While it may be true that April showers bring May flowers, April also brings warmer weather, longer days, and our first chance to do some outdoor gardening. Peas, onions, parsnips, spinach, and other cool weather crops can all be planted in the garden towards the end of the month, provided that the soil isn’t too wet. Proper garden preparation is […]
April Gardening to do list by hardiness zone
Learn the monthly garden tasks for your gardening hardiness zone . Do you know what your hardiness zone? Once known, then find the required task. Zone 1 Finish planting bare-root trees, shrubs, roses Prune roses, then apply dormant spray Apply dormant spray to trees and shrubs before they leaf out Spade or till garden beds as soon as the soil […]
March Gardening To Do List
Provided is a list of tasks you need to perform in your garden during March. Please understand your gardening zone which is identified in the menu above. Look for Hardiness Zones . Zone 1 Order indoor seed starting kits and seeds Cut back on feeding houseplants (do not feed dormant houseplants) Water indoor cymbidium orchids weekly until theybloom Sow seeds […]
February Gardening To do list
Provided is a list of tasks you need to perform in your garden during February. Please understand your gardening zone which is identified in the menu above. Look for Hardiness Zones . Zone 1 Order fruit and vegetable seeds, roses, bare-root trees and shrubs Check potted or container-planted bulbs for signs of growth Bring in pots of crocus and bulbous […]
Gardening tasks to consider in August
EVERY gardener knows that Sweet Alyssum, variety Little Gem, is among, if not the best, plant to use to outline beds or borders. In this month it needs a good shearing or cutting back at least half way, so that new growth is encouraged and the blooming season is prolonged until frost. In August one begins to make new seedbeds […]
How to start Gardening
No recreation costs so little or gives so much fun and satisfaction as gardening. A few dollars and just a little plot of ground starts you. Here are the basic tools needed for a small garden: Spade or spading fork. Hoe for conditioning soil and weeding. Rake to prepare a fine seedbed and keep things neat. A watering can or […]
Growing Fruit trees in a greenhouse in pots
Growing Fruit trees in a greenhouse in pots Fruit trees may also be grown in the unheated greenhouse in pots, tubs or boxes. The restriction of the roots induces early fruiting and keeps the trees small, while the glass catches the sun’s warmth, thus forwarding growth slightly, protects the blossom and fruitlets from spring frosts and renders protection from birds […]
Gardening with The Sun and The Wind
You can control many planting conditions. You can add water with a hose if it does not rain. But you can’t turn the sun on if your plants need extra light or heat This just means that you must take normal sun and prevailing wind conditions into consideration when you plan and when you plant. Use shady lawn mixtures where […]
May Gardening To do list
Gardening tasks you should perform this month if you live in the Northern Hemisphere. If you don’t know your gardening zone, you can look it up via zip code on the Gardening Zone Page . If you live in the Southern Hemisphere, add six months to find your gardening tasks. Zone 1 Prune flowering fruit trees while in bloom;use cuttings […]
How to grow delphiniums
These young delphinium plants are suitable for planting out directly into their flowering positions but will need care and attention until they are established. Alternatively, they may be potted into 6″pots and grown on until the root system fills the pot – they may then be planted out. The growing tip has been “stopped” growth will darken and die back […]