Plant care for Browallia (Amethyst), Annual Flower Information

Plant care for Browallia (Amethyst), Annual Flower Information

BROWALLIA (Amethyst)

(An interesting story is told of the naming of the Browallia. Linnaeus was greatly pleased and elated with the ability of Bishop Browall as a botanist and accordingly named a species for him, Browallia elata, but at a later date he changed his opinion of the bishop and also the name of the plant to B. demissa)

The blue flowers of the Browallias have served to make them desired garden flowers and plants for pot culture.

SPECIES. Browallia speciosa (major) grows about 18 inches tall as usually grown in pots. The flowers are violet blue, 11/2 inches to 2 inches across.

Browallia elata (demissa) (americana) also has violet-blue flowers but they are about half the size of the above species. A white variety is less showy but quite desirable.

Both sorts are profuse flowering; being related to Petunias, they resemble them in the method of flower production. When these plants are crowded they will bloom when only an inch and a half tall. They are well planted among Calendulas, in which combination they furnish an interesting contrast in colors.

GENERAL. Sow B. elata when the soil has warmed up slightly in the Spring. If the bed is protected over Winter the plants often self-sow. Let the plants stand 6 inches apart. If some plants are pinched they will branch out nicely, remain dwarf and bloom later in the season.

Seed of Browallia speciosa should be planted in late Summer, sowing several seeds in a pot. This will ensure Winter bloom

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