How to grow Doronicum
Doronicum (dor-on-ik-um)
From the Arabic name doronigi (Cornpositae). Leopard’s bane. Hardy herbaceous perennials, natives of Europe and Asia, early-flowering, with long-stemmed, daisy-like yellow flowers. The sap from the root of D. pardalianches is said to be poisonous. Doronicums last well as cut-flowers.
Species cultivated D. austriacum, 18 inches, golden-yellow, spring. D. carpetanum. 2 feet, yellow. May and June. D. caucasicum, 1 foot, yellow, April and May; var. magnificum, flowers larger. D. clusii, 1 foot, yellow, May and June. D. cordatum, 6-9 inches, deep yellow, April and May. D. orientale, 1 foot, yellow, April, D. plantagineum, 2-3 feet, yellow, spring; var. excelsum (syn. ‘Harpur Crewe) larger, bright yellow flowers, April to June. Other good named varieties will be found in nurserymen s cataloges. The new German hybrid ‘Fruhlingspracht’, or ‘Spring Splendour, 1 foot, is an interesting introduction with double yellow flowers during April and May.
Cultivation Plant in the autumn or spring in ordinary garden soil in sun or partial shade. Propagation is by division of the roots in October or March. Doronicums are adaptable plants which may be moved or divided without damage even when they are in bud, provided this is done in moist weather.