Thalictrum – Meadow Rue, Feathered Columbine
These graceful, feathery flowers add an airy appearance to the border of perennials. The leaves are fine and resemble the foliage of the Columbine. Some sorts arc natives of our woods, but the cultivated species are superior in the size of their plumy heads.
SPECIES. Thalictrum aquilegifolium. White flowers, June, 3 feet tall.
T. adiantifolium (minus). Yellow flowers, June to July, 1 foot.
T. dipterocarpum. Rose-purple, yellow stamens, August to September, 5 feet. Not perfectly hardy. Best stored during Winter in moss in a cellar.
T. glaucum. Golden yellow, June to July, 4 feet.
T. Cornuti. Native, white, July to September, 4 to 5 feet.
T. dioicum. Native, purplish and greenish, April to May, 1 to 2 feet.
UTILIZE. The Meadow Rues are excellent for the border and, being refined plants, may be planted in the intimate spots of the dooryard. The cut sprays are exquisite for bouquets. T. dipterocarpum is a sort of recent introduction with distinct flowers having petals.
GENERAL. The plants do well in well drained shaded places. T. Cornuti is especially good for moist soil along streams.
PROPAGATION. The plants are readily divided, but if seed is obtainable, it may be sown.