Garden Planning for Your Small Yard

Garden Planning for Your Small Yard

Gardening is a favorite hobby of millions of Americans and people worldwide. There are few things as enjoyable or rewarding as getting out in the fresh air and working the soil of your own garden. Whether you love to plant flowers to attract birds or butterflies or raise a sustainable crop of vegetables, the gardener’s life can be full of passion.

With city centers getting larger every year, fewer people are living in a situation that makes it easy to create a home garden . Apartment dwellers or condo owners with limited outdoor space face real challenges when adding a garden to their homes.

We would all love to have massive backyards where we could plant endless rows of plants, create hidden pathways, and even choose a modern design from a high-end magazine, but most of us have to deal with limited space.

If you have the desire to use your small patio to start your own sustainable garden, Neave Landscape Management shared some of these tips to help you use your space efficiently.

Hanging Plants

When you are dealing with small spaces, it’s essential to think about more than just floor space. Utilizing your vertical and roof space can help you add more bounty to your garden yield than you can imagine.

Tomato plants can be hung and grown upside down to save you a ton of room and require less care than traditional upright planting. Use a hanging basket to grow lettuce or herbs within easy reach.

Vertical Gardens

Using framing made from pallets or other scrap wood is becoming a popular small-space solution for many gardeners. In these unique gardens, you can grow a variety of vegetables or flowers and even make a privacy screen for your patio.


If you are limited to the amount of lawn or soil that you have in your yard, you can always plant your gardens in containers. From large planting pots to farming feeders, find a container that is right for how much produce you want to harvest and get started.

Using a container for your garden not only keeps your plants contained and neat but also protects them from critters that love to eat your produce.

Give your back a break by planting in raised containers so you don’t need to bend or kneel to tend to your garden.


If you have a small patio with a railing, take advantage of the space by using sill pots that hang right on the rail. These thinner pots are great for planting colorful flowers or a handy herb garden for fresh clippings ready for any recipe.

Dwarf Varieties

If you want to plant fruit trees in your garden so that you will have fresh citrus, you may run into a problem with a small space. The easy solution is to find and plant the dwarf varieties of lemon, lime or orange trees. These plants yield the same amount of fruit but take up much less space when you are in a tight spot.


Don’t let your space restrictions stop you from enjoying the bounty of having your own home garden. Use these space-saving tips to design a sustainable vegetable garden or a colorful oasis on your patio that you can enjoy for years.

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