Sweet Woodruff, Perennials Guide to Planting Flowers

Galium – Sweet Woodruff, Waldmeister Sweet Woodiuff (Galium odorata) is a small growing, graceful, sweet scented herb. It has small, white flowers and deep green, whorled foliage. The flowers and leaves when dried have an odor like new hay and […]

Herbs, Perennials Guide to Planting Flowers

Herbs The home gardener can derive a genuine pleasure in growing herbs when they supply so many of one’s wants. This is especially true of a housewife who has her own kitchen garden. CULINARY HERBS Borage (Borago officinalis). The large […]

Growing and Collecting Cacti

The growing and collecting of cacti has been a popular hobby in this country for many years. Their varied shapes and colors together with the colored spines make them fascinating and their spectacular flowers are an added interest for the […]

Hardy Ferns, Perennials Guide to Planting Flowers

Hardy Ferns – Shield Fern, Hay-scented or Gossamer Fern, Lady and Male Ferns, Royal Fern, Maidenhair Fern, Cinnamon Fern, Walking Fern, Climbing Fern Almost everybody has a spot in the garden around the home which is so shady that very […]

Perennials for Edging

Edging your garden provides a clean crisp look. Your garden borders will stand out when there’s a clean edge between the planting area and your landscape paths, driveway, sidewalk, and your lawn. Common edging, such as stone, wood, or brick, […]

Growing tips for leafy green vegetables

LEAFY GREENS Lettuce leads the way among garden-grown greens and few vegetables are as easy to grow in the cool weather of spring and fall. Instead of trying to grow hard-headed iceberg types, fill your garden with the unusual colors […]

Heirloom Vegetables and Tomatoes

In the 70’s, my father would pack all of us in the station wagon, and drive for what seemed an eternity to visit my relatives. I was pretty young, but I can remember two details quite vividly. My brother getting […]

Beans How to grow and care for this vegetable

What to know about vegetable beans. BEANS: THE PRINCIPAL TYPES Full Details of How to Grow These Nutritious Vegetables Beans as a group constitute one of the largest vegetable food crops; their culture is extensive and widespread. They mature crops […]