Lythrum – Purple Loosestrife, Black Blood
The common Purple Loosestrife (Lylhrum Salicaria) grows from 4 feet to 6 feet tall and blooms during the months of July and August. Banned by most States in the United States. The foliage is willow-like and the tall, erect, graceful spikes produce brightly colored reddish-purple flowers. The Rose Loosestrife (L. roseum superbum) has a rose-colored flower, while Perry’s variety has large and glistening cherry-red flowers.
UTILIZE. The Loosestrife takes care of itself when planted at watersides, margins of lakes or streams. It will take over the watersides and kill everything else. There is hardly any plant which can equal this when it is naturalized in bogs, swampy woodlands or in wild gardens.
GENERAL. These plants are moisture loving and should be planted in partial shade in lowlands or in swamps.
PROPAGATION. They are propagated by stem cuttings, by seeds and division of the roots.
on 75+ Perennials