Some deciduous trees with exceptionally
handsome foliage
AILANTHUS ALTISSIMA The tree of heaven
has pinnate leaves sometimes 60cm (2ft) long.
CATALPA The Indian bean-trees have heart-shaped
leaves up to 25cm (l0in).
GYMNOCLADUS DIOICUS The Kentucky coffee-tree
has compound pinnate leaves which may reach lm (aft)
long and 60cm (2ft) wide.
JUGLANS SIEBOLDIANA The walnuts all have
handsome pinnate foliage, but in this species the leaves
may reach lm (aft) long.
MAGNOLIA DELAVAYI This evergreen tree
has exceptionally handsome leaves about 30cm (1ft) long.
M. tripetala, the umbrella tree (so called because
of the arrangement of its foliage) has very large leaves
up to 50cm (20in) long.
PHELLODENDRON All cultivated species of
the cork tree have pinnate leaves 30cm (1ft) or more
POPULUS LASIOCARPA This has typical poplar-shaped
leaves up to 30cm (1ft) PTEROCARYA The species of wing
nut in cultivation all have pinnate leaves from 30-60cm
(1-2ft) long, those on P. fraxinifolia being
the largest.
RHUS TYPHINA The pinnate leaves on the
stag’s horn sumach may reach lm (aft) long.
SORBUS HARROWIANA This tender species
has the largest leaves ofay n mountain ash, 30cm (lft)
or more long. S. sargentiana, is a mountain ash
which has leaves up to 30cm (1ft) long.