Pumpkins Results

Pumpkins Results

GPC Pumpkin Results by Weight

   WEIGHT  SITE            FIRST NAME   LAST NAME           TOWN          PR/ST  


   1006.0  Ottawa            Bill         Greer             Picton          ON  

    941.0  Ottawa            Al           Eaton             Richmond        ON  

    940.0  Ottawa            Pete         Geerts            Arkona          ON  

    897.5  Carnation         Jack         LaRue             Tenino          WA  

    897.0  Ottawa            Paul         McIntyre          Oxford Mills    ON  

    887.0  Altoona           Tony         Ciliberto         Wilkes-Barre    PA  

    884.0  Canfield          Bob          Schlutt           Bridgman        MI  

    866.0  Carnation         Kirk         Mombert           Harrisburg      OR  

    841.0  St. John's        Bill         Edwards           Marshall        MI  

    825.5  Oconomowoc        Mark         Shymanski         Madison         Wi  

    810.0  Windsor           Fenton       McInnis           Hubbards        NS  

    795.0  Ottawa            Herman       Bax               Lyn             ON  

    784.0  Nut Tree          Pete         Glasier           Napa            CA  

    781.0  Rockton           Anne         Braun             Dundas          ON  

    767.0  Rockton           Douglas      Wyman             Dundas          ON  

    763.0  Canfield          Joyce        Schlutt           Bridgman        MI  

    756.0  Windsor           David        Hebb              Bridgewater     NS  

    752.0  Oswego            Leonard      Stellpflug        Nunda           NY  

    751.0  Nut Tree          Scott        Solomon           San Jose        CA  

    746.8  Topsfield         Joan         Daignault         Hinsdale        MA  

    742.2  Anamosa           Bob          Ruff              Garnavillo      IA  

    737.0  Oconomowoc        Joe          Vesperman         Madison         Wi  

    735.8  Topsfield         Mark & Matth Woodward          Leominster      MA  

    732.4  Anamosa           Kurt         Herman            Genesee Depot   WI  

    729.0  Monroe            Don          VanHoutte Jr.     Ray             MI  

    729.4  Topsfield         Wayne        Hackney           New Milford     CT  

    727.0  Oswego            Donald       Black             Winthrop        NY  

    725.0  Carnation         Lyle         Richart           Vancouver       WA  

    724.0  St. John's        Don          Vanhoutte         Armada          MI  

    721.2  Anamosa           Roy          Lendt             Chisago City    MN  

    720.5  Canfield          Jim          Lee               Salem           OH  

    719.0  St. John's        Mark Kyle    Vanhoutte         Ray             MI  

    715.0  Windsor           Howard       Dill              Windsor         NS  

    707.2  Topsfield         David        Henderson         Shirley         MA  

    707.0  Oswego            Mark         Fortin            Canaseraga      NY  

    701.0  Windsor           Roger        Wentzell          Bridgewater     NS  

    699.2  Anamosa           Utoni        Ruff              Garnavillo      IA  

    693.5  Smoky Lake        Robert       Lobay             Smoky Lake      AB  

    690.0  Lockport          George       Poluhanycz        Eau Claire      MI  

    689.5  Canfield          Albert       Gfeller           Berlin Center   OH  

    688.0  Oswego            Joe Lazzaro  Lorraine Riedl    Cannastota      NY  

    682.4  Topsfield         John         Castellucci       Smithfield      RI  

    680.5  Canfield          David        Stelts            Leetonia        OH  

    678.0  Carnation         Geneva       Emmons            Issaquah        WA  

    677.0  Rockton           Frank        Webster           Guelph          ON  

    675.0  Oconomowoc        Gary         Keyzer            Nekoosa         WI  

    668.5  Carnation         Sherry       LaRue             Tenino          WA  

    666.5  Oconomowoc        Janet        Keyzer            Nekoosa         WI  

    665.0  Nut Tree          Howard       Shelley           Napa            CA  

    662.4  Anamosa           Dan          Carlson           Clinton         IA  

    661.0  Windsor           Vincent      Murphy            Hubbards        NS  

    657.0  St. John's        Michael      Prysby            Bath            MI  

    655.5  Oconomowoc        Charles      Johnson           Plover          WI  

    623.5  Monroe            Phil         Montgomory        Washington      MI  

    623.0  Nut Tree          Rick         Dickow            Menlo Park      CA  

    622.5  Nut Tree          Michael      Brock             Boonville       CA  

    622.0  Altoona           Marvin Meisn & Galen Helsel    Holidaysburg    PA  

    612.0  St. John's        Jerry        Hodges            Delton          MI  

    608.6  Roland            Dennis       Friesen           Wawanesa        MB  

    593.0  Amagansett        Joanne       Connelly          Aquebogue       NY  

    593.0  Smoky Lake        Rod          Goertzen          Saskatoon       SK  

    588.0  Monroe            Denver       Young             Lambertville    MI  

    584.0  Roland            Tyrone & Mic Friesen           Wawanesa        MB  

    573.0  Rockton           Peter        Tursa             Ancaster        ON  

    552.0  Oswego            John         Soehner           Hilton          NY  

    509.5  Lockport          George       Kopsell           Hebron          IL  

    501.0  Altoona           Frank        Harchak           Houtzdal        PA  

    500.5  Smoky Lake        Meghan       Goertzen          Saskatoon       SK  

    500.0  Amagansett        Louis        Gallo Jr.         East Patchogue  NY  

    498.0  Altoona           Robert       Ferry             Martinsburg     PA  

    487.0  Altoona           Luke         Helsel            Duncansville    PA  

    465.5  Smoky Lake        Arnold & Cat Pederson          Vauxhall        AB  

    449.5  Smoky Lake        Hank         Lohues            Coaldale        AB  

    448.8  Amagansett        Shawn        Gardner           N. Lindenhurst  NY  

    446.0  Rockton           Mary         Brown             Brantford       ON  

    446.4  Roland            Irvine       Koch              Stonewall       MB  

    418.4  Roland            Dennis       Klassen           Rose Isle       MB  

    416.5  Lockport          Steven       Whittemore        Hobart          IN  

    416.6  Roland            Keely        Koch              Stonewall       AB  

    414.5  Monroe            Elisha       Rodziewicz        Petersburg      MI  

    410.0  Amagansett        Richard      Robards           Poughkeepsie    NY  

    394.2  Amagansett        Mary Lou     Varney            East Patchogue  NY  

    372.0  Republic          Jim          McIntosh          Spickard        MO  

    351.0  Monroe            Ashley       Rodziewicz        Petersburg      MI  

    333.0  Republic          Cheryl       O'Neal            Republic        MO  

    323.4  Republic          B. J.        Kelley            Republic        MO  

    300.5  Republic          Stacy        Fesperman         Springfield     MO  

    274.7  Republic          Eric         Reese             Nixa            MO  

    245.0  Lockport          Zachary      Siegel            Lockport        IL  

    188.0  Lockport          Jerry        Kiesow            Joliet          IL  

 ----report total---------------------------------------------------------------


 ----report average-------------------------------------------------------------



GPC Pumpkin Results by Site

    SITE           WEIGHT    FNAME      LNAME           TOWN            PR      


    Altoona          887.0   Tony       Ciliberto       Wilkes-Barre    PA      

    Altoona          622.0   Marvin Mei & Galen Helsel  Holidaysburg    PA      

    Altoona          501.0   Frank      Harchak         Houtzdal        PA      

    Altoona          498.0   Robert     Ferry           Martinsburg     PA      

    Altoona          487.0   Luke       Helsel          Duncansville    PA      

   ----section total------------------------------------------------------------


   ----section average----------------------------------------------------------



    Amagansett       593.0   Joanne     Connelly        Aquebogue       NY      

    Amagansett       500.0   Louis      Gallo Jr.       East Patchogue  NY      

    Amagansett       448.8   Shawn      Gardner         N. Lindenhurst  NY      

    Amagansett       410.0   Richard    Robards         Poughkeepsie    NY      

    Amagansett       394.2   Mary Lou   Varney          East Patchogue  NY      

   ----section total------------------------------------------------------------


   ----section average----------------------------------------------------------



    Anamosa          742.2   Bob        Ruff            Garnavillo      IA      

    Anamosa          732.4   Kurt       Herman          Genesee Depot   WI      

    Anamosa          721.2   Roy        Lendt           Chisago City    MN      

    Anamosa          699.2   Utoni      Ruff            Garnavillo      IA      

    Anamosa          662.4   Dan        Carlson         Clinton         IA      

   ----section total------------------------------------------------------------


   ----section average----------------------------------------------------------



    Canfield         884.0   Bob        Schlutt         Bridgman        MI      

    Canfield         763.0   Joyce      Schlutt         Bridgman        MI      

    Canfield         720.5   Jim        Lee             Salem           OH      

    Canfield         689.5   Albert     Gfeller         Berlin Center   OH      

    Canfield         680.5   David      Stelts          Leetonia        OH      

   ----section total------------------------------------------------------------


   ----section average----------------------------------------------------------



    Carnation        897.5   Jack       LaRue           Tenino          WA      

    Carnation        866.0   Kirk       Mombert         Harrisburg      OR      

    Carnation        725.0   Lyle       Richart         Vancouver       WA      

    Carnation        678.0   Geneva     Emmons          Issaquah        WA      

    Carnation        668.5   Sherry     LaRue           Tenino          WA      

   ----section total------------------------------------------------------------


   ----section average----------------------------------------------------------



    Lockport         690.0   George     Poluhanycz      Eau Claire      MI      

    Lockport         509.5   George     Kopsell         Hebron          IL      

    Lockport         416.5   Steven     Whittemore      Hobart          IN      

    Lockport         245.0   Zachary    Siegel          Lockport        IL      

    Lockport         188.0   Jerry      Kiesow          Joliet          IL      

 ----section total------------------------------------------------------------


   ----section average----------------------------------------------------------



    Monroe           729.0   Don        VanHoutte Jr.   Ray             MI      

    Monroe           623.5   Phil       Montgomory      Washington      MI      

    Monroe           588.0   Denver     Young           Lambertville    MI      

    Monroe           414.5   Elisha     Rodziewicz      Petersburg      MI      

    Monroe           351.0   Ashley     Rodziewicz      Petersburg      MI      

   ----section total------------------------------------------------------------


   ----section average----------------------------------------------------------



    Nut Tree         784.0   Pete       Glasier         Napa            CA      

    Nut Tree         751.0   Scott      Solomon         San Jose        CA      

    Nut Tree         665.0   Howard     Shelley         Napa            CA      

    Nut Tree         623.0   Rick       Dickow          Menlo Park      CA      

    Nut Tree         622.5   Michael    Brock           Boonville       CA      

   ----section total------------------------------------------------------------


   ----section average----------------------------------------------------------



    Oconomowoc       825.5   Mark       Shymanski       Madison         Wi      

    Oconomowoc       737.0   Joe        Vesperman       Madison         Wi      

    Oconomowoc       675.0   Gary       Keyzer          Nekoosa         WI      

    Oconomowoc       666.5   Janet      Keyzer          Nekoosa         WI      

    Oconomowoc       655.5   Charles    Johnson         Plover          WI      

   ----section total------------------------------------------------------------


   ----section average----------------------------------------------------------



    Oswego           752.0   Leonard    Stellpflug      Nunda           NY      

    Oswego           727.0   Donald     Black           Winthrop        NY      

    Oswego           707.0   Mark       Fortin          Canaseraga      NY      

    Oswego           688.0   Joe Lazzar Lorraine Riedl  Cannastota      NY      

    Oswego           552.0   John       Soehner         Hilton          NY      

   ----section total------------------------------------------------------------


   ----section average----------------------------------------------------------



    Ottawa          1006.0   Bill       Greer           Picton          ON      

    Ottawa           941.0   Al         Eaton           Richmond        ON      

    Ottawa           940.0   Pete       Geerts          Arkona          ON      

    Ottawa           897.0   Paul       McIntyre        Oxford Mills    ON      

    Ottawa           795.0   Herman     Bax             Lyn             ON      

   ----section total------------------------------------------------------------


   ----section average----------------------------------------------------------



    Republic         372.0   Jim        McIntosh        Spickard        MO      

    Republic         333.0   Cheryl     O'Neal          Republic        MO      

    Republic         323.4   B. J.      Kelley          Republic        MO      

    Republic         300.5   Stacy      Fesperman       Springfield     MO      

    Republic         274.7   Eric       Reese           Nixa            MO      

   ----section total------------------------------------------------------------


   ----section average----------------------------------------------------------



    Rockton          781.0   Anne       Braun           Dundas          ON      

    Rockton          767.0   Douglas    Wyman           Dundas          ON      

    Rockton          677.0   Frank      Webster         Guelph          ON      

    Rockton          573.0   Peter      Tursa           Ancaster        ON      

    Rockton          446.0   Mary       Brown           Brantford       ON      

   ----section total------------------------------------------------------------


   ----section average----------------------------------------------------------



    Roland           608.6   Dennis     Friesen         Wawanesa        MB      

    Roland           584.0   Tyrone & M Friesen         Wawanesa        MB      

    Roland           446.4   Irvine     Koch            Stonewall       MB      

    Roland           418.4   Dennis     Klassen         Rose Isle       MB      

    Roland           416.6   Keely      Koch            Stonewall       AB      

   ----section total------------------------------------------------------------


   ----section average----------------------------------------------------------



    Smoky Lake       693.5   Robert     Lobay           Smoky Lake      AB      

    Smoky Lake       593.0   Rod        Goertzen        Saskatoon       SK      

    Smoky Lake       500.5   Meghan     Goertzen        Saskatoon       SK      

    Smoky Lake       465.5   Arnold & C Pederson        Vauxhall        AB      

    Smoky Lake       449.5   Hank       Lohues          Coaldale        AB      

   ----section total------------------------------------------------------------


   ----section average----------------------------------------------------------



    St. John's       841.0   Bill       Edwards         Marshall        MI      

    St. John's       724.0   Don        Vanhoutte       Armada          MI      

    St. John's       719.0   Mark Kyle  Vanhoutte       Ray             MI      

    St. John's       657.0   Michael    Prysby          Bath            MI      

    St. John's       612.0   Jerry      Hodges          Delton          MI      

   ----section total------------------------------------------------------------


   ----section average----------------------------------------------------------



    Topsfield        746.8   Joan       Daignault       Hinsdale        MA      

    Topsfield        735.8   Mark & Mat Woodward        Leominster      MA      

    Topsfield        729.4   Wayne      Hackney         New Milford     CT      

    Topsfield        707.2   David      Henderson       Shirley         MA      

    Topsfield        682.4   John       Castellucci     Smithfield      RI      

   ----section total------------------------------------------------------------


   ----section average----------------------------------------------------------



    Windsor          810.0   Fenton     McInnis         Hubbards        NS      

    Windsor          756.0   David      Hebb            Bridgewater     NS      

    Windsor          715.0   Howard     Dill            Windsor         NS      

    Windsor          701.0   Roger      Wentzell        Bridgewater     NS      

    Windsor          661.0   Vincent    Murphy          Hubbards        NS      

   ----section total------------------------------------------------------------


   ----section average----------------------------------------------------------



   ----report total-------------------------------------------------------------


   ----report average-----------------------------------------------------------



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Daddy, am I done watering?

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