Nothing tastes better than fresh, crisp vegetables on a summer day. But, did you know that summer is not the only time you can grow fresh vegetables? Most people think that if you live in Portland or other cold places, it’s hard to enjoy fresh vegetables year-round.
But, with some help and guidance, your summer vegetables can frequent your plate in the winter. That’s right, you can enjoy the excitement of having fresh vegetables in the winter too!
There are many different vegetables you can grow in the winter. Take a look at this list then get our gardening tools and get busy planting your winter garden.
5 Best Vegetables to Grow in the Winter
Believe it or not, all species of onions can be grown during the winter—including leeks and chives. Onions grow exceptionally well in a lot of rain and cold weather, and winter is perfect for that type of weather.
When growing onions, you can plant them from seeds or grow them from cuttings. One great thing about onions is once you plant them, they grow all year round.
Both curly and leafy varieties of parsley thrive during the cold season and grow year-round. And, it’s best used to season dishes pastas and salads. So, growing in the winter is a big plus if you enjoy gourmet dishes.
Lettuce does exceptionally well when planted in the shade, which will allow it to grow an abundant harvest in winter. Lettuce can be planted in two places, a pot or in the ground. But no matter where you plant it, you can still enjoy a nice fresh salad all year round.
All varieties of spinach grow in the winter. Spinach is a delicate crop because it attracts pests. The reason the cold is so great for growing spinach is that most pests do not come out during winter seasons.
Garlic is a vegetable that is used a lot in the kitchen. And, to make garlic an even better growing option, it has the best flavor in the winter. When growing garlic, it is best to plant in the fall, so when winter comes along, it can expand and grow.
Winter Vegetables that Require some TLC
Many other vegetables can grow in the winter too; they just need a bit of extra care. More bulky plants do well in the winter and so do leafy greens.
The care of these vegetables is not difficult either; they just need extra attention. Take a look at the list below to get an idea of what can thrive in your winter garden.
- Chard
- Land Cress
- Pak Choi
- Carrots
- Broad Beans
- Radish
- Brussels sprout
- Arugula
- Mustard greens
- Broccoli
- Kale
- Cabbage
- Squash (grows in winter but grows best if planted in the fall)
Don’t be afraid to start your own garden not only in the summer but in the winter too. You’d be surprised how much better you will feel, and the best part, you have so many different vegetables to choose from when planting a garden in winter.