Echinops – Globe Thistle The Globe Thistle is very interesting if one likes thorny, prickly plants. The leaves are large, deeply cut and very prickly. The stems are silver-white, while the flowers are either white or a grayish metallic blue. […]
Gardening in November – Pruning and training
Gardening in November Pruning and Training A good month for planting or moving roses, too. Cut them well back to stop wind-rock and to encourage strong new growth next year. Fix some wire hoops around multi-stemmed conifers in snowy areas […]
Autumn Fall Garden Color
By the autumn many of the summer-flowering plants are all but over and, although there are many plants which will provide a display of flowers in September and October, and even into early November, much can be done to make […]
Helenium – Sneezeweed, Helen’s Flower, Perennials Guide to Planting Flowers
The Heleniums are tall growing autumnal plants which are closely related to the Sunflower. The blooming period is from June to the end of September and during this time the plants are covered with flowers of mahogany-crimson, coppery-bronze, lemon-yellow, and […]
Herb Gardening – Harvest, Design, Storing Herbs
The form and size of interest determine the herb garden these plants hold for the individual. It can be a tiny border of commonly used culinary herbs such as mint, parsley, sage, and thyme or an elaborate garden designed to […]
Harvesting Cool Season Vegetables
Timely harvest of vegetables sown or planted outside early in the growing season, and ones that generally mature rapidly or during cooler temperatures results in the best flavor and longest harvest period. Many of these also make good fall crops, […]
Growing and Collecting Cacti
The growing and collecting of cacti has been a popular hobby in this country for many years. Their varied shapes and colors together with the colored spines make them fascinating and their spectacular flowers are an added interest for the […]
Hemerocallis – DayLily, Perennials Guide to Planting Flowers
During the early Summer months, the roadsides, railroad tracks, and banks of streams are brightened immensely when the Orange Day Lilies come into bloom. They grow so freely and in so many out of the way places that many people […]
Hardy Ferns, Perennials Guide to Planting Flowers
Hardy Ferns – Shield Fern, Hay-scented or Gossamer Fern, Lady and Male Ferns, Royal Fern, Maidenhair Fern, Cinnamon Fern, Walking Fern, Climbing Fern Almost everybody has a spot in the garden around the home which is so shady that very […]
Buddleia – Butterfly Bush, Summer Lilac, Perennials Guide to Planting Flowers
Buddleia – Butterfly Bush, Summer Lilac Buddleias have made a great place for themselves in the garden where their abundant bloom, attractive color and delicate fragrance wins our admiration the first time we become acquainted with them. These plants are […]