Roses are the staple in many gardens and have been for centuries, with wild roses having an even longer history. Heirloom roses are lush, fragrant roses with varieties that can be grown in different climates from warm to mild. Hybrid modern roses are very hardy, having been bred for colour, size, shape and fragrance. Here we look at how to plant and grow roses.
A natural rose all year
Roses bloom from spring to summer, but there is a way to have a natural rose at home all year round. Eternity roses are exquisite natural roses dipped in 24 karat gold, pure platinum or pure silver, and glazed roses trimmed with 24K gold. Picked at a time of perfect bloom, the natural roses are then put through a three-month process in which they are first preserved into that one moment of time before 60 additional stages of preparation and the final product gold rose. These roses can adorn your home in a display case and can become a family heirloom as they will last for many generations.
Roses can be bought as either bare-root roses or as container-grown roses. Bare-root roses are usually only available from about November to March. They are usually planted as soon as they are received or kept in slightly moist compost until the ground is no longer frozen and they can be planted. Bare root roses will need to be soaked for eight to 12 hours before planting. Container-grown roses are available all year round, having been grown for a season or more, which makes them more expensive.
Roses need to be planted in soil prepared with well-rotted organic matter mixed into the top 20-30cm. Plant where they will receive at least five or six hours of full sun each day, in a hole double the wide of the plant’s roots and the depth of a spade blade.
Roses need well-drained soil. If the soil has too much clay, the roots can become waterlogged, but soil can be corrected to the right pH level, which for roses is between 5.5 and 7. Acidic soil can be made more alkaline with the addition of limestone, whilst sulphur can make the soil more acidic.
Roses also need space, so keep some distance between each bush so air can circulate to reduce any risk of mildew.
When ready, each cane should be pruned back to between three and five buds per cane. Each cane should be thicker than a pencil or should be discarded. Container roses need the roots loosened before planting and then thoroughly water when planted.
Growing roses
A rose fertiliser, as well as well-rotted organic matter up to 8cm deep, should be added each spring, and if growth slows, another feed can be applied in mid-summer. The rose bushes should be well watered in dry spells for at least two summers after planting
Phosphorus promotes flowering and compost of banana skins or alfalfa either as a liquid or pellet feed works well, with the latter providing not just phosphorus but also nitrogen, calcium, iron and other nutrients to promote plant growth. There are also several commercial feeds specifically for healthy roses.
Pruning roses
Modern roses need little pruning. In spring, remove all leaves so you can see the structure of the bush. This removes any hibernating pests or disease. Then cut all dead wood back to the base and remove any growth thinner than a pencil. Prune by cutting 0.5cm to 1.2cm above a leaf eye at a 45-degree angle and protect newly cut canes from disease.