South America Hardiness Zone Map

A hardiness zone is a defined geographical area in which a specific category of plant life can grow, according to the climatic conditions, including its ability to withstand certain minimum temperatures of the zone. For example, a plant is described as “resistant to zone 10” which means that the plant can withstand a minimum temperature of -1°C (30 F). A […]

Plant Hardiness Zone Map

What are hardiness zones? It seems every gardening book and nursery catalog refers to plant hardiness zones, also known as climate zones or growing zones. If you’re new to gardening, you may be wondering what all the fuss is with these zones, and how to find out which zone you are gardening in. Basically, plant hardiness zones are a guide […]

A Guide to America’s Hardiness Zones

A gardener in Pheonix, Arizona, and a gardener in Bangor, Maine has vastly different gardening quandaries. It should go without saying that a region’s climate has a profound impact on its gardens; the temperature, the humidity, the precipitation, and more affect the region in the short and long term, so gardeners need to fully understand their climate to keep their […]

Australian Hardiness Planting Zones

Australian Hardiness Planting Zones This map is from the Australian Government Bureau or Meteorology . Hardiness zones are a way of classifying areas based on their average minimum winter temperatures. In Australia, there are 10 hardiness zones, ranging from zone 1 (the coldest) to zone 10 (the warmest). These zones are used to help gardeners determine which plants are likely […]

Winter Protection for Plants

Winter Protection for Plants In winter, low temperatures as well as too intense light, lack of water (when the soil is frozen the moisture in it cannot be absorbed by the roots), and wind may cause damage. Some harm is directly due to the effects of below freezing temperatures on the tissues of tender plants; other damage is indirect—for example, […]

How to protect Plants from sun, heat and winter.

Many cultural practices have as their objectives the protection of plants from conditions and enemies that are likely to harm them. Among the most important of these are excessive cold, too high temperatures, sun, snow, water and wind, as well as diseases, insects, birds, animals, humans and weeds. Plant protection from “us’ or your neighbor is usually best achieved by […]

Plant Protection from Sun and Heat

Plant protection from Sun and Heat The gardener must at times give plants protection against too intense light and against excessively high temperatures. Damage from intense light is most likely to occur when naturally shade-loving plants are exposed to direct, strong sunshine; when sun-loving plants, comparatively soft and tender from being grown in a greenhouse or cold frame, are transferred […]

China Plant Hardiness Zone Map

China Plant Hardiness Zone Map Map by Mark P. Widrlechner, USDA-ARS North Central Regional Plant Introduction Station, Ames, Iowa. For more information, or to request a laminated hard copy of this map, please contact us at 515-294-3511 or send e-mail messages to

Africa Plant Hardiness Zone Map

Africa Plant Hardiness Zone Map Africa plant hardiness zones for gardeners. This map is based on the USDA Hardiness Zone Map, and the map covers Africa which ranges from Zone 2a to Zone 10b. If you live outside North America You can roughly translate the USDA hardiness zones by finding out how low your area’s temperatures can reach, and then […]