Information on 50+ Perennials PERENNIALS WHICH WILL GROW IN POOR SOIL Achillea serrata (Millfoil or Yarrow) Ajuga genevensis (Geneva Bugle) Alyssum saxatile (Goldentuft) Arabis albida (Wallcress) Cerastium tomentosum (Snow-in-Summer) Dianthus deltoides (Maiden Pink) Dianthus plumarius (Grass Pink) Eryngium campestre (Hundred Thistle) Euphorbia Myrsinites (Myrsinites-like Spurge) Geranium sanguineum (Blood Red Cranesbill) Geranium maculatum (Spotted Cranesbill) Gypsophila paniculata (Baby’s-breath) Helianthemum vulgare (Rock […]

How to improve your gardening soil

Just Take the Soil As You Find It A gardener must make up his mind to use the soil he has. Of course, there is such a thing as buying top soil and having it trucked in. But it is expensive and not always satisfactory. So, what should be done? Here is a sound pattern Pick up trash and have […]


When I was growing up in a rural area in western New York State, some of the farmers used to say that drought came in eleven-year cycles. This was not as bad as it sounds. To my knowledge, the area never suffered through eleven consecutive years of disastrous water shortages. The theory was simply that eleven years of relatively dry […]