Pumpkin Hybrid Varieties

Pumpkin Hybrid Varieties
Information only

The maturity days are specifically targeted for North-Eastern USA.

Please Contact Howard Dill to purchase commercial quantities.

Variety DaysDiameter HeightWeightSkinVine Features
Pumpkins: Giant       
Prizewinner 120?50-200#OrangeVery Large An excellent displaypumpkin with superior shape and color to Atlantic Giant.
Big Moon PVP 120Large40-200#OrangeVery Large Very large showpumpkin.
Bix Max 120 30-50#Orange Very Large Large carver ornovelty.
Dill's Atlantic Giant 120Giant100-900#OrangeVery LargeThe Contest Winner.Giant pumpkin shows.
Pumpkins: Large       
Appalacian - F1 (NEW) 90 25#Dark OrangeSemi-BushA New Peto Hybridwith semi-bush vine with limited runners to replace Happy Jack. High yields andvery uniform with excellent handles.
Aspen - F1 909-12"18-20#Rich OrangeSemi-BushAn early semi-bushhybrid that has medium ribs, good handles, with good color.
A&C Hybrid #300 88 16-20#Dark OrangeSemi-BushVigorous, nearlyfull bush plants, early, with smooth fruit and a dark orange color rind andsturdy, strong handles.
A&C Hybrid #500 9512-14"18-22#Bright OrangeVine Round medium sizedfruit with medium deep ribs, excellent for carving, strong handles.
A&C Hybrid #510 9514-16"22-26#Deep OrangeVine Howden type fruitRound to tall shape, deep rib, very attractive, deeply colored fruit. Shronghandles, excellent for carving.
Big Autumn - F1 9012-15"15-20#OrangeMediumA big brother toAutumn Gold
Howden BiggieLate14-20"35-60#Deep Orange Excellent refinement in a truepumpkin of size
Earl Autumn (New) 100 10-14#Md.Deep OrangeVine A new precociouspumpkin from Rogers with mproved color when compared to Autumn Gold
Gold Strike - F1(New"Rupp")100 15-22#Dark OrangeVineA Howden dhapedhybrid pumpkin with similar dark color ribbing, and handles. In trials hasaveraged about 1 pound lighter than Howden.
Mother Lode - F1 100 18-25#OrangeSemi-BushA brand NEW RuppHybrid with uniform large pumpkins in Jumpin Jack Class but much more uniformand earlier Shperior handles, yield and uniformity
Connecticut Field (Big Tom) 11512x14"20-25#OrangeLarge Used for canning,carving or stock feed.
Gold Rush pvp NEW 120 20-35#Deep OrangeVineA new large pumpkinariety with handles 4" long and 3" in diameter, thick flesh andheavy. Another premium price pumpkin. Rupp Exclusive.
Half Moon 11512x14"14-16#OrangeLarge A very thickfleshed, mostly tall pumpkin.
Howden (Harris Moran) 105 20#Dark OrangeVineThe leader incommercial production of Jack-O-Lantern Pumpkins.
Pankow's FieldLate13-16"20-30#Deep Orange Large sturdy handles on medium-largefruits, thick-fleshed, somewhat waried for shape.
Jumpin Jack 120 20-40#Deep OrangeLarge VigorousA Rupp exclusive.Very large, well handled, taller than wide variety withmedium dark, gold color.
Mammoth Gold 105 20-40#Medium OrangeVineA large, iregularglobefruit with excellent orange rind. Fruit is slightly ribbed and flattenedwhere it rests on the ground
Thomas Holloween 110 15-30#Deep OrangeLarge A good medium large variety thatperforms well for local market or shipping
Autumn Gold - F1 9010-12" 10#OrangeMedium AAS Winner. Turnsorange early in growing season.
Jack Of All Trades - F1908-9"9-12#Dark OrangeSemi-Bush A hybrid that isvery uniform in size of the fruit, has an excellent handle and is smooth withsutures. Fruits on a very vigorous yet semi-nush plant.
Ghost Rider 11512x16" 10-12#Dark OrLargeA superior pumpkinwith an excellent handle.
Harvest Moon 10012-15" 10-18#OrangeSemi-Bush A space savingmid-size pumpkin with a good handle.
Jackpot Early12-14" 10-18#Med. Orange Med size fruits thatare good for pies and Jack-O'-Lanterns, highly productive vines.
Frosty 9010" 10#OrangeSemi-Bush An excellent bushjack o'lantern type hybrid. Try
Funny Face 10011x14" 10-12#OrangeSemi-Bush Produces a runnerafter fruit set.
Spirit 9812x14" 10-12#OrangeSemi-Bush AAS Winner. Good forpies or carving. Good Handle
Trick or Treat 10511x14" 10-12#OrangeSemi-Bush Good carver, for pieand naked seeded.
Jack O'Lantern 1008x8"10#OrangeLarge Round, uniform,snoothskinned, yellow thik flesh.
WizardLate10-12"10-14#Dk Orange Nice dark color with uniform set,smooth textured skin with light rib, good yield.
Young's Beauty 1008x8.5" 8-10#Dark OrangeLarge An older, hardskinned, dark orange, medium sized pumpki
Peek a Boo (NEW) 906x5" 3.5-4#Md.Deep OrangeVineA small pumpkin withlong, dark green handles. Uniform in size and shape. Great fordecorating.
Spooktacular 856x5" 3-5#OrangeVineA vine type hybridaddition from PETO in the Baby Pam Class. Good color, good stem,uniform.
Trickster (New) 909" 2-3#Rich OrangeSemi-BushIdeal fordecorations, good handle, deep orange, high yields.
Baby Pam 1005x5.5"2#OrangeLargeExcellent for pies.High yields. Uniform.
Triple Treat 1108" 4-6"Deep OrangeLargeA hulless seeded piepumpkin from Burpee.
Small Sugar 1006x7"5-6#OrangeMediumPopular gardenVariety for pies or canning.
Small Sugar (Asgrow Strain) 1006x7"5-6#OrangeMediumA selection with adistinctly superior handle when compared to other Small Sugar strains.
Spookie 1056"5-6#OrangeMediumSugar Pie-Jack O'Lantern cross,more uniform.
Sugar Treat - F1 905"3#Deep OrangeSemi-BushRupp exclusiveSemi-bush(baby Pam Hybrid. Super handle and excellent color fruit. Smoothribbed.
PUMPKINS: Minature&Specialty      
Baby Bear (pvp) 1993-AAS Winner 1055x6"1#OrangeVineAn All AmericaSelecitons Winner for 1993. Larger than Baby Pam. Long 4" handle. Gooddisease tolerent.
Baby Boo pvp 1003x2"1/4#WhiteVineA white Jack-B-Quick tyupe variety. Should be planted later than Jack-B-Quick types because itwill turn a pale yellow at full maturity
Buckskin 1157x10" 12#BuffLargeA hybrid forprocessing. 7-10 days earlier than OP strains. Looks like a large buff coloredacorn
Casper 908x10" 10-20#WhiteVine A smooth whiteskinned pumpkin for planting. Bright white background
Fairytale (new) 1006x15" 15#OrangeVine A french heirloomwith unique color, shape, flavor and baking quality that will be addition toyour fresh market sales. Similar to Rough but with different skincoloration.
Jack-B-Little 953x2"1/4#OrangeMediumMinature pumpkin fordecoration. Good seller.
Jack-B-Quick 953x2'1/4#OrangeMediumA more ribbedselection of Jack-B-little with Smaller, Taller and darker orange fruit
MunchkinEarly2-3"1/4#Med.Lt Orange Miniature pumpkin, well suited forarrangements and fall decorations.
OzEarly5-6"4-5#Bright Orange Precocious yellw fruit that willcolor early, sturdy dark green handles, smooth skin appearance.
Lumina PVP (NEW) 908x10" 10-15#WhiteVineExcellent for bothcarving or painting. Excellent eating bright orange flesh show itself on cutfruit
Rouge Vif d'Etampes(Cinderella)1056x15" 20#Reddish OrangeVine A unique pumpkinfrom France. A flatened, deeply ridged fruit. Surprising beauty, great yieldand flavor.

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