How to remove moss from lawns

The mosses, or musci, form a subdivision of the plant group Bryophyta. They are very numerous. While possessing simple stems and leaves, they have no true roots. Mosses are anchored in their growing positions by rhizoids which are hairlike and without color. The physiological activities of roots are carried out by these. It should be noted that true mosses and […]

River Gravel for the Garden

Gravel The name given to rounded, water-worn stones produced by rock attrition by moving water.River gravels generally form in the upper reaches and in the middle of the stream. Both kinds consist of hard types of stone, flint, granite and sandstone, the color of the gravel being governed by the rocks from which it is formed. The sizes of the […]

Step on a crack – What grows in a crack.

I have never had much luck growing Johnny Jump-Ups (Viola tricolor) from seed, but finally two years ago a single plant survived to maturity.  Last year that lone survivor begot several offspring. This year those offspring have taught me the true meaning of the cautionary proverb, “Be careful what you wish for.”  Johnny Jump-Ups are popping up everywhere, including in […]

Hillside Gardening – Plants for a bank or the hill side.

Hillside Gardening Plants for a bank or the hill side. The simplest way to plant a bank is to make a grassy slope of it. This isn’t the best way in which a bank can be treated, since it lacks interest and will be more difficult to mow than a level lawn. If the bank is fairly extensive an excellent […]


Two weeks ago I went to a wonderful lecture at the New York Botanical Garden.  The speaker was Barry Yinger, a well known plantsman and author who specializes in Asian flora.  The topic for the day was “New Japanese Plants for the Garden.  Mr. Yinger, who also owns Asiatica, a Pennsylvania retail nursery, is one of those intrepid people who […]