The word “Daisy”? was formerly written Day’s Eye, and the Daisies are really well named, for there is no season in the garden when some sort of Daisy is not in bloom.
The Shasta Daisy, Chrysanthemum maximum, is like a field Daisy seen through a magnifying glass. Most of us like the bright, Daisy-like flowers, and we are delighted with the Shasta Daisy because it blooms so freely and has long stems useful for cutting. As garden subjects, they are low-growing and are charming for use as edging plants. They are readily propagated both by seeds and by division of the plants. Dampness in the Winter, not cold, injures them. If a light covering of straw is given during the Winter they will be well protected, but a thick covering will do more harm than good.
The Giant Daisy (Chrysanthemum uliginosum) has a white flower but differs from the field Daisy in that the plants are 4 feet to 7 feet tall. They are propagated by seeds or division and it is said that they bloom the first year from seed. They are good background perennials and are also useful for cut flowers. Low, moist places are ideal for this Daisy. They are successfully naturalized.