The Rock Garden Club Prague

The Rock Garden Club Prague

Invites rock gardeners and alpine plant lovers from abroad to join the Club. It has grown steadily and now has around 1000 local and 100 foreign members. Many of them keep professional contacts with Rock Garden Societies, Clubs, Chapters in U.S.A., U.K., Germany, France, Belgium, Canada, Netherlands and other parts of the world, as well as with many botanical gardens. A lot of our members are experienced growers of alpine plants and skilled seed collectors. Our activities concentrate on:

1. Publishing of the bulletin “Skalnicky” (i.e. Alpine Plants) with four issues per year, each of about 40 pages with drawings and colour photographs.

2. Annual Seed Exchange. In 1999/2000 our Index Seminum (seed list) offered over 1.800 items from local and foreign donors.

3. Three shows of alpine plants including plant sale in the traditional show church garden in Prague.

– The Early Spring in March/April – one week, specialized on plants like Saxifragas, bulbs

– The Main Spring Show in May – lasting three weeks, exhibition of more than 1.000 plants.

– The Autumn Show in August/September, one or two weeks, for dwarf conifers, late alpines and other garden plants, Fuchsias, etc.

4. We also organize short trips and visits to our best rock gardeners in the country as well as longer holiday expeditions to the mountains of Europe and Asia.

5. Study weekend in October, Annual meeting in February.

Membership dues are 20 US dollars, plus 5 USD, if the member wishes to take part in the seed exchange. Most of this amount is used to cover the Index Seminum and the bulletin, including translation of abstracts, the rest to pays for postage. Please, transfer the amount to our bank account at:

Ceská sporitelna, Jugoslávská 20, 120 00 Prague 2, account number: 1046369/0800.

Payable to: Klub skalnickaru Praha.

From: The name plus a shortened address, i.e. city and country (necessary to identify the sender).

International Money Orders or Draft Notes, both from the banks, are accepted. In case of Eurocheques, write in the equivalent amount in the currency of your country, otherwise charges are higher, than the amount sent. Cash is possible, on your risk. Please, make your name and address readable. We always have unidentified cheques with missing address! If you do not receive bulletins, let us know also time and way of your last payment. Skalnicky Vol. 1 is sent to all new and previous year members, Vol. 2 is sent only to members in good standing for the current year.


All inquieries should be directed to: Klub skalnickaru Praha, Maríkova 5, 162 00 Praha 6, Czech Rep.

Your seeds for exchange should be sent to: Mrs. Zdenka Tichá, Kodanská 59, 101 00 Praha 10, Czech R.

We shall be very pleased to welcome you in our Rock Garden Club.

With best wishes

JUDr. Josef Adamec

President of RGC Prague


I would like to join The Rock Garden Club, Prague.



Abstracts in: English, German or Informace cesky (mark please)

Membership dues ………………sent by means……………………, date:………….., Signature

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