CONVOLVULUS Dwarf Convolvulus
(Dwarf Morning-glory)
(Latin meaning to twine)
These plants deserve wider acquaintance. They are not strictly Morning glories because the flowers are open all day in good weather. They also differ from the climbing sorts in that each flower is usually of three colors: The main part is either blue, pink, or purple; the center is yellow, and there is a band of white between the center and the expanded part. The specific part of the botanical name, Convolvulus tricolor (minor) refers to these three colors. The plants are usually only a foot tall.
USE. The Dwarf Morning glory is excellent for a low edging mass or for hanging baskets. It cannot be used in the same way as Sweet Alyssum, because the plants are not compact, but spread over an area of several feet. They are constantly in bloom and produce an excellent effect at the base of taller plants. In wet seasons they are somewhat apt to damp-off.
GENERAL. Sow the seed in the border in May, or even earlier, and thin out the seedlings later so that they stand a foot apart. They are not readily transplanted. They delight in full sunshine.
Information on 50+ annual flowers