Echinacea – Perennial Plant, How to grow

Echinacea - Perennial Plant, How to grow

How to grow Echinacea

Echinacea (ek-in-ay-se-a)

From the Greek echinos, hedgehog, referring to the whorl of prickly, pointed bracts close beneath the flower head (Compositae). A genus of two North American species of hardy herbaceous
perennial plants.

Echinacea plants

E. angustifolia (syn. Rudbeckia angustifolia), 2-3 feet, purplish red, summer.

E. purpurea (syn. Rudbeckia purpurea), purple coneflower, 3-4 feet, purplish-red, August. The crimson cultivar ‘The King’, 6 feet tall, is outstanding, with flowers 5 inches across from August to October. ‘Robert Bloom ‘, is a newer cultivar, 3 feet tall, with large, carmine-purple flowers in July and August. Other named cultivars appear from time to time in nurserymen’s lists.

Grow and propagate Echinacea

Plant in autumn or spring in a deep, rich, light loamy soil and in a sunny position. Propagation is by division in spring; by root cuttings in February, or by seed sown in boxes of light soil in March in a temperature of about 55°F (13°C), or sown out of doors in a sunny position in April.


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