Coreopsis – Tickseed, Perennials Guide to Planting Flowers

Coreopsis - Tickseed, Perennials Guide to Planting Flowers

Coreopsis – Tickseed

Coreopsis is surely one plant that should be in every garden as it is one of the most popular hardy, yellow flowers. The common name, Tickseed, is very appropriate because the seed of the plant looks like a bug; however, the flowers are exceedingly attractive. They first begin to bloom early in June and are a mass of gold until the frost kills them. The leaves are light green and narrow, while the flowers, which look like a Daisy, are golden yellow in color and measure from 2 inches to 3 inches across. The plant is bushy and spreading; and the stems of the flowers are strong, wiry and graceful. Coreopsis lanceolata grandiflora is the species most worthy of cultivation. The plants attain a height of 3 feet and are especially in their golden glory during June. C. verticillata is a small flowered species with finely cut’ foliage. The plants bloom all Summer and grow 12. feet tall. C. rosea is an interesting little plant, never much taller than a foot, and with rosy-pink flowers and fine leaves. This sort has creeping rootstocks.

C. lanceolata grandiflora is invaluable for use as cut flower on account of its long, wiry, leafless stems. All sorts are good in the border where huge clumps are very showy. Coreopsis is nearly always planted in front of Delphiniums, and they combine well with Shasta Daisies.

They are of easiest culture but prefer sunlight and rich, damp soil. The flowers must be kept picked in order to ensure a long blooming period. If planted on the north side, they should have slight Winter protection, such as coarse straw or Pine boughs.

They are propagated by seeds and division of the plants. If the seeds are sown very early, the plants will bloom the first year, but if they are planted in July or August, the plants will bloom the succeeding year. Seeds should be sown every year since the older plants tend to get woody and do not bloom as well.

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