Linum – Perennial Flax, Golden Flax
Flax is a lovely, airy plant with flowers of yellow, blue and white. The general height is from 12 inches to 18 inches. The foliage and flowers are very delicate and graceful and present the appearance of a small, feathery bush. Golden Flax (Linum flavum) has transparent, deep, golden yellow flowers. Linum perenne is the tallest one of the Flax plants and has rather small flowers of a pearly blue. L. p. album is the white flowered variety. The flowers are borne in great numbers all during the blooming season which lasts from May through September. They have the capricious habit of blooming every other day.
UTILIZE. Flax, especially the yellow flowered one, is very attractive to combine in plantings of Delphiniums, for both are in bloom at the same time. Flax is a dainty flower for any border because the plants bloom through such a long season. Some of the smaller plants are grown in pots and in the rock garden. The evergreen leaves and profusion of bloom offer further reasons for growing the Blue Flax.
GENERAL. Flax is very easy of culture,. growing readily in any good garden soil in full sunlight.
PROPAGATION. It is propagated by seeds and division of the plants.
.Information on 75+ Perennials