Armeria – Sea Pink, Thrift, Cliff Rose
The Sea Pink is a low growing plant which derived its name from the fact that it grows along the seashore and is pink in color. There are other colors, such as red, deep rosy pink, lilac and white. It grows in dense, low clumps with numerous, narrow, grass-like leaves, all clustered at the base, from which spring the flowers on stiff, wiry stems from 6 inches to 12 inches high. The Sea Pink (Armeria maritima) is the common form. A. Laucheana has crimson flowers while A. cephalotes alba has snowy white flowers. They flower more or less continuously from early Spring until late in Fall.
How to use Armeria in the garden
The Sea Pinks are invaluable when planted in clumps or for edging. They are also used for pot plants and in the rock garden.
Soil conditions for Armeria
They need free, well-drained, sandy loam and leaf soil.
How to propergate Armeria
The more choice varieties are increased by dividing the roots and a good-sized plant will furnish hundreds of small divisions. They produce seeds and will grow readily from seeds. If the seeds are planted in the Fall, they should be kept in the cold frame and removed to the open ground soon as the soil is in workable condition. This will enable the plants to get well established before the hot weather arrives.