The form and size of interest determine the herb garden these plants hold for the individual. It can be a tiny border of commonly used culinary herbs such as mint, parsley, sage, and thyme or an elaborate garden designed to house a wide collection of herbs. Many plants could legitimately be included in one of these large gardens so that […]
Anthemis – Golden Marguerite, Common Chamomile, Perennials Guide to Planting Flowers
This hardy Marguerite is a sturdy, very easily grown plant. It is about 1 foot or 1 1/2 feet high, very bushy, with finely cut foliage somewhat resembling the Pyrethrums, and bears Daisy-like, yellow flowers in great profusion from June until Fall. The colors range from purest white to a rich yellow. Anthemis tinctoria Kelwayi is the best one for […]
Aquilegia – Columbine, Perennials Guide to Planting Flowers
The names of this flower are interesting to the garden lover with imagination. It is called Columbine, some say because the flowers appear like the cap of a court jester; others have suggested that the spurs of the flowers causing them to appear like a ring of doves (Colombo) about a dish. And its name Aquilegia, is it from aguilegus, […]
Armeria – Sea Pink, Thrift, Cliff Rose, Perennials Guide to Planting Flowers
Armeria – Sea Pink, Thrift, Cliff Rose The Sea Pink is a low growing plant which derived its name from the fact that it grows along the seashore and is pink in color. There are other colors, such as red, deep rosy pink, lilac and white. It grows in dense, low clumps with numerous, narrow, grass-like leaves, all clustered at […]
Campanula – Bellflower, Canterbury Bell, Harebell, Peach Bell, Bluebell, Perennials Guide to Planting Flowers
There is hardly a group of flowers which possess such rare beauty as does the large genus of Campanulas. There are many sorts, some growing inches high and some from 4 feet to 6 feet high, but all have more or less bell-shaped flowers in lovely colors: white, clear pink, blue, rose, purplishrose, violet-blue and lavender. All of them are […]
Planting Colorful Chrysanthemums for Your Garden
Beautiful hardy Fall Chrysanthemums October and November are the months which marshal in the Chrysanthemums and if these months be cold and rainy, the flowers do not develop well, but if the days are warm and the nights frosty, but not freezing, these flowers are in the height of their glory. “All through the budding Springtime, All through the Summer’s […]
Digitalis – Foxglove, Perennials Guide to Planting Flowers
Digitalis – Foxglove, Witches’ Thimbles A well grown Foxglove in full flower is a plant of dignity and beauty. The long flowering spikes grow from 3 to 6 feet tall, rising high above large clumps of broad, downy leaves. Upon the flowering stalk, the flowers open slowly as the impulse to bloom moves upward. This tends to lengthen the blooming […]
Erigeron – Fleabane, Perennials Guide to Planting Flowers
Erigeron – Fleabane The Erigeron has Aster-like flowers which are in bloom during the Summer months. The different species vary in height from 5 inches to 3 feet. The flowers grow from small tufts of leaves, somewhat like the English Daisy (Bettis) and the blooms of the taller varieties measure 2 inches and 2 1/2 inches across. The colors are […]
Platycodon – Chinese Balloon Flower, Perennials Guide to Planting Flowers
The Chinese Balloon Flower is very closely allied to the Campanulas. It grows erect and the stems are rigid. The flowers have five petals and open out rather flat, but when in bud they look like inflated balloons, from whence the common name is derived. The flowers are both single and double. They are blue and white in color and […]
Potentilla – Cinquefoil, Five Finger, Perennials Guide to Planting Flowers
Potentilla – Cinquefoil, Five Finger Potentillas greatly resemble the Strawberry Plant, especially in the manner of growth and the foliage. This is a trailing plant which covers the ground rapidly and sends out roots as it goes along. The flowers are very showy, the colors are very bright, with reds, oranges and yellows predominating. These flowers are both double and […]