This hardy Marguerite is a sturdy, very easily grown plant. It is about 1 foot or 1 1/2 feet high, very bushy, with finely cut foliage somewhat resembling the Pyrethrums, and bears Daisy-like, yellow flowers in great profusion from June until Fall. The colors range from purest white to a rich yellow. Anthemis tinctoria Kelwayi is the best one for gardens because it has a particularly long flowering season. Its flowers are yellow. A. montana, a form of A. tinctoria, has creamy white flowers.
UTILIZE. The golden Marguerites are splendid when planted in masses and are most excellent for hot dry places. Some of the dwarf forms are used in rockwork. They are used for cut flowers to a great extent.
GENERAL. These flowers will grow in almost any kind of soil; in fact, they will succeed in the poorest clay soil. They like a sunny location, although they will bloom in partial shade. The plants should be divided often as they grow and spread very rapidly. It must be frankly admitted that they are apt to overrun a small garden.
PROPAGATION. They are easily grown from seed or by division of the roots.