 6.
Primula-IndoorsGA, GP20-25Lˆ55-60PeatySP.Sinensis needs darkness for germination.
Primula-OutdoorHP21-40Lˆ60-65PeatySSee No. 14. (Pre-chill for 3 weeks).
ProteaHHT30-90ˆ65-75Peaty1/4″Sow immediately.
PrunellaHP30-6055-65Well drained1/16″
Psidium30-60ˆ70-75PeatyJCSee No. 13.
PulsatillaHP30-180ˆ60-70Well drainedJCSee No. 6. Trim ‘tails’ off seeds before sowing
PyrethumHHA, HP30-60ˆ55Well drainedJCDoubleness of flowers increases in 2nd year.
RamondaHP30-60Lˆ55-60Well drainedS
RanunculusHP30-90ˆ50Well drained1/16″See No. 6.
RaouliaHP30-90Lˆ55-60Well drainedS
RatibidaHA/HB/HP21-4268-75Well drained1/8″Reduce soil temperature at night.
RechsteineriaGBb30-6070Well drainedJC
RehmanniaH/HHP21-42L60-65Well drainedJC
ResedaHB,HA5-21L70Well drainedSExtra care required when transplanting.
RhodantheHHA14-3075-80Well drainedJCCan be sown in situ
RhodohypoxisHP30-90ˆ50Well drainedJCLime free compost required.
RhoeoGP14-6065-70PeatyJCSee No. 13. (Soak for 1/2 hour).
RicinusHHA15-2170-75Peaty1/4″These seeds are poisonous.
RocheaHHP14-42L60-70PBMSSee No. 5.
RoscoeaHP30-365Lˆ50-55Well drainedSSee No. 16.
RothmanniaHHSh30-90ˆ70-75Peaty1/8″See No. 13. (Soak for 5 hours).
RudbeckiaHHA, HP5-21L70PeatySFulgida see No. 14. (Pre-chill for 2 weeks).
RutaHP30-4260-65Well drainedJC
SaginaHP10-2155Well drainedJC
SaintpauliaGP30-60Lˆ70-75PeatySSee No. 5.
SalviaHHA, HA10-14Lˆ68-80Well drainedSFor Patens & Superba see No. 14. (Pre-chill for 3 weeks).
SandersoniaHHBb30-90ˆ75Well drained1/8″See No. 13.
SanguinariaHP30-90ˆ50-55Well drained1/16″
SanguisorbaHP30-6050-55Well drainedS
SanvitaliaHA10-21L70Well drainedSTake care when transplanting.
SaponariaHA,HP10-21L70Well drainedSSee No. 14. (Pre-chill for 3 weeks).
SarraceniaHP30-90Lˆ75-80PeatySSee No. 14. (Pre-chill for 7 days) then No. 5.
SaxifragaHP15-60ˆ65-75Well drainedJCSee No. 6.
ScabiosaHA10-15ˆ70-75Well drained1/16″
SchizopetalonHHA6-2160-65Well drained1/16″
SchizostylisHBb30-90ˆ55-60Well drained1/16″
ScillaHP30-180ˆ50Peaty1/16″See No. 6.
ScutellariaHP14-180ˆ50Well drainedJC
SedumHP15-30ˆ50Well drainedSSee No. 6.
SempervivumHP15-30ˆ70Well drainedS
SenecioHHA10-21L65-75Well drained1/16″
ShortiaHP30-60ˆ60-65PeatySSee No. 14. (Pre-chill for 3 weeks).
SidalceaHP14-4250Well drained1/8″
SileneHP15-2070Well drainedJCCan be sown in situ.
SilybumHA14-2155-60Well drained1/8″Can be sown in situ.
SimmondsiaHHT14-2165-70Well drainedJCSee No. 13. (Soak for 12 hours).
SisyrinchiumHP30-180ˆ50Well drained1/8″See No. 6.
SmilacenaHP30-180Lˆ60-65PeatyJCSee No. 14. (Pre-chill for 3 weeks).
SmithianthaGP15-40L75-77PeatySVery small seeds
SolanumGP15-21L70-80Well drainedSThe plants should be placed outdoors through the summer for pollination.
SoldanellaHP30-180Lˆ55-60Well drainedJCSee No. 14. (Pre-chill for 4 weeks).
SolidagoHP14-4250Well drainedJC
SparaxisHBb30-90ˆ50-55Well drained1/16″
SpeculariaHA12-300Well drained1/16″Sow outdoors and thin out.
SpigeliaH/HHP30-60L65-70Well drainedJCSee No. 14. (Pre-chill for 3 weeks).
StachysHP15-30L70Well drainedJCReduce soil temperature at night. Grow on the dry side.
StapeliaGP7-30Lˆ65-70PeatySUse 1/2 peat 1/2 sand.
StenocarpusHHT30-90ˆ65-75Well drainedJC
StephanotisGP15-90ˆ75-80Peaty1/16″Keep the compost slightly moist.
StereospermumGSh30-18Oˆ65-75Well drainedJC
StocksHHA10-14L55-60Well drainedSCan be sown in situ.
StrelitziaGP30-180ˆ70-75SandSSee No. 1. Soak for up to 3 days changing the water daily.
StreptocarpusGP15-30L55-65PeatySVery small seeds. See No. 5.
StreptosolonHHSh30-90ˆ55-65Well drained1/16″
StylomeconHA14-210Well drained1/16″Sow outdoors and thin out to 6″.
SuccisaHP10-21ˆ65-70Well drainedJC
SutherlandiaH/HHSh21-3060-65Well drained1/16″See No. 13. (Soak for 3 hours).
Sweet PeaHA10-20D55-65Peaty1/4²File or soak seeds. See Nos. 12 and 13. Grow cool.
SymphyandraHP21-30L60-65Well drainedJC
TaccaGP30-270ˆ80-85Peaty1/8″Soak for 72 hours. See No. 13.
TacitusHHP30-90Lˆ50-60Well drainedS
TecophilaeaHBb30-365ˆ50-55Peaty1/16″Keep compost slightly moist.
TellimaHP30-90ˆ55-60Well drainedSSee No. 6.
TephrosiaHP21-4265-70Well drainedJCChip and soak. See Nos. 12 and 13.
TeucriumHP25-3070Well drainedS
ThalictrumHP15-21ˆ50-60Well drained1/8″
ThermopsisHP15-3070Well drained1/16″File or soak the seeds. See Nos. 12 and 13.
ThunbergiaHHA14-21ˆ70-75PeatyJCKeep the compost slightly moist.
ThymusHP15-30L55PeatySSee No. 5.
TiarellaHP14-90ˆ50Well drainedSSee No. 6.
TibouchinaGSh30-90Lˆ60-70PeatySSee No. 5.
TigridiaH/HHBb30-9055-60Well drained1/16″
TillandsiaGP30-90Lˆ60-70PeatySSee No. 5.
TithoniaHHA5-14Lˆ70-Well drainedS
ToreniaGA15-30L70-75PeatySSee No. 5.
TownsendiaHP30-90ˆ60Well drained1/16″See No. 6.
TracheliumHHP15-21L55-60Well drainedS
TrachymeneHHA15-30D70Well drained1/16″Transplant carefully.
TradescantiaHP30-4070PeatyJCReduce soil temperature at night.
Tree FemsHHP30-120Lˆ65-70PeatySSee No. 4.
TrichosanthesHHA14-3065-75Peaty1″Sow singly in 2′ pots.
TricyrtisHP30-90ˆ65-70Well drained1/8″Keep compost slighty moist.
TrilliumHP545+ˆ60-70Well drainedSSee No. 15. Requires two periods of at least 3 months in the frig.
TripterisHA5-1460-65Well drained1/8″Can be sown in situ.
TrolliusHP30-365ˆ50Well drainedSSee No. 14. (Pre-chill for 2 weeks).
Trop. SpeciosumHP360-720ˆ55-60Well drainedJC
TropaeolumHA10-1555-65Peaty1/4″Can be sown in situ
TulipaHBb60-90ˆ50Well drained1/8″See No. 6.
TunicaHP14-60ˆ50Well drained1/16See No. 6
TweediaGP30-90ˆ75Well drainedJC
UrospermumHP/HB16-30L60-65Well drainedJC
UrsiniaHHA14-3055-60Well drainedJC
VeltheimiaHHBb30-90ˆ55-65Peaty1/16″Keep compost slightly moist
VeratrumHP90-365ˆ55-60Well drained1/4²See No. 6 and No. 16.
VerbascumHB,HP14-3055-60Well drained1/16″Can be grown in situ
VerbenaHHA,HP14-90Dˆ65Well drained1/16″Bonariensis & Venosa. See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 2 weeks).
VerbesinaHHA14-3060-65Well drained1/8″
VeronicaHP15-30L70PeatyJCReduce soil temperature at night.
VeronicastrumHP21-40L55-60Well drainedJC
ViciaHP21-4065-70Well drainedJC
ViolaHP14-21Dˆ65-75Well drained1/16″See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 2 weeks).
ViscariaHA10-2160-65Well drainedJC
VriesiaGP7-90Lˆ60.7PeatySSee No. 5.
WahlenbergiaHHA14-28L60-70Well drainedS
WallflowerHB10-1465-70Well drained1/4″Sow in reserve bed, prick out 6² apart, plant out in October.
WaterlilyGP14-30File seed and submerge in water at 75-85’F, change water twice daily.
WatsoniaHBb30-180ˆ55-65Well drained1/8″Keep the compost slimy moist.
XeranthemumHA10-1570Well drainedJCTransplant carefully.
YuccaHA30-365ˆ65-75Well drainedJCFilamentosa germinates at 55°F.
ZantedeschiaHHP30-90Lˆ70-80PeatySSee No. 13. Keep compost quite moist.
ZauschneriaH/HHP30-60L60-65Well drainedJC
ZeaHHA5-1470Peaty1/4″Sow seeds individually in peat pots.
zinniaHHA10-2475-80Peaty1/16″Sow seeds individually in peat pots.
AbiesHT21-30Lˆ68-75PeatySSoak overnight then pre-chill for 21 days. (No. 14).
AcerHT30-365+Lˆ65-70PeatySSoak for 2 days then No. 15. (2 months warm moist, 2 months frig)
AilanthusHT30-90Lˆ50-60Well drainedSChip, soak then No. 14 for 2 weeks.
AkebiaHSh30-180Lˆ50-60PeatySSee No. 14. (4 weeks).
AlbizaHSh/HT30-90ˆ65-75Well drained1/8″Soak for 12 hours in tepid water before sowing.
AmorphaHSh30-120ˆ50-60Well drained1/16″Soak for 12 hours in tepid water before sowing.
AndromedaHSh30-60Lˆ50-60PeatySStand seed pan in a saucer of water to keep soil always moist.
AraucariaHT30-60D55-60Peaty1/4″Sow immediately
ArbutusHT60-90Lˆ65-70PeatySSee No. 14. (6-8 weeks).
ArundinariaHSh30-90Lˆ70PeatyJCStand seed in a saucer of water to keep the soil always moist.
AsterolasiaHSh30-180ˆ55-65Well drained1/16″
AucubaHSh30-90ˆ65-70Well drained1/8″
AzaleaHSh50-90Lˆ55-60PeatySSee No. 5 or No. 6. Keep shaded from direct sun.
BerberisHSh60-180Lˆ50-65Well drainedSSee No. 14. (8 weeks).
BetulaHT30-90Lˆ65-75PeatySSee No. 14. (10 weeks).
BuddleiaHSh20-30L70-75PeatySSee No. 14. (Pre-chill for 4 weeks).
BupleurumHSh14-6055-60Well drainedJC
CallunaHSh30-60Lˆ65-70PeatySSee No. 14. (Pre-chill for 4 weeks).
CalocedrusHT30-90L50-60PeatyJCSee No. 14. (Pre-chill for 4 weeks).
CamelliaHSh30-90ˆ70-75Peaty1/4See No. 13 . May also benefit from No. 14.
CaraganaHSh14-21L65-70Well drainedSSee No. 13.
CarpinusHT30-365Lˆ65-70Well drainedSSee No. 15. (1 month at 70°F then 4 months in frig.) or No. 16.
CaryopterisHSh30-90ˆ65-70Well drainedJC
CatalpaHT14-30Lˆ60-70PeatySGive seedlings good ventilation to prevent damping off.
CeanothusHSh30-60L65-70Well drainedSSoak overnight then treat as No. 14 for 2 weeks.
CedrusHT14-60Lˆ60-65Well drainedSSoak for 2-3 hours then treat as No. 14 for 3 weeks.
CercisHSh30-90Lˆ70-75Well drainedJCSee No.13. Soak in hand hot water then No. 14 for 2-3 months.
ChaenomelesHSh70-90Lˆ55-65Well drainedSSee No. 14. (Pre-chill for 7-10 weeks).
ChamaecyparisHT,HHT30-60L50-60PeatyJCSee No 14. (Pre-chilll for 3 weeks).
ChimonanthusHSh63-90Lˆ50-60Well drainedSSee No. 14. (Pre-chill for 5-8 weeks).
ChionanthusHSh30-180Lˆ60-70Well drainedSSee No. 14. (Pre-chill for 1 month)
CistusHSh7-30L65-70PeatySSee No. 5.
ClerodendronHSh60-90Lˆ65-70Well drainedSSee No. 14. (Pre-chill for 4-6 weeks).
ColuteaHSh7-2165-70Well drained1/16Chip and soak. See Nos. 12 and 13.
CornusHSh90-730Lˆ50-60Well drainedSSee No.15. (2 months at 70°F then 3 months in frig) or No. 16.
CoronillaHHSh30-6065-75Well drainedJC
CotoneasterHSh180-365Lˆ70Acid PeatySSee No.15. (3-5 months at 70°F then 3 months in frig) or No. 16.
CrataegusHSh180-730Lˆ50-60Well drainedSSee No.15. (3-5 months at 70’F then 3 months in frig) or No. 16.
CrinodendronH/HHSh30-120ˆ55-65Well drainedJCSee No.13. (Soak for 3 hours).
CupressusHT30-90Lˆ65-75PeatySSee No.14. (Pre-chill for 3 weeks).
CytisusHSh25-30L70-75Well drainedSSee No.13. Transplant to final quarters whilst still small.
DaboeciaHSh30-120Lˆ55-65Acid peatSNever allow compost to dry out.
DaphneHSh150- 365 Lˆ50-60Well drainedSSee No. 15.(2 months at 70°F then 3 months in the frig)
DavidiaHT300-365ˆ50-65Peaty1/4See No. 15.(3-4 months warm moist, 3-4 months frig.).
DecaisneaHSh30-180ˆ55-60Well drained1/4
ElaeagnusHT/HSh140-180ˆ50-65Well drained1/16See No. 15.(4 weeks warm moist, 8-12 weeks frig.).
EnkianthusHSh25-60Lˆ60-70PeatySSee No. 14. (Pre-chill for 6 weeks).
EricaHSh30-60Lˆ65-70PeatySSee No. 14. (Pre-chill for 4 weeks).
EuonymusHSh220-365ˆ50-65Well drained1/16See No. 15.(8-12 weeks warm moist, 8-16 weeks frig.).
FagusHT30-365Lˆ50-60Well drainedJCSoak overnight then see No. 14 (pre-chill for 6 weeks) or No. 16.
ForsythiaHSh30-9055-65Well drainedJC
FremontodendronHHSh/HSh30-6065-70Well drainedJC
FuchsiaHSh21-90Lˆ70-75PeatySSee No. 5. Soak in rain water for 3-4 days. Keep compost moist.
GaultheriaHSh30-60L65-70PeatySSee No. 14. (Pre-chill for 4-10 weeks). Acid soils only.
GenistaHSh14-3055-65Well drainedJCSee No. 13.
GingkoHT30-60Lˆ70-75Peaty1/8See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 8-10 weeks).
GleditschiaHT14-3065-70Well drainedJCChip and soak for 24 hours. See Nos. 12 and 13.
GymnocladusHT30-90ˆ65-70Well drained1/4Chip and soak in warm water for 24 hours. See Nos. 12 and 13.
HamamelisHSh270-365Lˆ50-60Peaty1/16See No.15. (3 months at 70°F then place in frig. for 3 months).
HibiscusHSh30-60ˆ70-75Well drained1/16See No.13.
HippophaeHSh30-180Lˆ55-65Well drainedJCSee No.14. (Pre-chill for 14 weeks).
HolodiscusHSh30-180ˆ60-65Well drainedS
IndigoferaHSh30-6065-70Well drained1/16Pour nearly boiling water over seed and leave to soak overnight.
JasminumHSh20-3070-75Well drainedJC
JuglansHT30-180Lˆ50-60PeatyJCSee No. 14. (2-3 weeks). Place so that dividing line is at the top.
JuniperusHT30-180Lˆ45-50PeatySSoak for 24 hours. High temperatures prevent germination.
KalmiaHSh30-60Lˆ70Sandy peatSSee No. 14. (Pre-chill for 3 months).
KalmiopsisHSh30-60L65-70Acid, sandy peatS
KoelreuteriaHT30-60Lˆ55-65PeatyJCSee No. 13. (Use boiling water) then No. 14 (place in frig. for 3 weeks).
KolwitziaHT40-70Lˆ65-70Well drainedJCSoak for 24 hours then No. 14. (Pre-chill for 4 weeks).
LabumumHT30-6065-70Well drained1/16Chip and soak. See Nos. 12 and 13.
LarixHT30-90Lˆ65-75PeatySSee No. 14. (Pre-chill for 1 month).
LaurusHT40-90Lˆ50-60PeatyJCSoak for 24 hours then No. 14. (Pre-chill 1 month)
LedumHSh30-60Lˆ55-65Acid peatS
LeycesteriaHSh30-6060-65Sandy peatJC
LiquidambarHT14-365Lˆ65-75PeatySSee No. 14. (Pre-chill for 3 months). Don’t let the seeds dry out.
LiriodendronHT60-365Lˆ65-75PeatySSee No. 16.
LoiseleuriaHSh30-6065-75Well drainedJC
LoniceraHSh180+Lˆ60-70Well drainedJCSee No. 14. Place in frig. for 3 months. Keep temp. below 75°F.
MagnoliaHT120+Lˆ50Well drainedJCSee No. 14. Place in frig. for 4 months.
MahoniaHSh90-120Lˆ50PeatyJCSee No. 14. (Pre-chill for 3 weeks).
MalusHT120-365Lˆ50PeatyJCSoak for 24 hours then No. 14. (Pre-chill for 14 weeks).
MenziesiaHSh30-6055Sandy peatSKeep compost uniformly moist.
MorusHT14-30L65-75PeatySSee No. 5. or see No. 14. (Pre-chill for 1-3 months).
MyrtusHHSH30-90ˆ55-65PeatyJCSee No. 13.
NyssaHT90-365Lˆ50PeatySSee No. 14. (Pre-chill for 3 months).
OleaHHT/HT30-120ˆ65-70Well drained1/8″
OleariaH/HHSh30-60L65-70Well drainedS
OstryaHT365+Lˆ50-60Well drainedJCSee No. 16.
PaeoniaHSh270+Lˆ70Well drainedJCSee No. 15.
Parthenocissus HSh60-180Lˆ60-70Well drainedJCSee No. 13 then 14. (Pre-chill for 6 week).
PaulowniaHT30-60L55-70PeatySSee No. 5
PhiladelphusHSh30-6065-70Well drainedJC
PhlomisHSh30-90ˆ65-75Well drainedJC
PiceaHT30-60Lˆ55Well drainedSSee No. 14. (Pre-chill for 21 days).
PierisHSh30-70Lˆ65-70Acid PeatSSee No. 5.
PinusHT30-60Lˆ55-65Well drainedSSoak seed, then No 14. (Pre-chill for 6 weeks).
PittosporumHHSh30-60ˆ55Well drained1/16″Place seeds in a bag and dip in boiling water for a few seconds.
PrunusHT120-365Lˆ65-75Well drained1/16″Soak overnight then see No. 14. (Pre-chill for 4 months).
PseudotsugaHT30-180Lˆ75PeatySSee No. 14. (Pre-chill for 8 weeks).
PteliaHSh/HT80-12055-60Well drained1/8″See No. 14. (Pre-chill for 3 weeks).
PunicaHHSH30-40L70-75Well drainedSSee No. 13
PyracanthaHSh40-180Lˆ50PeatyJCSee No. 14. (Pre-chill for 6 weeks).
QuercusHT120-365Lˆ50PeatyJCSoak for 24 hours, then No. 14. (Pre-chill for 3 months).
RhododendronHSh50-90Lˆ55-60Acid PeatSSee No. 6. Keep shaded from direct sun.
RhodotyposHSh365+Lˆ55-65PeatyJCSee No. 15. (3 months at 70°F, 3 months chill, 3 months at 70°F).
RhusHSh30-90ˆ65-70Well drainedJCChip or soak. See Nos. 12 and 13.
RobiniaHT7-30L65-75Well drainedSSee No. 13. Soak in hand hot water.
RosaHSh30-365+Lˆ55Well drainedJCSee No. 16 or No. 14. (Pre-chill for 3 months).
SantolinaHSh15-3065-70Well drainedJC
SkimmiaHSh30-180Lˆ50-60Acid PeatSSoak overnight then No. 14. (Pre-chill for 4 weeks).
SophoraHT10-2170-85Well drainedJCChip and soak seeds. See Nos. 12 and 13.
SorbusHT120-180Lˆ65-70Well drainedSSee No. 14. (Pre-chill for 4 months).
SpartiumHSh7-3070Well drainedJCChip and soak. See Nos. 12 and 13.
SpiraeaHSh30-4055-65Well drainedJC
StyraxHSh30-90ˆ55-65Well drainedJC
SyringaHSh14-60L70PeatySSee No. 14. (Pre-chill for 3 weeks).
TamarixHSh30-50L65-70PeatySSee No. 5.
TaxodiumHT14-60L70PeatySSee No. 14. (Pre-chill for 30 days).
TaxusHT365+Lˆ70PeatyJCSee No. 15. (3 months at 70°F, 3 months chill, 3 months at 70°F).
ThujaHSh14-60Lˆ55PeatySSee No. 14. (Pre-chill for 4 weeks).
TrachycarpusHT40-90Lˆ55-65PeatySSee No. 14. (Pre-chill for 4 weeks).
TsugaHT7-60Lˆ60PeatySSee No. 14. (Pre-chill for 3 months).
UlexHSh14-2165-75Well drainedJCSee No. 13.
VacciniumHSh365+Lˆ65-75Acid PeatSSee No. 16.
ViburnumHSh240-540Lˆ70Well drainedJCSee No. 15. (3 months 70°F, 3 months chill, 3 months 70°F).
WistariaHSh30-6055-65Well drained1/8″Chip and soak in hand hot water. See Nos. 12 and 13.
ZelkovaHT14-60Lˆ50-70PeatySSee No. 5 or No. 14. (Pre-chill for 2 weeks).

Trees and shrubs are farther down the list.

The "ˆ" stands for slow and irregular germination.
The "L" stands for light germination
The "D" stand for germinating the see in darkness

The following data is provided by Thompson & Morgan Successful Seed Raising Guide. This guide is out of print.

If I was able to help you out.. how about a donation so this site breaks even..please.

Seed Drills
What is a Seed and Seed Bed
Pricking out plant seedlings
Planting Seeds and Bulbs from Seed
How to grow Collard Greens plants with celery seeds
How to grow Chicory plants with chicory seeds
How to grow Collard Greens from seed
How to grow Onions
How to grow Broccoli
How to grow brussels sprouts
How to grow cabbage plant
How to grow Cauliflower
How to grow Leeks from seed
How to grow lettuce from seed
How to grow parsnip plant
How to grow Zucchini
How to plant a carrot
How to plant Artichokes
How to plant Asparagus
How to plant a bean plant
How to plant Egg plant
How to grow Kale plants with kale seeds
Gardening Support
How to grow parsley plant from parsley seed
How to grow a pea plant from a pea seed
How to plant and grow a potato
How to grow Radish from seed
How to grow Rhubarb plant
How to grow savoy cabbage
How to grow shallots
How to grow spinach from seed
How to grow Turnip Rutabaga
How to grow corn from seed
How to grow tomato plant from seed
How to grow Turnip plant from seed

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    Justin Boyd

     My name is Justin, I have but a few loves, 1st my wife, then the children she has graciously blessed me with and 3rd growing food. I love planning, sowing, growing and harvesting. So much so, that my neighbors have taken notice. The kids that live around us enjoy helping, planting all the way thru preserving and seed saving. So now I have a plan. Next door is an empty lot, from a house burning down few years back. I am starting a community garden and food forest. Also I’ve convinced two of my neighbors to plant small gardens in their yards, I’m going to get them set up and provide the starters and seeds, but I know that once they get started and see some produce, they will love it like we do. I am asking if you could, through the resources you’ve no doubt acquired, help in donating seeds. Not that we necessary need help with seeds, but it could help motivate the neighborhood kids. I imagine everyone involved getting very excited everytime a new seed packet comes in the mail. And it would be fun to be able to have someone to update on our progress. THANK YOU 

    700 P Hwy
    Alton MO  65606


    Definitely interesting to see all the different types of seeds there is!


    This one is a complete article about seed germination. Really helpful to all the gardeners. It provides the best information about seed germination. Thank you for sharing this article.


    Thank you for sharing your article on seed germination. It’s very helpful for me.


    A very useful and interesting article will definitely come in handy when working in our garden.

    TheJeepDiva Blog

    Thanks for sharing this comprehensive guide on how to germinate any seed! As a beginner gardener, I find this information incredibly helpful. The step-by-step instructions and the explanations of the different factors that can affect seed germination are really useful. I can’t wait to try out these techniques in my own garden! 🌱💕

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