Information on 50+ Perennials PERENNIALS WHICH WILL GROW IN POOR SOIL Achillea serrata (Millfoil or Yarrow) Ajuga genevensis (Geneva Bugle) Alyssum saxatile (Goldentuft) Arabis albida (Wallcress) Cerastium tomentosum (Snow-in-Summer) Dianthus deltoides (Maiden Pink) Dianthus plumarius (Grass Pink) Eryngium campestre (Hundred Thistle) Euphorbia Myrsinites (Myrsinites-like Spurge) Geranium sanguineum (Blood Red Cranesbill) Geranium maculatum (Spotted Cranesbill) Gypsophila paniculata (Baby’s-breath) Helianthemum vulgare (Rock […]
Planting the vegetable seed
Planting the vegetable seed There is no part of the garden work which calls for such nice judgment and careful attention as the sowing of seed. Most of the failures originate right here, and a large share of the blame devoted to the seeds and seedsman, if traced back to its original source, would be found to rest on the […]
Planting plants in pots
There are several important stages in the cultivation of a plant and one of these is the planting of plants in pots. This is known as potting. The move is dictated by the vigor of the plant, especially in its root system. Once it outgrows its original soil area in a pot it is necessary to provide more room for […]
Standard Potting Mix
Standard Potting Mix 1.5 Bales of LakelandCoarse Peat2 Bags of Supreme Perlite1 Bag of TurfaceTotal: 9.75Bushels6.00 Bushels1.50 Bushels 17.0 Bushels Add by weight: DolomiteGS AG;MicromaxAquagro `G’Osmocote 18-6-12 950gms (56 gm per bushel)515 gms (30 gm per bushel)515 gms (30 gm per bushel)2390 gms(140 gm per bushel)High Rate 1595gms (94 gm per bushel) Low Rate:High rate-Late spring and summer potting […]
Garden Loam Potting Soil
GARDEN LOAM POTTING SOIL Pass the garden loam through a 1/4 in (0.6 cm) sieve Warm oven to 180 degrees F (82 C) for 10 minutes Place on center rack Place foil over tray and make sure the soil reaches the above temperature. Use a meat thermometer Potting soils using garden loam Potting soils should be placed through a sieve […]
A. Knutson Potting mix
A. Knutson Potting mix Cuttings: I use composted manure mixed with sawdust to root cuttings in — it works great; don’t need rooting hormones. I use a 50:50 vermiculite/peat mix to start seeds Transplants and containers: 1/3 composted manure, 1/3 sandy loam, 1/3 peat moss Articles Grow Delphiniums from Seed Container Gardening Recipes Garden Loam Potting Soil John Innes […]
Orchid Potting Mix
Orchid Potting Mix 1 part peat moss 6 parts fir bark 1 part medium grade charcoal Articles Grow Delphiniums from Seed Container Gardening Recipes Garden Loam Potting Soil John Innes Potting Compost Orchid Potting Mix Cacti Potting Mix Alpines Potting Mix Shade Potting Mix Cutting Potting mix A. Knutson Potting mixes CORNELL MIXES Cornell Peat-lite Mix Cornell Foliage Plant Mix […]
Provided is a list of annuals and perennials that grow well in very poor soil. If addtional infromation is required about the plant, please use the search feature on the page. Bartonia (Mentzelia aurea) Were it not for the straggling growth, Barlonia aurea (Menlzelia lindleyi) would be a much more popular annual. The glistening, Poppy-like flowers are golden and are […]
Digging the Garden Soil
The various operations carried out on the soil by the use of a space are all known as digging. The general purpose is to break up the soil to improve its physical nature, rendering it more suitable for supporting plant life. Digging is generally carried out in the autumn and winter when solidly compact soil can be broken up and […]
Potting soil for Delphinums
Potting Soil for Delphiniums John Innes Potting Compost Seed compost: 2 parts sterilised loam 1 part moss peat 1 part sharp sand The loam and peat is put through in 3/8 in (9mm) sieve. To each bushel (8gal/36l) is added: 1.5 oz (42gm) superphosphate 3/5 oz (21gm) ground limestone Potting Compost: 7 parts sterilised loam 3 parts moss peat 2 […]