New Zealand offers a wide variety of alpine flora and vegetation. The New Zealand Alpine Garden Society invites you to join other overseas members in enjoying the benefits of the Society. Membership provides two informative Bulletins each year and an extensive NZ Native section categorized in a yearly seed list. Local members are encouraged to participate in the monthly programs. 2015 information
The annual rate for both domestic and foreign memberships, either individual or household, is:
New Zealand Members (NZ currency)
- Single:
$30.00 - Single (65 years and over) $28
- Family(2 at the same address): $30.00
Overseas Members
- $35 payable in NZ Dollars to order of New Zealand Alpine Garden Society (Inc.). Visa/MasterCard facilities exist for overseas members. Please send your subscription to the:Treasurer NZAGS (Inc.)
PO Box 2984,
Christchurch, New ZealandBe sure your name and the full address is accompanied with your payment, including the expiry date.
All financial members receive the Bulletins post free All overseas members, in addition to the above, receive their seed request airmail, post-free.
All membership renewals are due on the 1st of April each year.
Articles, line drawings, plant prints, and general alpine and rock gardening hints are welcomed by the Editor.
Support your Seed Exchange by regularly sending seeds of ALPINE plants or bulbs to:
PO Box 2984
Christchurch, New Zealand
should be well developed, CLEANED, and in an envelope with the name of the seed PRINTED on the top left-hand corner, stating locality where collected and the date. Fine seeds should be put in smaller envelopes or fine paper INSIDE the main labeled envelope. Please use the seed forms provided in the bulletin and list seeds alphabetically.
Seed Donors – all seeds are to be received by March 15 Seed application forms are to be received by May 15
Members are welcome to use the Society’s extensive slide library. Please contact the Secretary: Margaret Nelson
All correspondence should be addressed to:
PO Box 2984,
Christchurch, New Zealand
Valda Mathers
I am contacting you from Melbourne Australia. I am searching for HEBE HULKEANA, NEW ZEALAND LILAC. I cannot find it here and wonder if you could provide me with information re purchasing a few (if Customs will allow me) to shipping to me. I would be very happy if you could help.