Salvia – Sage, Perennials Guide to Planting Flowers

Salvia - Sage, Perennials Guide to Planting Flowers

Saliva – Sage

LIGHT BLUE SALVIAS. Salvia Azurea grandiflora. This species is one of great beauty, bearing light azure colored flowers in great profusion upon tall, slender spikes. The plants grow from 3 feet to 4 feet tall and bloom from August until frost.

S. farinaceaclosely resembles the former species, except that the calyx ; enclosing the flowers is a mealy white. It is, therefore, a splendid sort, the blue flowers contrasting with the grayish stems !and calyxes. Some persons have said that this species resembles the Lavender, but it is, of course, without the fragrance of true Lavender. Some gardeners advise that this sort is treated as an annual, sowing the seeds each year.

S. uligireosais also a blue sort, but the throats of the flowers are white. The plants grow 5 feet to 6 feet tall and bloom from July until frost. In general appearance, it is similar to S. Azurea.

DEEP BLUE OR VIOLET SALVIAS. S. nemorosa ;(virgata nemorosa).
The purplish-violet flowers are produced in dense clusters in July. The calyxes and stems become reddish. It is wise to cut the plants back after flowering, in which case they bloom again in Autumn.

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Sage – Congerdesign

S. patensis the deepest indigo-blue, a most unusual color but the flowers are not produced in great profusion.
It must be treated as an annual.

Most sorts of Salvias are interesting border plants where they make an attractive appearance grown in masses.
They are generally good cut flowers as well.

Salvias, although of easy culture, require some attention.
Except for S. azurea grandiflora they are not perfectly hardy and will need some protection during the Winter. Plant Salvias in the sun and give them from 18 inches to 9, feet on all sides. The roots of S. patensmay be dug and wintered in a cool cellar.

Some sorts may be divided in the early Spring. S. farinacea, S. patens,and S. uliginosa are raised from seed sown in the early Spring, in which case, they bloom the first year from seed.

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