Tree identification Broadleaf trees

Information pertaining to broadleaf trees.  Listed below are common trees with care facts. ACER Most maples thrive on lime and chalk, including British natives and those commonly planted. The Chinese species, such as AA, capillipes, davidii, ginnala, griseum and rufinerve, make a splendid display in chalk gardens. A. palmatum and its cultivars need more fertile soil. The American A. rubrum […]

Keeping Lawns Weed Free

A few years ago weeds were a major lawn problem. Today, however, it is no longer necessary to spend hours of back-breaking labor pulling and digging trouble-some weeds. The use of selective lawn week killers such as Ortho Weed-B-Gon or Lilly-Miler, takes the drudgery out of lawn weeding. Dandelions, common plaintain, buckhorn, thistle, wild carrot and over 80 other broadleaf […]

Lythrum – Purple Loosestrife, Perennials Guide to Planting Flowers

Lythrum – Purple Loosestrife, Black Blood The common Purple Loosestrife (Lylhrum Salicaria) grows from 4 feet to 6 feet tall and blooms during the months of July and August. Banned by most States in the United States. The foliage is willow-like and the tall, erect, graceful spikes produce brightly colored reddish-purple flowers. The Rose Loosestrife (L. roseum superbum) has a rose-colored […]