Rudbeckia blooms its golden glow early

As I travel country roads and stroll around many gardens, including my own, I see members of the Rudbeckia family blooming everywhere. Almost 4 weeks ahead in the season, I wonder what other flowers are going to give me the […]

Growing Delphiniums to Bloom

Delphiniums in Bloom By L. H. Leonian Sometime in June, Delphiniums begin to bloom in most parts of our country. This is an important period in the life of the plant. Where nights are cool and the atmosphere humid, the […]

Garden of Memories

Whenever I am asked to disclose my principal formula for a successful garden, I will invariably return the same verdict – to evoke an atmosphere is paramount. Many of the ideas I employ in garden design originate from something I […]

All-America Selections Flower Winners – 2017

Each year the best of the new annual flowers (those that only live for one year) are judged, and the winners given the All-America Selections (AAS) designation.   In the past these have all been grown from seeds, but starting in […]

Aquilegia ( Dragonfly Columbine Hybrids )

Dragonfly Hybrids are strong stemmed with leaves that are 3-ternate that grow from 1/2 to 1 1/2 inches long. They also have terminal flowers up to 3 inches across and spurs to 4 inches long. Columbine is a clumping perennial […]