Growing Sweet Peas, Annual Flower Information

The Sweet Peas of our gardens delight us while they provoke us. We sincerely wish that they might bloom for a longer time, yet they are an unqualified joy when they are in flower. Many thoughts arise in the minds of true Sweet Pea lovers. For Instance, Helen Milman, writes: “I think the Sweet Pea is a frivolous flower and […]

Annual Flowers – Try growing them form seed

Try growing them from seed and enjoy producing miracles of color. Classes Annuals may be classified according to the time that their seeds may be safely sown. There are many annuals, which are sometimes known under the rather misleading name of “hardy annuals.” These plants are not hardy in the sense that the plants themselves live through the winter, but […]

Plant care Centaurea – Cornflower and Sweet-sultan, Annual Flower Information

CENTAUREA . Cornflower and Sweet-sultan (Name derived from a certain centaur that was famous for his ability as a healer) There is a vast array of Centaureas, both annuals and perennial. All of them have more or less thistle-like flowers. SPECIES. Cornflower (Bachelor-button) (Frenchpink) (Bluebottle) (Keiserbloom) (Ragged-sailor) (Bluet). Cenfaurea cyanus. A popular blue, purple, rose or white sort. The double […]

LEPTOSYNE, Annual Flower Information

LEPTOSYNE (Greek for slenderness) A Daisy-like flower related to Coreopsis, Leplosyne stillmani, grows 18 inches tall. The flowers are golden yellow, 2 inches to 3 inches across; the tips of the ray florets are 3-lobed. The foliage is very finely cut. Where to Plant. The flowers have long stems for cutting, and last well in water. GENERAL. Sow the seeds […]

Purple Ragwort – SENECIO (Jacobaea) Purple Groundsel, Annual Flower Information

Purple Ragwort – SENECIO (Jacobaea) – Purple Groundsel (Latin from senex, old man, refers to gray pappus of seeds) In English gardens one finds a lovely dwarf annual listed as a Jacobaea, Senecio elegans, which grows less than 18 inches tall and is completely covered with double purple, crimson or white flowers, not unlike a double Cineraria of the greenhouse. […]

How to use Annual Flowers for Special Environment

Not all annuals can just be planted in the soil and hope for the best. Most annuals have a special purpose and function in the garden environment. Think about your garden and understand how you can use the annual flower. Enclosed are several options you can use for your annual flowers. Hardy annuals for Autumn Sowing in the open Alyssum, […]

27 Annual flowers garden design you can plant.

Annuals are easy to grow, but we need a little help finding a great plan to follow.  Enclosed is a design supporting 27 annual flowers. 1. Cosmos Primrose 2. zinnia Calif. Giant. Lemon Queen 3. Scabiosa tall double Cherry Red 4. Snapdragon Sentinel Commander 5. Marigold Golden Fluffy 6. Gloriosa Daisy 7. Celosia Flaming Fire 8. Celosia Golden Fleece 9. […]

Plant care for Chrysanthemum annual, Annual Flower Information

CHRYSANTHEMUM, ANNUAL (French Marguerite) (Crowndaisy) (Name derived from chrysos, golden; anthos flower, refers to fact that some species are yellow) The Annual Chrysanthemums are popular in England, but not well known here although they grow nicely in the United States. The most popular sorts are: Chrysanthemum coronarium, the Crowndaisy, or Garland C., which grows 3 feet tall and is typically […]

PERILLA, Annual Flower Information

PERILLA Perilla is mentioned here because in years past it was a great favorite as a foliage plant. The leaves are dark purple and have a metallic luster causing the plant to resemble a Coleus. It grows about 1/2 feet tall. The pinkish flowers, in form like those of Catnip, are inconspicuous. Perilla frutescens is the species but there are […]

SILENE – Catchfly, Annual Flower Information

SILENE – Catchfly (From the Greek for saliva, referring to the stickiness of the stems of some species) The Sweet-William Catchfly, Silene armeria, is a little known but worthy annual and grows 1 to 2 feet tall. The flowers are delicate pink or rose-colored, and are produced in compound cymes, each flower with a short stem, thus differing from a […]