Growers Guide for Bird of Paradise Flower

STRELITZIA — Bird of Paradise Flower  A group of tender perennial plants, only one of which is commonly grown. This is Strelitzia Reginae, which has large ornamental leaves on long strong petioles (leafstalks), and bears brilliant orange and purple flowers, […]

A Guide to Planting Gaillardia

Commemorating M. Gaillard de Marentonneau, a French patron of botany (Compositae). Blanket flower. A small genus of annuals and perennials, natives of America, with a long flowering period, useful for cutting flowers. Somewhat untidy in habit, the long stalks fall […]

LINARIA Toadflax, Annual Flower Information

LINARIA Toadflax (From Linum-flax; refers to fact that foliage is like that of flax) The Toadflax or Butter-and-eggs, growing along railway embankments, is familiar to all. This is related to the group of annuals known as Linaria. Apparently, the cataloged […]

Lupine – Perennial Plant, How to grow

From the Latin lupus, a wolf (destroyer), because it was thought that the plants depleted the fertility of the soil by sheer numbers (Leguminosae).  Lupine. A genus of over 300 species of annuals, perennials, and subshrubs, mainly from North America, […]