Bedding plants Attractive for spring and summer display

BEDDING PLANTS Gardeners use the term bedding plants to denote a large number of plants which provide floral displays of a more or less temporary character, rarely exceeding six months, often for a shorter time. Some are annuals, others biennials or perennials, but they occupy a prominent position only for a part of the year; at other times they are […]

Flower Bulbs Learn, Plant and where to grow

Flowering Bulbs A bulb is a specialized form of underground bud containing, in an undeveloped condition, the rudiments of all parts of the complete flowering plant which will develop from it. These include the flower bud and foliage leaves, which are mounted on a thick flat stem bearing the beginnings of the roots on its lower surface. In addition, the […]

Flower Problems Questions with Answers

Problems with Flowers Roses Bulbs and corms Dahlias Heathers Shrubs and conifers Bedding plants Herbaceous borders Sweet peas Hanging baskets Tubs and similar containers (a) ROSES Q. Some of my yellow varieties of bush Hybrid Tea roses die in winter. Why is this and can anything be done about it? A. Some yellow varieties like Lydia are not as winter […]

Growing and Collecting Cacti

The growing and collecting of cacti has been a popular hobby in this country for many years. Their varied shapes and colors together with the colored spines make them fascinating and their spectacular flowers are an added interest for the grower. Some of the larger types may not flower in this country owing to the lack of intense sunshine, but […]

Growers Guide for Geum Plants

A genus of hardy herbaceous perennials, some of which are useful border plants, the dwarf species are good rock garden plants. Several are natives of the British Isles but those valued for gardens are from Europe, South America, and the Near East. From the Greek geno, to impart an agreeable flavor, referring to the aromatic roots of some species (Rosaceae). […]

Planting plants in pots

There are several important stages in the cultivation of a plant and one of these is the planting of plants in pots. This is known as potting. The move is dictated by the vigor of the plant, especially in its root system. Once it outgrows its original soil area in a pot it is necessary to provide more room for […]

Growers Guide for Cassia Shrub

Mostly evergreen shrubs, chiefly from tropical America, belonging to the Pea family, Leguminosae. They grow from 6-50 ft. in height, have pinnate, dark green, glossy leaves, and bear golden-yellow flowers in terminal clusters in summer. Cassia is from the original Greek name Kasia. Most Cassias are hardy outdoors in the far South only. There they grow freely in light, well-drained […]

Growers Guide for Spiderwort – Tradescantia

Commemorating John Tradescant (died 1637), gardener to Charles I (Commelinaceae). A genus of 60 species of hardy perennial and greenhouse plants from North America and tropical South America. The hardy varieties are commonly called spiderwort, flower of a day, Moses-in-the-bulrushes, or devil-in-the pulpit. According to some botanists thegarden plants grown under the name Tradescantia virginiana belonging to a hybrid group […]

Seaside Gardening Plants

The almost constant enemies of seaside gardening are wind, salt and sand. Frost, however, is neither so prolonged nor so severe on the coast as it is inland, and seaside gardeners have been able to grow many frost-tender plants in the milder climate of their coastal gardens. Inland gardeners have little idea how powerful is the effect of coastal wind […]

Growers Guide for Bee Balm – Monarda Plant

Named after a sixteenth-century Spanish physician and botanist, Nicholas Monardes (Labiatae). A small genus of annual and perennial herbs from North America, with fragrant leaves and flowers, related to Salvia. The leaves are nettle-like, and the flowers have a spiky appearance and are clustered together in whorls: the color ranges from white through pink, mauve, and purple to red. Species […]