TREES FOR THE SMALL PLACE* HEIGHTSPREAD Acer campestre30 to 40 ft40 to 50 ft English Maple, HedgeMaple Betula alba (B. pendula)50 to 60 ft.25 to 30 ft. White Birch Cornus florida15 to 25 ft12 to 18 ft. Flowering Dogwood Cornus Kousa15 to 20 ft15 to 18 ft. Japanese Dogwood Cratmgus oxyacantha12 to 15 ft12 to 15 ft English Hawthorn Ginkgo biloba100 to 125 ft.40 to 50 ft. Maidenhair Tree Gleditsia triacanthos inermis100 to 125 ft.30 to 40 ft.moraine Moraine Locust Gordonia alatamaha15 to 20 ft.12 to 15 ft. Franklinia Tree Halesia carolina20 to 30 ft.25 to 30 ft. Silverbell Tree Koelreuteria paniculata20 to 30 ft20 to 30 ft. Goldenrain Tree Liquidambar styraciflua70 to 90 ft35 to 40 ft. Sweetgum Magnolia kobus15 to 25 ft15 to 18 ft. Kobus Magnolia Magnolia soulangeana20 to 30 ft15 to 25 ft Saucer Magnolia Magnolia stellata12 to 15 ft.12 to 15 ft. Star Magnolia Malus floribunda20 to 25 ft.20 to 25 ft. Flowering Crabapple Oxydendrum arboreum20 to 30 ft.12 to 18 ft Sourwood, Sorrel Tree Pinus nigra80 to 90 ft.30 to 35 ft. Austrian Pine Prunus subhirtella25 to 30 ft.15 to 20 ft. Japanese Flowering Cherry Sorbus aucuparia30 to 35 ft20 to 25 ft Mountain Ash Styrax japonica20 to 25 ft.15 to 25 ft. Snowbell Tree Syringa japonica20 to 25 ft.12 to 20 ft. Japanese Tree Lilac Ulmus americana ascendens, var. A ugustine 80 to 90 ft.20 to 25 ft Augustine Ascending Elm.