DATURA Floripondio (Trumpet flower) These large-flowered annuals are related to the common Jimson weed. Their flowers are trumpet-shaped, white, purple, or yellow in color, and sometimes 6 inches long. Datura fastuosa (cornucopia) is the common white species. The flowers are often much doubled, in which case they are mere monstrosities. The outside of the petals is frequently washed with an […]
How to grow Lilacs
How to grow Lilacs When it’s lilac-blooming time again this year from early May until end of June-will your garden be replete with their white, violet, pink, blue; and purple flowers? Certainly they are among the most popular of all flowering shrubs, and nurserymen have over 250 named varieties to offer for your planting. Perhaps you’re holding back just because of […]
Camellia shrubs Growing and care
How to Propagate and Grow These Amazingly Handsome Shrubs Evergreen shrubs and trees from China and Japan, belonging to the Tea family, Theaceae. They are adapted for outdoor cultivation in the milder parts of the United States, but in the North need greenhouse protection. Their beautiful flowers, single, partially double, or double, varying in color from white, through pink, to […]