Seed’s are nature’s way of increasing plant life and it is also the simplest method for the gardener to raising annual, biennial and in sometimes a perennial flowering plants. Gardens of in new developments tend to get smaller and smaller, due to the high cost of land, therefore you could plant or grow only the best plants. Don’t waste your […]
Plant care for Callistephus China-aster, Annual Flower Information
As the annual Asters differ from our wild Asters and were introduced from China, they should properly be known as China-asters, Callistephus chinensis. From a violet colored Daisy-like flower with a yellow center, the China aster has been bred to assume a multitude of forms and colors. Previous to 20th century, the China aster was not considered a cut flower […]
EMILIA – Tassel flower, Floras-paintbrush, Annual Flower Information
EMILIA (Cacalia) – Tassel flower (Floras-paintbrush) This brilliant orange and scarlet, rarely yellow, flowered annual is worthy of a place in any garden. It is not large, but the dash of orange color it provides is noticeable. It is often admired for combining in bouquets, and is a splendid rockery subject. The flowers are actually like tassels, borne on long […]
Plant care for Layia – Tidytips, Annual Flower Information
LAYIA Tidytips (Named for Thomas Lay, naturalist) A California Daisy-like annual, Layia elegans, has yellow flowers with the rays often white-tipped. The plants are more or less hairy throughout. It grows about 12 inches tall. USE. The unusual white tipped yellow Daisies serve to distinguish this annual from most others. It may be considered a garden subject or cut flower. […]
Scabiosa – Annual Flowers
The long stems and tufted flowers of the annual Scabiosa (S. atropurpurea) are charming. The colors also are pleasing in all cases white, light pink, rose, fiery scarlet, pale yellow, azure blue, and deep blackish-purple. The stamens are light in color and in contrast with the petals appear like pins stuck into the flower, hence the name Pincushion flower. The […]
Annual Garden Design
Here is a design you can plant. 1. Cosmos Primrose 2. zinnia Calif. Giant. Lemon Queen 3. Scabiosa tall double Cherry Red 4. Snapdragon Sentinel Commander 5. Marigold Golden Fluffy 6. Gloriosa Daisy 7. Celosia Flaming Fire 8. Celosia Golden Fleece 9. Marigold Nearest-to-White 10. Larkspur Steeplechase Red 11. Snapdragon Tetra Crimson 12. Zinnia Peach Blossom 13. Dimorphotheca White 14. […]
CELOSIA Cockscomb, Annual Flower Information
Whoever has grown a few of the various Celosias has surely been charmed either by their beauty or their fantasy of form. Celosias are sometimes confused with Amaranthus, which, however, is coarser and of which the colors are not so clear. THE SORTS To GROW. Cockscomb, C. cristata (C. coccinea). This species has huge, laterally flattened heads, which in many […]
Plant care for Erysimum – Blistercress (Fairy Wall flower), Annual Flower Information
ERYSIMUM Blistercress (Fairy Wall flower) (Derived from the Greek words to draw blisters) Closely related to the Wallflower, the Afghan Blistercress, Erysimum perofskianum, bears most brilliant orange flowers in lengthening terminal racemes. Especially admirable are these annuals in late Summer, when some other subjects are beginning to wane in beauty. E. asperum (arkansanum) is a lighter colored species, usually perennial […]
LAVATERA – Treemallow (Annual-mallow), Annual Flower Information
LAVATERA – Treemallow (Annual-mallow) (Named for the Lavater brothers, botanists of Switzerland) The name Mallow is applied to a number of plants of various habits, all of which bear flowers that resemble Hollyhocks. The common Layia elegans annual Lavatera is L. trimestris (rosea), with blossoms of a very bright shrimp-pink 2 to 3 inches in diameter. The white flowered varieties […]
SCHIZANTHUS – Butterfly flower, Annual Flower Information
The flowers of this plant are a delight to those who admire extreme grace, dainty markings, and fantastic forms. Many flowers have been compared by writers to butterflies , but it is only this one that has received the name of Butterfly flower. The Butterfly weed (Asclepias) and the Butterfly bush (Buddleia) is so-called not because they resemble butterflies, but […]